ODataTable(table; typed, columns, filters, base, api, catalog)

Get a Tables object for the dataset defined by table. Optional parameters are:

  • typed::Bool, do we want a TypedDataSet (numbers as ints or floats) or an UntypedDataSet (everything string)
  • columns::Vector{String}, exact columnnames to select, empty for all columns
  • filters::String, OData3 specification for row filter
  • base::String, basename of the OData3 server
  • api::String, path part of the OData3 server for regular data
  • catalog::String, path part of the OData3 server for catalog information


tbl = CBSOData3.ODataTable("82811NED", columns=["Perioden", "Onderzoekspopulatie_1", "Innovatoren_2"], filter="Perioden eq '2010X000'");
get_meta(table; base, api)

Get the metadata for a given table. The result is a dict with the keys "TableInfos", "DataProperties" and all the classifications.

Optional parameters are:

  • base::String, basename of the OData3 server
  • api::String, path part of the OData3 server for regular data
get_tables(base, catalog)

Get all the tables in the catalog as a list of dicts. The Identifier can be used to get the actual data. If no parameters are given, the data is retrieved from the (CBS)[] OData3 portal.

The optional parameters are:

  • base::String, basename of the OData3 server
  • catalog::String, path part of the OData3 server for catalog information