Function reference


Perform a single step of Catmull-Clark subdivision of a surface. See Wikipedia or page 53 of The faces argument is a Vector{Face} of all the faces of the 3D object's surface. Returns: a set of the new faces, usually a 4 times larger vector of smaller faces.

catmullclark(faces, iters, callback=(x)->0)

Perform a multistep Catmull-Clark subdivision of a surface. Does iters iterations (steps). Will call a callback function with the results of each iteration (step) if one is provided. Returns: the faces of the final result.

drawfaces(faces, colr)

Draw a set of Faces using color colr and Makie. Place this in a new scene (a new output window).

drawfaces!(faces, colr)

Draw a set of Faces using color colr and Makie. Add the drawing to the existing scene.


Display a set of Faces using Makie. This can be used as a callback to show the steps of the catmullclark function. See exsmple/demo.jl in this package for an example of usage.