
BHA element object

BHA element object


Element(length, id, od, npind)


* `length`      : Length of element
* `id`             : Inside diameter
* `od`            : Outside diameter
* `npind`       : Index (row no) in property array

MeshRecord object

Nodal mesh data generated from segments, etc

This structure is used to generate the PtFEM input data

MeshRecord()      : Created an initialized MeshRecord

A mesh consistst of an Array{MeshRecord, 1}

The properties matrix is an Array{Floet64, 2}(no of collar/pipe segments, 4)

Each row in the properties matrix contains ea, eiy, eiz and gj.


* `x::Float64`                   : x coordinate (along borehole)
* `y::Float64`                   : y coordinate
* `clearance::Float64`     : Clearance between od bha & bore hole wall
* `npType::Int`                 : Index into properties for element
* `seg::Int`                       : Element is part of segment `seg`
* `fx::Float64`                  : External force in x direction
* `fy::Float64`                  : External force in y direction
* `mx::Float64`                : External moment in x direction
* `my::Float64`                : External moment in y direction
* `eqfx::Float64`              : External equivalent force in x direction
* `eqfy::Float64`              : External equivalent force in y direction
* `eqmx::Float64`            : External equivalent moment in x direction
* `eqmy::Float64`            : External equivalent moment in y direction

The equivalent forces and moments correct the actions for distributed loads and moment (see figure 4.21 in PtFEM)

Node object

Node: Node object


Node(z, x, y, tvd, xvert, inclination, deltainclination, dip, 
   holeradius, stringradius, fc, clearance, weight)
* dip  : Angle [Radians] from horizon
* inclination : Angle [Radians] from vertical


* `bharadius`         : String radius
* `weight`              : Weight (force)
* `fc`                      : Friction coefficient

Trajectory(depth, inclination, diameter): Definition of well trajectory record.


depth ::Float64 # Distance from surface, along bore hole, in [ft] inclination ::Float64 # Inclination from vertical, in [radians]

diameter ::Float74 # Hole diameter, in [inch]