Normal forms

Normal form of toric surfaces

normal_form(X :: ToricSurface)

Bring a toric surface into normal form. Here, we call a toric surface with generator matrix $P$ in normal form, if and only if:

  1. $P$ in Hermite normal form,
  2. neighbouring columns in $P$ are adjacent rays (i.e. the columns are sorted either clockwise or counterclockwise),
  3. $P$ is lexicographically minimal among all generator matrices satisfying 1. and 2.

These properties are enough to ensure that that two toric surfaces X and Y are isomorphic if and only if gen_matrix(normal_form(X)) == gen_matrix(normal_form(Y)).

are_isomorphic(X :: ToricSurface, Y :: ToricSurface)

Check whether two toric surfaces are isomorphic to each other.

Types of admissible operations


Abstract Julia type for admissible operations on C-star surfaces. All subtypes T <: AdmissibleOperation should at least implement the following functions:

(α :: T)(X :: CStarSurface)
Base.:*(α :: T, β :: T)α :: T){T})
Base.inv(α :: T)
InvertLastRow <: AdmissibleOperation

Julia type for an admissible operation that may or may not invert the last row in the generator matrix of a C-star surface. Geometrically, this means swapping source and sink of the C-star action.

InvertLastRow(factor :: Int)

Construct an admissible operation that multiplies the last row of the generator matrix of a C-star surface by factor, which can take the values 1 and -1.

PermutationOfRays <: AdmissibleOperation

Julia type for an admissible operation that permutes rays within the blocks of the generator matrix of C-star surfaces. Only permutations that are local to each block are permitted.

PermutationOfBlocks <: AdmissibleOperation

Julia type for an admissible operation that permutes the blocks of the generator matrix of a C-star surface.

AdmissibleRowOperation <: AdmissibleOperation

Julia type for an admissible operation that adds integral multiples of the upper rows of the generator matrix of a C-star surface to its last row.

normalize_admissible_operation(γ :: CompositeAdmissibleOperation)

Normalize a composite admissible operation by reordering the steps and merging multiple operations of the same kind into one. The resulting CompositeAdmissibleOperation is guaranteed to consist of at most four admissible operations in the following order:

InvertLastRow, PermutationOfRays, PermutationOfBlocks, AdmissibleRowOperation.

If only one type of operation remains, that operation is returned instead.

Normal form of $\mathbb{C}^*$-surfaces

beta_plus(X :: CStarSurface)

Return a β :: DoubleVector with entries β[i][j] == slopes(X)[i][j] - floor(maximum(slopes(X)[i]))

beta_minus(X :: CStarSurface)

Return a β :: DoubleVector with entries β[i][j] == ceil(minimum(slopes(X)[i])) - slopes(X)[i][j].

beta_plus_sorted(X :: CStarSurface)

Return the sorted beta_plus(X). Each vector in beta_plus(X) are individually sorted and the vectors themselves are sorted by first by size and then lexicographically.

beta_minus_sorted(X :: CStarSurface)

Return the sorted beta_minus(X). Each vector in beta_minus(X) are individually sorted and the vectors themselves are sorted by first by size and then lexicographically.

orientation(X :: CStarSurface)

Return the orientation of a C-star surface. This function takes the values 1, 0 or -1. Note that orientation is not an isomorphy invariant, as applying InvertLastRow(-1) inverts the orientation of a C-star surface. All other types of AdmissibleOperation's leave the orientation invariant.

A C-star surface X has orientation 1, if and only if one of the following conditions hold:

  1. == :pe,
  2. ∈ [:ee, :pp] and m_plus(X) > m_minus(X),
  3. ∈ [:ee, :pp] and m_plus(X) == m_minus(X) and beta_plus_sorted(X) > beta_minus_sorted(X).

Similarly, X has orientation -1 if and only if one of the following conditions hold:

  1. == :ep,
  2. ∈ [:ee, :pp] and m_plus(X) < m_minus(X),
  3. ∈ [:ee, :pp] and m_plus(X) == m_minus(X) and beta_plus_sorted(X) < beta_minus_sorted(X).

The remaining case is that ∈ [:ee, :pp] and m_plus(X) == m_minus(X) and beta_plus_sorted(X) == beta_minus_sorted(X), in which case X has orientation 0.

normal_form(X :: CStarSurface)

Compute the normal form of a C-star surface. Here, a C-star surface X is said to be in normal form, if and only if the following properties hold:

  1. orientation(X) ≠ -1,
  2. beta_plus(X) == beta_plus_sorted(X),
  3. 0 ≤ X.d[i][1] < X.l[i][i] for all 1 ≤ i ≤ r, where r+1 == nblocks(X).

The third condition can also be phrased as floor(maximum(slopes(X)[i])) == 0 for all 1 ≤ i ≤ r.

The algorithm works by applying an InvertLastRow operation to achieve 1., then applying PermutationOfRays and PermutationOfBlocks operations to achieve 2. and finally, applying an AdmissibleRowOperation to achieve 3. Together, these properties are enough to ensure that X and Y are isomorphic if and only if they have the same normal form.

This function then returns a pair (Y, α), where Y is a C-star surface in normal form and α is an admissible operation with α(X) == Y.

is_normal_form(X :: CStarSurface) = normal_form(X)[1] == X

Check whether a C-star surface is in normal form, see the docstring of normal_form.

are_isomorphic(X :: CStarSurface, Y :: CStarSurface)

Check whether two C-star surfaces are isomorphic to each other. This function returns a pair, where the first entry is a boolean and the second entry is either nothing or an admissible operation turning X into Y.