AsciinemaGenerator.cast_file โ€” Method
        mod::Module = @__MODULE__,
        start_delay::Float64 = 0.5,
        randomness::Float64 = 0.0,
        output_file = nothing,

        # initial values for statement configuration
        delay::Float64 = 0.2,
        prompt_delay::Float64 = 0.5,
        char_delay::Float64 = 0.05,
        output_row_delay::Float64 = 0.005,
        output_delay::Float64 = 0.5,

    ) -> String

Convert a Julia file to a .cast file that can be played by asciinema. The return value is a string as the content of the .cast file.

Keyword Arguments

The following keyword arguments are for global configurations,

  • mod is the module to execute the input Julia script.

  • output_file is the .cast file as output, the default value nothing for not generating a file.

  • start_delay is time delay before running the first statement.

  • width and height are the width and height of the terminal.

  • randomness is the uncertainty in the time delay.

  • if show_julia_version is true, show Julia welcome page.

  • if show_pkg_statusis true, show package status at the begining.

  • if tada is true, show ๐ŸŽ‰ at the end of the show.

The following keyword arguments are for the initial statement-wise configurations,

  • prompt_delay is the time delay between julia> and the statement input.
  • char_delay is the time delay between typing two chars.
  • output_delay is time delay between the input and the output of a statement.
  • output_row_delay is time delay between rows of the output of a statement.
  • delay is time delay after running a statement.


julia> using AsciinemaGenerator

julia> output_file = tempname()

julia> cast_file(joinpath("test/test_input.jl"); output_file, mod=Main);

shell> asciinema play /tmp/jl_g7aZCDUbC7

The last line plays the clip, please refer the Play section of this docstring.

Input file

The statement-wise arguments can also be specify in the input Julia source file. e.g.

shell> cat test/test_input.jl
@show "Hello"

using Pkg

#: Waiting for 5 seconds
#+ 5
#s delay=1.0; output_row_delay=0.3

println("haa"); Pkg.status()

Lines starting with #s are for setting parameters, different assign statements should be separated by ;. Lines starting with #+ are for inserting an extra time delay. Other lines starting with # are regular comments, which will also be shown in the .cast file!


To install asciinema, please check the official site. One can also deploy the .cast file in a website, please check the demo folder in the demo branch of this repo for a minimum Franklin static site example.