Temperature dependence

Disclaimer: This set of functions is tested but not guaranteed to work for some parameter sets. We recommend that you use your own functions for calculating biological rates if you are using temperature dependence and then pass the values to the parameter object as follow:

A = [0 1 0 ; 0 0 1 ; 0 0 0] #linear food chain
# Boltzmann scaling for handling time 
function ScaleHandling(m, T, A) #m = mass, T = temperature in Kelvins, A = interaction matrix
    h0 = exp(9.66)
    βres = -0.45
    βcons = 0.47
    Eh = 0.26
    T0 = 293.15
    k = 8.617332E-5
    boltz = exp(Eh * ((T0-T)/(k*T*T0)))
    hij = zeros(length(m), length(m))
    for i in eachindex(m) #i = rows => consumers
      for j in eachindex(m) #j = cols => resources
        mcons = m[i] ^ βcons #mass scaled for cons
        mres = m[j] ^ βres #mass scaled for res
        hij[i,j] = h0 * mres * mcons * boltz
    hij = hij .* A
    return hij
#build the parameter object
p = model_parameters(A, functional_response = :classical)
#interaction specific handling times at 30C
handling_time = ScaleHandling(p[:bodymass], 30+273.15, A)
p[:ht] = handling_time 

Both organisms biological rates and body sizes can be set to be temperature dependent, using respectively different temperature dependence functions for biological rates and different temperature size rules for body sizes. This effect of temperature can be integrated in the bioenergetic model using one of the functions described below. However, note that these functions should only be used when the user has a good understanding of the system modelled as some functions, under certain conditions, can lead to an erratic behavior of the bioenergetic model (instability, negative rates, etc.).

Temperature dependence for biological rates

The default behavior of the model will always be to assume that none of the biological rates are affected by temperature. If you wish to implement temperature dependence however, you can use one of the following functions:

  • extended Eppley function (Bernhardt et al., 2018)
  • exponential Boltzmann Arrhenius function
  • extended Boltzmann Arrhenius function
  • Gaussian function

These functions determine the shape of the thermal curves used to scale the biological rates with temperature.

Nota The exponential Boltzmann Arrhenius function is the most documented in the litterature, hence parameters have been measured for the different biological rates (conversely to other functions that are less used, or more specific to a type of organism). We thus encourage to choose the Boltzmann Arrhenius function when using the default parameters provided in the package, as parameters are better supported in the litterature.

General example

Each of the biological rates (growth, metabolism, attack rate and handling time) is defined as a keyword in model_parameters. Simply specify the function you want to use as the corresponding value (and the temperature of the system in degrees Kelvin):

A = [0 1 0 ; 0 0 1 ; 0 0 0]
p = model_parameters(A, T = 290.0,
                     growthrate = ExtendedEppley(:growth),
                     metabolicrate = Gaussian(:metabolism),
                     handlingtime = ExponentialBA(:handlingtime),
                     attackrate = ExtendedBA(:attackrate))

Extended Eppley

Note that rates can be negative (outside of the thermal range) when using the extended Eppley function.

Bernhardt et al. (2018) proposed an extension of the original model of Eppley (1972). Following this extension the thermal performance curve of rate $q_i$ of species $i$ is defined by the equation:

\[q_i(T) = M_i^\beta * m0 * exp(b * T) * (1 - (\frac{T - T_{\text{opt}}}{\text{range}/2})^2)\]

Where $M_i$ is the body mass of species $i$ and T is the temperature in degrees Kelvin. The default parameters values are described for each rate below.

Note that this function has originially been documented for phytoplankton growth rate in Eppley 1972. Although its shape is general and may be used for other organisms, parameters should be changed accordingly.

Growth rate

For the growth rate, the parameters values are set to:

ParameterKeywordMeaningDefault valuesReferences
$β$βallometric exponent-0.25Gillooly et al. 2002
$m0$maxrate_0maximum growth rate observed at 273.15 K0.81Eppley 1972
$b$eppley_exponentexponential rate of increase0.0631Eppley 1972
$z$zlocation of the inflexion point of the function298.15NA
$\text{range}$rangethermal breadth (range within which the rate is positive)35NA

To use this function, initialize model_parameters() with ExtendedEppley(:growthrate) for the keyword growthrate:

A = [0 1 0 ; 0 0 1 ; 0 0 0] #linear food chain
p = model_parameters(A, growthrate = ExtendedEppley(:growthrate), T = 290.0) #default parameters values
# change the parameters values for the allometric exponent using a named tuple
p_newvalues = model_parameters(A, growthrate = ExtendedEppley(:growthrate, parameters_tuple = (β = -0.21,)), T = 290.0)

Metabolic rate

We use the same function as above for the metabolic rate, with the added possibility to have different parameters values for producers, vertebrates and invertebrates. The defaults are initially set to the same values for all metabolic types (see table above), but can be changed independently (see example below).

A = [0 1 0 ; 0 0 1 ; 0 0 0] #linear food chain
p = model_parameters(A, metabolicrate = ExtendedEppley(:metabolicrate), T = 290.0) #default parameters values
# change the parameters values for the allometric exponent using a named tuple
p_newvalues = model_parameters(A, metabolicrate = ExtendedEppley(:metabolicrate, parameters_tuple = (range_producer = 30, range_invertebrate = 40, range_vertebrate = 25)), T = 290.0)

Exponential Boltzmann Arrhenius

The Boltzmann Arrhenius model, following the Metabolic Theory in Ecology, describes the scaling of a biological rate ($q$) with temperature by:

\[q_i(T) = q_0 * M^\beta_i * exp(E-\frac{T_0 - T}{kT_0T})\]

Where $q_0$ is the organisms state-dependent scaling coefficient, calculated for 1g at 20 degrees Celsius (273.15 degrees Kelvin), β is the rate specific allometric scaling exponent, $E$ is the activation energy in $eV$ (electronvolts) of the response, $T_0$ is the normalization temperature and $k$ is the Boltzmann constant ($8.617 10^{-5} eV.K^{-1}$). As for all other equations, $T$ is the temperature and $M_i$ is the typical adult body mass of species $i$.

Nota In many papers, the logarithm of the scaling constant $q_0$ is provided. When using those parameters, you should then give the exponential of $q_0$ (exp($q_0$)) in the parameters.

Growth rate

For the growth rate, the parameters values are set to:

ParameterKeywordMeaningDefault valuesReferences
$r_0$norm_constantgrowth dependent scaling coefficient-exp(15.68)Savage et al. 2004, Binzer et al. 2012
$\beta_i$βallometric exponent-0.25Savage et al. 2004, Binzer et al. 2012
$E$activation_energyactivation energy-0.84Savage et al. 2004, Binzer et al. 2012
$T_0$T0normalization temperature (Kelvins)293.15Binzer et al. 2012

To use this function, initialize model_parameters() with ExponentialBA(:growthrate) for the keyword growthrate:

A = [0 1 0 ; 0 0 1 ; 0 0 0] #linear food chain
p = model_parameters(A, growthrate = ExponentialBA(:growthrate), T = 290.0) #default parameters values
# change the parameters values for the allometric exponent using a named tuple
p_newvalues = model_parameters(A, growthrate = ExponentialBA(:growthrate, parameters_tuple = (β = -0.21,)), T = 290.0)

Metabolic rate

For the metabolic rate, the parameters values can be different for each metabolic types (producers, invertebrates and vertebrates). The defaults are initially set to the same value for all metabolic types (see table below), but can be changed independently (see example below).

For the metabolic rate, the parameters values are set to:

ParameterKeywordMeaningDefault valuesReferences
$r_0$norm_constant_invertebrategrowth dependent scaling coefficient-exp(16.54)Ehnes et al. 2011, Binzer et al. 2012
$r_0$norm_constant_vertebrategrowth dependent scaling coefficient-exp(16.54)Ehnes et al. 2011, Binzer et al. 2012
$\beta_i$β_invertebrateallometric exponent-0.31Ehnes et al. 2011
$\beta_i$β_vertebrateallometric exponent-0.31Ehnes et al. 2011
$E$activation_energy_invertebrateactivation energy-0.69Ehnes et al. 2011, Binzer et al. 2012
$E$activation_energy_vertebrateactivation energy-0.69Ehnes et al. 2011, Binzer et al. 2012
$T_0$T0_invertebratenormalization temperature (Kelvins)293.15Binzer et al. 2012
$T_0$T0_vertebratenormalization temperature (Kelvins)293.15Binzer et al. 2012
A = [0 1 0 ; 0 0 1 ; 0 0 0] #linear food chain
p = model_parameters(A, metabolicrate = ExponentialBA(:metabolicrate), T = 290.0) #default parameters values
# change the parameters values for the allometric exponent using a named tuple
p_newvalues = model_parameters(A, metabolicrate = ExponentialBA(:metabolicrate, parameters_tuple = (T0_producer = 293.15, T0_invertebrate = 300.15, T0_vertebrate = 300.15)), T = 290.0)

Attack rate

The attack rate is defined not for each species but for each interacting pair. As such, the body-mass scaling depends on the masses of both the consumer and its resource and the allometric exponent can be different for producers, vertebrates and invertebrates. However, the temperature scaling affects only the consumers, thus, the parameters involved can be defined differently only for vertebrates and invertebrates. For more details, see the table below.

Note: The body-mass allometric scaling (originally defined as $M_i^\beta$) becomes $M_{j}^{\beta_{j}} * M_{k}^{\beta_{k}}$ where $j$ is the consumer and $k$ its resource.

ParameterKeywordMeaningDefault valuesReferences
$r_0$norm_constant_invertebrategrowth dependent scaling coefficient-exp(13.1)Rall et al. 2012, Binzer et al. 2016
$r_0$norm_constant_vertebrategrowth dependent scaling coefficient-exp(13.1)Rall et al. 2012, Binzer et al. 2016
$\beta_i$β_producerallometric exponent0.25Rall et al. 2012, Binzer et al. 2016
$\beta_i$β_invertebrateallometric exponent-0.8Rall et al. 2012, Binzer et al. 2016
$\beta_i$β_vertebrateallometric exponent-0.8Rall et al. 2012, Binzer et al. 2016
$E$activation_energy_invertebrateactivation energy-0.38Rall et al. 2012, Binzer et al. 2016
$E$activation_energy_vertebrateactivation energy-0.38Rall et al. 2012, Binzer et al. 2016
$T_0$T0_invertebratenormalization temperature (Kelvins)293.15Rall et al. 2012, Binzer et al. 2016
$T_0$T0_vertebratenormalization temperature (Kelvins)293.15Rall et al. 2012, Binzer et al. 2016

To use this function, initialize model_parameters() with ExponentialBA(:attackrate) for the keyword attackrate:

A = [0 1 0 ; 0 0 1 ; 0 0 0] #linear food chain
p = model_parameters(A, attackrate = ExponentialBA(:attackrate), T = 290.0) #default parameters values
# change the parameters values for the allometric exponent using a named tuple
p_newvalues = model_parameters(A, attackrate = ExponentialBA(:attackrate, parameters_tuple = (T0_invertebrate = 300.15, T0_vertebrate = 300.15)), T = 290.0)

Handling time

The handling time is defined not for each species but for each interacting pair. As such, the body-mass scaling depends on the masses of both the consumer and its resource and the allometric exponent can be different for producers, vertebrates and invertebrates. However, the temperature scaling affects only the consumers, thus, the parameters involved can be defined differently only for vertebrates and invertebrates. For more details, see the table below.

Note: The body-mass allometric scaling (originally defined as $M_i^\beta$) becomes $M_{j}^{\beta_{j}} * M_{k}^{\beta_{k}}$ where $j$ is the consumer and $k$ its resource.

ParameterKeywordMeaningDefault valuesReferences
$r_0$norm_constant_invertebrategrowth dependent scaling coefficientexp(9.66)Rall et al. 2012, Binzer et al. 2016
$r_0$norm_constant_vertebrategrowth dependent scaling coefficientexp(9.66)Rall et al. 2012, Binzer et al. 2016
$\beta_i$β_producerallometric exponent-0.45Rall et al. 2012, Binzer et al. 2016
$\beta_i$β_invertebrateallometric exponent0.47Rall et al. 2012, Binzer et al. 2016
$\beta_i$β_vertebrateallometric exponent0.47Rall et al. 2012, Binzer et al. 2016
$E$activation_energy_invertebrateactivation energy0.26Rall et al. 2012, Binzer et al. 2016
$E$activation_energy_vertebrateactivation energy0.26Rall et al. 2012, Binzer et al. 2016
$T_0$T0_invertebratenormalization temperature (Kelvins)293.15Rall et al. 2012, Binzer et al. 2016
$T_0$T0_vertebratenormalization temperature (Kelvins)293.15Rall et al. 2012, Binzer et al. 2016

To use this function, initialize model_parameters() with ExponentialBA(:handlingtime) for the keyword handlingtime:

A = [0 1 0 ; 0 0 1 ; 0 0 0] #linear food chain
p = model_parameters(A, handlingtime = ExponentialBA(:handlingtime), T = 290.0) #default parameters values
# change the parameters values for the allometric exponent using a named tuple
p_newvalues = model_parameters(A, handlingtime = ExponentialBA(:handlingtime, parameters_tuple = (T0_vertebrate = 300.15, β_producer = -0.25)), T = 290.0)

Extended Boltzmann Arrhenius

To describe a more classical unimodal relationship of biological rates with temperature, one can also use the extended Boltzmann Arrhenius function. This is an extension based on the Johnson and Lewin model to describe the decrease in biological rates at higher temperatures (and is still based on chemical reaction kinetics).

\[q_i(T) = exp(q_0) * M^\beta_i * exp(\frac{E}{kT * l(T)})\]

Where $l(T)$ is :

\[l(T) = \frac{1}{1 + exp[\frac{-1}{kT} + (\frac{E_D}{T_{opt}} + k * ln(\frac{E}{E_D - E}))]}\]

Growth rate

For the growth rate, the parameters values are set to:

ParameterKeywordMeaningDefault valuesReferences
$r_0$norm_constantgrowth dependent scaling coefficient$1.8*10^9$NA
$\beta_i$βallometric exponent-0.25Gillooly et al. 2002
$E$activation_energyactivation energy0.53Dell et al 2011
$T_opt$T_opttemperature at which trait value is maximal (Kelvins)298.15NA
$E_D$deactivation_energydeactivation energy1.15Dell et al 2011

To use this function, initialize model_parameters() with ExtendedBA(:growthrate) for the keyword growthrate:

A = [0 1 0 ; 0 0 1 ; 0 0 0] #linear food chain
p = model_parameters(A, growthrate = ExtendedBA(:growthrate), T = 290.0) #default parameters values
# change the parameters values for the allometric exponent using a named tuple
p_newvalues = model_parameters(A, growthrate = ExtendedBA(:growthrate, parameters_tuple = (T_opt = 300.15, )), T = 290.0)

Metabolic rate

For the metabolic rate, the parameters values can be different for each metabolic types (producers, invertebrates and vertebrates). The defaults are initially set to the same value for all metabolic types, but can be changed independently (see example below).

For the metabolic rate, the parameters values are set to:

ParameterKeywordMeaningDefault valuesReferences
$r_0$norm_constant_producergrowth dependent scaling coefficient for producers$1.5*10^9$NA
$r_0$norm_constant_invertebrategrowth dependent scaling coefficient for invertebrates$1.5*10^9$NA
$r_0$norm_constant_vertebrategrowth dependent scaling coefficient for vertebrates$1.5*10^9$NA
$\beta_i$β_producerallometric exponent for producers-0.25Gillooly et al. 2002
$\beta_i$β_invertebrateallometric exponent for invertebrates-0.25Gillooly et al. 2002
$\beta_i$β_vertebrateallometric exponent for vertebrates-0.25Gillooly et al. 2002
$E$activation_energy_produceractivation energy for producers0.53Dell et al 2011
$E$activation_energy_invertebrateactivation energy for invertebrates0.53Dell et al 2011
$E$activation_energy_vertebratesactivation energy for vertebrates0.53Dell et al 2011
$T_opt$T_opt_producertemperature at which trait value is maximal (K) for producers298.15NA
$T_opt$T_opt_invertebratetemperature at which trait value is maximal (K) for invertebrates298.15NA
$T_opt$T_opt_vertebratetemperature at which trait value is maximal (K) for vertebrates298.15NA
$E_D$deactivation_energy_producerdeactivation energy for producers1.15Dell et al 2011
$E_D$deactivation_energy_invertebratedeactivation energy for invertebrates1.15Dell et al 2011
$E_D$deactivation_energy_vertebratedeactivation energy for invertebrates1.15Dell et al 2011
A = [0 1 0 ; 0 0 1 ; 0 0 0] #linear food chain
p = model_parameters(A, metabolicrate = ExtendedBA(:metabolicrate), T = 290.0) #default parameters values
# change the parameters values for the allometric exponent using a named tuple
p_newvalues = model_parameters(A, metabolicrate = ExtendedBA(:metabolicrate, parameters_tuple = (deactivation_energy_vertebrate = 1.02, T_opt_invertebrate = 293.15)), T = 290.0)

Attack rate

The attack rate is defined not for each species but for each interacting pair. As such, the body-mass scaling depends on the masses of both the consumer and its resource and the allometric exponent can be different for producers, vertebrates and invertebrates. However, the temperature scaling affects only the consumers, thus, the parameters involved can be defined differently only for vertebrates and invertebrates. For more details, see the table below.

Note: The body-mass allometric scaling (originally defined as $M_i^\beta$) becomes $M_{j}^{\beta_{j}} * M_{k}^{\beta_{k}}$ where $j$ is the consumer and $k$ its resource.

ParameterKeywordMeaningDefault valuesReferences
$r_0$norm_constant_invertebrategrowth dependent scaling coefficient$5.10^{13}$Bideault et al 2019
$r_0$norm_constant_vertebrategrowth dependent scaling coefficient$5.10^{13}$Bideault et al 2019
$\beta_i$β_producerallometric exponent0.25Gillooly et al., 2002
$\beta_i$β_invertebrateallometric exponent0.25Gillooly et al., 2002
$\beta_i$β_vertebrateallometric exponent0.25Gillooly et al., 2002
$E$activation_energy_invertebrateactivation energy0.8Dell et al 2011
$E$activation_energy_vertebrateactivation energy0.8Dell et al 2011
$E_D$deactivation_energy_invertebratedeactivation energy1.15Dell et al 2011
$E_D$deactivation_energy_vertebratedeactivation energy1.15Dell et al 2011
$T_opt$T_opt_invertebratenormalization temperature (Kelvins)298.15NA
$T_opt$T_opt_vertebratenormalization temperature (Kelvins)298.15NA

To use this function, initialize model_parameters() with ExtendedBA(:attackrate) for the keyword attackrate:

A = [0 1 0 ; 0 0 1 ; 0 0 0] #linear food chain
p = model_parameters(A, attackrate = ExtendedBA(:attackrate), T = 290.0) #default parameters values
# change the parameters values for the allometric exponent using a named tuple
p_newvalues = model_parameters(A, attackrate = ExtendedBA(:attackrate, parameters_tuple = (deactivation_energy_vertebrate = 1.02, T_opt_invertebrate = 293.15))), T = 290.0)


A simple gaussian function (or inverted gaussian function depending on the rate) has also been used in studies to model the scaling of biological rates with temperature. This can be formalized by the following equation:

\[q_i(T) = M_i^\beta * q_{opt} * exp[\pm (\frac{(T - T_{opt})^2}{2s_q^2})]\]

Growth rate

For the organisms growth, the default parameters values are:

ParameterKeywordMeaningDefault valuesReferences
$q_{opt}$'norm_constant'maximal trait value (at $T_{opt}$)1.0NA
$T_{opt}$'T_opt'temperature at which trait value is maximal298.15Amarasekare 2015
$s_q$'range'performance breath (width of function)20Amarasekare 2015
$\beta$'β'allometric exponent-0.25Gillooly et al 2002

To use this function initialize model_parameters() with Gaussian(:growthrate) for the keyword growthrate:

A = [0 1 0 ; 0 0 1 ; 0 0 0] #linear food chain
p = model_parameters(A, growthrate = Gaussian(:growthrate), T = 290.0) #default parameters values
# change the parameters values for the allometric exponent using a named tuple
p_newvalues = model_parameters(A, growthrate = Gaussian(:growthrate, parameters_tuple = (T_opt = 300.15, )), T = 290.0)

Metabolic rate

For the metabolic rate, the parameters values can be different for each metabolic types (producers, invertebrates and vertebrates). The defaults are initially set to the same value for all metabolic types, but can be changed independently (see example below).

For the metabolic rate, the default parameters values are:

ParameterKeywordMeaningDefault valuesReferences
$q_{opt}$'normconstantproducer'maximal trait value (at $T_{opt}$) for producers0.2NA
$q_{opt}$'normconstantinvertebrate'maximal trait value (at $T_{opt}$) for invertebrates0.35NA
$q_{opt}$'normconstantvertebrate'maximal trait value (at $T_{opt}$) for vertebrates0.9NA
$T_{opt}$'Toptproducer'temperature at which trait value is maximal for producers298.15Amarasekare 2015
$T_{opt}$'Toptinvertebrate'temperature at which trait value is maximal for invertebrates298.15Amarasekare 2015
$T_{opt}$'Toptvertebrate'temperature at which trait value is maximal for vertebrates298.15Amarasekare 2015
$s_q$'range_producer'performance breath (width of function) for producers20Amarasekare 2015
$s_q$'range_invertebrate'performance breath (width of function) for invertebrates20Amarasekare 2015
$s_q$'range_vertebrate'performance breath (width of function) for vertebrates20Amarasekare 2015
$\beta$'β_producer'allometric exponent for producers-0.25Gillooly et al 2002
$\beta$'β_invertebrate'allometric exponent for vertebrates-0.25Gillooly et al 2002
$\beta$'β_vertebrate'allometric exponent for vertebrates-0.25Gillooly et al 2002

To use this function initialize model_parameters() with Gaussian(:metabolicrate) for the keyword metabolicrate:

A = [0 1 0 ; 0 0 1 ; 0 0 0] #linear food chain
p = model_parameters(A, metabolicrate = Gaussian(:metabolicrate), T = 290.0) #default parameters values
# change the parameters values for the allometric exponent using a named tuple
p_newvalues = model_parameters(A, metabolicrate = Gaussian(:metabolicrate, parameters_tuple = (T_opt_producer = 293.15, β_invertebrate = -0.3)), T = 290.0)

Attack rate

The attack rate is defined not for each species but for each interacting pair. As such, the body-mass scaling depends on the masses of both the consumer and its resource and the allometric exponent can be different for producers, vertebrates and invertebrates. However, the temperature scaling affects only the consumers, thus, the parameters involved can be defined differently only for vertebrates and invertebrates.

Note: The body-mass allometric scaling (originally defined as $M_i^\beta$) becomes $M_{j}^{\beta_{j}} * M_{k}^{\beta_{k}}$ where $j$ is the consumer and $k$ its resource.

For the attack rate, the default parameters values are:

ParameterKeywordMeaningDefault valuesReferences
$q_{opt}$'normconstantinvertebrate'maximal trait value (at $T_{opt}$) for invertebrates16NA
$q_{opt}$'normconstantvertebrate'maximal trait value (at $T_{opt}$) for vertebrates16NA
$T_{opt}$'Toptinvertebrate'temperature at which trait value is maximal for invertebrates298.15Amarasekare 2015
$T_{opt}$'Toptvertebrate'temperature at which trait value is maximal for vertebrates298.15Amarasekare 2015
$s_q$'range_invertebrate'performance breath (width of function) for invertebrates20Amarasekare 2015
$s_q$'range_vertebrate'performance breath (width of function) for vertebrates20Amarasekare 2015
$\beta$'β_producer'allometric exponent for producers-0.25Gillooly et al 2002
$\beta$'β_invertebrate'allometric exponent for vertebrates-0.25Gillooly et al 2002
$\beta$'β_vertebrate'allometric exponent for vertebrates-0.25Gillooly et al 2002

To use this function initialize model_parameters() with Gaussian(:attackrate) for the keyword attackrate:

A = [0 1 0 ; 0 0 1 ; 0 0 0] #linear food chain
p = model_parameters(A, attackrate = Gaussian(:attackrate), T = 290.0) #default parameters values
# change the parameters values for the allometric exponent using a named tuple
p_newvalues = model_parameters(A, attackrate = Gaussian(:attackrate, parameters_tuple = (range_vertebrate = 25, range_invertebrate = 30)), T = 290.0)

Handling time

The handling time is defined not for each species but for each interacting pair. As such, the body-mass scaling depends on the masses of both the consumer and its resource and the allometric exponent can be different for producers, vertebrates and invertebrates. However, the temperature scaling affects only the consumers, thus, the parameters involved can be defined differently only for vertebrates and invertebrates. For more details, see the table below.

Nota 1: The body-mass allometric scaling (originally defined as $M_i^\beta$) becomes $M_{j}^{\beta_{j}} * M_{k}^{\beta_{k}}$ where $j$ is the consumer and $k$ its resource.

Nota 2: The handling time is the only rate for which an inverted gaussian is used (the handling time becomes more optimal by decreasing).

For the handing time, the default parameters values are:

ParameterKeywordMeaningDefault valuesReferences
$q_{opt}$'normconstantinvertebrate'maximal trait value (at $T_{opt}$) for invertebrates0.125NA
$q_{opt}$'normconstantvertebrate'maximal trait value (at $T_{opt}$) for vertebrates0.125NA
$T_{opt}$'Toptinvertebrate'temperature at which trait value is maximal for invertebrates298.15Amarasekare 2015
$T_{opt}$'Toptvertebrate'temperature at which trait value is maximal for vertebrates298.15Amarasekare 2015
$s_q$'range_invertebrate'performance breath (width of function) for invertebrates20Amarasekare 2015
$s_q$'range_vertebrate'performance breath (width of function) for vertebrates20Amarasekare 2015
$\beta$'β_producer'allometric exponent for producers-0.25Gillooly et al 2002
$\beta$'β_invertebrate'allometric exponent for vertebrates-0.25Gillooly et al 2002
$\beta$'β_vertebrate'allometric exponent for vertebrates-0.25Gillooly et al 2002

To use this function initialize model_parameters() with ExponentialBA(:handlingtime) for the keyword handlingtime:

A = [0 1 0 ; 0 0 1 ; 0 0 0] #linear food chain
p = model_parameters(A, handlingtime = Gaussian(:handlingtime), T = 290.0) #default parameters values
# change the parameters values for the allometric exponent using a named tuple
p_newvalues = model_parameters(A, handlingtime = Gaussian(:handlingtime, parameters_tuple = (T0_vertebrate = 300.15, β_producer = -0.25)), T = 290.0)

Temperature dependence for body sizes

The default behavior of the model is to assume, as it does for biological rates, that typical adults body sizes are not affected by temperature. In this case, the bodymass vector can either:

  • be provided to model_parameters through the keyword bodymass: model_parameters(A, bodymass = [...])
  • be calculated by model_parameters as $Mi= Z^(TR_i-1)$ where $TR_i$ is the trophic level of species $i$ and $Z$ is the typical consumer-resource body mass ratio in the system. $Z$ can be passed to model_parameters by using the Z keyword: model_parameters(A, Z = 10.0)
  • be a vector of dry masses (at 293.15 Kelvins) provided by the user: model_parameters(A, dry_mass_293 = [...])

If multiple keywords are provided, the model will use this order of priority: body masses, dry masses, Z.

To simulate the effect of temperature on body masses, the model uses the following general formula, following Forster and Hirst 2012:

\[M_i(T) = m_i * exp(log_{10}(PCM / 100 + 1) * T - 293.15)\]

Where $M_i$ is the body mass of species $i$, $T$ is the temperature (in Kelvins), $m_i$ is the body mass when there is no effect of temperature (provided by the user through Z, bodymass or dry_mass_293) and $PCM$ is the Percentage change in body-mass per degree Celsius. This percentage is calculated differently depending on the type of system or the type of response wanted (Forster and Hirst 2012, Sentis et al 2017):

  • Mean Aquatic Response: $PCM = -3.90 - 0.53 * log_{10}(dm)$ where $dm$ is the dry mass (calculated in the model from Z or wet mass if not provided). Body size decreases with temperature.
  • Mean Terrestrial Response: $PCM = -1.72 + 0.54 * log_{10}(dm)$ where $dm$ is the dry mass (calculated in the model from Z or wet mass if not provided). Body size decreases with temperature.
  • Maximum Response: $PCM = -8$. Body size decreases with temperature.
  • Reverse Response: $PCM = 4$. Body size increases with temperature.

To set the temperature size rule, use the TSR keyword in model_parameters:

A = [0 1 1 ; 0 0 1 ; 0 0 0] #omnivory motif
p_aqua = model_parameters(A, T = 290.0, TSR = :mean_aquatic) #mean aquatic, wet and dry masses calculated from Z and trophic levels (Z default value is 1.0)
p_terr = model_parameters(A, T = 290.0, TSR = :mean_terrestrial, bodymass = [26.3, 15.2, 4.3]) #mean terrestrial, typical wet masses (at 20 degrees C) are provided and will we used to estimate dry masses and wet masses at T degrees K.
p_max = model_parameters(A, T = 290.0, TSR = :maximum, dry_mass_293 = [1.8, 0.7, 0.2]) #maximum, dry masses are provided and will be used by the temperature size rule to calculate wet masses at T degrees K.
p_rev =  model_parameters(A, T = 290.0, TSR = :maximum, Z = 10.0) #reverse - masses increase with T, wet and dry masses calculated from Z and trophic levels.


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