CNOT-like Purification Gates

As a reminder, we have the following basis states (written in binary, in decimal, and as list of stabilizers):

00 = 0 = +XX

01 = 1 = +XX

10 = 2 = -XX

11 = 3 = -XX

If we consider purification circuits that preserve the 00 state, the majority of useful gates in purification circuits can be written in the form:

Above the entangled pairs are qubit 1&3 and qubits 2&4.

The main property of this type of circuits is that they always map the "good" state to itself, while they permute the rest of the Bell basis states.

The $h_a\otimes h_b$ (and $f_a\otimes f_b$) can be one of the six permutations of 01, 10, 11, implemented by single-qubit Clifford gates. There are 6 possible such operations. The hard-coded CNOT gate provides the necessary entangling.

These gates are implemented as CNOTPerm.

The 6 permutations (i.e. the gates $h_a\otimes h_b$ and $f_a\otimes f_b$) are:

julia> BPGates.good_perm_tuple((1, 2, 3, 4), (1, 2, 4, 3), (1, 3, 2, 4), (1, 3, 4, 2), (1, 4, 2, 3), (1, 4, 3, 2))

The gates represented as Clifford operations are:

TODO finish this listing