This library implements the method described in Szep, G. Dalchau, N. and Csikasz-Nagy, A. 2021. Parameter Inference with Bifurcation Diagrams using parameter continuation library BifurcationKit.jl
and auto-differentiation ForwardDiff.jl
. This implementation enables continuation methods can be used as layers in machine learning proceedures, and inference can be run end-to-end directly on the geometry of state space.
Basic Usage
The model definition requires a distpatched method on F(z::BorderedArray,θ::AbstractVector)
where BorderedArray
is a type that contains the state vector u
and control condition p
used by the library BifurcationKit.jl
. θ
is a vector of parameters to be optimised.
using BifurcationInference, StaticArrays
F(z::BorderedArray,θ::AbstractVector) = F(z.u,(θ=θ,p=z.p))
function F(u::AbstractVector,parameters::NamedTuple)
@unpack θ,p = parameters
μ₁,μ₂, a₁,a₂, k = θ
f = first(u)*first(p)*first(θ)
F = similar(u,typeof(f))
F[1] = ( 10^a₁ + (p*u[2])^2 ) / ( 1 + (p*u[2])^2 ) - u[1]*10^μ₁
F[2] = ( 10^a₂ + (k*u[1])^2 ) / ( 1 + (k*u[1])^2 ) - u[2]*10^μ₂
return F
The targets are specified with StateSpace( dimension::Integer, condition::AbstractRange, targets::AbstractVector )
. It contains the dimension of the state space, which must match that of the defined model, the control condition range that we would like to perform the continuation method in, and a vector of target conditions we would like to match.
X = StateSpace( 2, 0.01:0.01:10, [4,5] )
The optimisation needs to be initialised using a NamedTuple
containing the initial guess for θ
and the initial value p
from which to begin the continuation.
using Flux: Optimise
parameters = ( θ=SizedVector{5}(0.5,0.5,0.5470,2.0,7.5), p=minimum(X.parameter) )
train!( F, parameters, X; iter=200, optimiser=Optimise.ADAM(0.01) )