bitstring_hist!(ax, register; nlargest::Int, title="", kw...)

Plot the bitstring histgram.


  • ax: the axis object from matplotlib.pyplot.
  • register: the register to plot.

Keyword Arguments

  • nlargest: plot the first nlargest bitstrings.
  • title: title of the plot.
  • kw: other keyword supported by function.
bitstring_hist(r; kw...)

Plot the bitstring histgram.


  • register: the register to plot.

Keyword Arguments

  • nlargest: plot the first nlargest bitstrings.
  • title: title of the plot.
  • kw...: other keyword supported by function.
get_average_rydberg_densities(atoms, reg; [C=2π * 862690 * MHz*µm^6], Ω[, ϕ, Δ], [dt=1e-3 * μs])

Return average Rydberg densities throughout an evolution.


  • atoms: a collection of atom positions.
  • reg: required, the register object.

Keyword Arguments

  • C: optional, default unit is MHz*µm^6, interation parameter, see also RydInteract.
  • Ω: optional, default unit is MHz, Rabi frequencies, divided by 2, see also SumOfX.
  • ϕ: optional, does not have unit, the phase, see SumOfXPhase.
  • Δ: optional, default unit is MHz, detuning parameter, see SumOfN.
  • dt: optional, default unit is μs, time step for the evolution.
  • solver: optional, default solver is Vern8(), the solver for the SchrodingerProblem, see SchrodingerProblem.
plot(object; kw...)

Plot a given object from Bloqade. The object can be a lattice object, an AtomList, or Waveform.


This function is not exported to avoid conflicts with other plotting packages, it is recommended to always use it as Bloqade.plot.

plot_densities(atoms::AtomList, densities::AbstractVector; color_scheme=ColorSchemes.bwr)

Given atoms which contains the coordinates for the atoms and a vector containing the Rydberg densities, plot the Rydberg densities over the atoms.

rydberg_corr([op=Op.n], reg) -> Matrix

Calculates the rydberg correlation matrix.

\[\langle \text{op}_i \text{op}_j \rangle\]

here op can be Op.n, X or Y.


  • op: the correlation function, default is Op.n.
  • reg: required, the register object.
rydberg_density(reg, i::Int) -> Real

Calculates the rydberg density at site i.

\[\langle n_i \rangle\]