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This package provides a single function cast_file that generates the asciinema live coding from your Julia source code.

Show case: The Yao Tutorial:


This package can be installed by opening a Julia REPL and typing:

julia> using Pkg; Pkg.add("AsciinemaGenerator")


  1. Prepare a Julia source file, e.g. examples/yao/yao-v0.8.jl. Please check the Source file Syntax section for the supported syntax.
  2. Run the following code in a Julia REPL:
    julia> using AsciinemaGenerator
    #  Please type `?cast_file` to get help on configurable parameters.
    julia> cast_file("examples/yao/yao-v0.8.jl";
    The generated .cast file is examples/yao/yao-v0.8.cast. Please make sure the required packages are installed in the current environment.
  3. Preview the generated .cast file by either
    1. locally: install python package asciinema with: pip install asciinema and type asciinema play <path-to-cast-file> in a terminal, or
    2. over web: upload your cast file to the public domain, e.g. the GitHub, then open the url: (replace the url-to-cast-file with your own cast file url).

Source file syntax

We use comments to control the play speed.

  1. Wait for a certain time: #+ int (space required). The following example will wait for 5 seconds before executing the next line.

    #+ 5
  2. Change settings: #s key1=value1; key2=value2; ... (space required). The following example will set the delay to 1 second and the output row delay to 0.3 second. Please check ?cast_file for the supported settings.

    #s delay=1.0; output_row_delay=0.3


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or a pull request if you have any suggestions or find any bugs.