Downloading Satellite Datasets

This page goes through the following:

  1. clisatdownload functionality
  2. Basic downloading
  3. Email / Login requirements
  4. Specifying directories

1. Using clisatdownload

Satellite datasets are downloaded using the function clisatdownload, which is the frontend wrapper for all dataset-specific functions.


clisatdownload is currently configured to download data for each month.

We first refer to the current list of supported datasets in ClimateSatellite.jl:

gpmimergPMMGlobal Precipitation Mission - IMERGv6 Research
gpmlatePMMGlobal Precipitation Mission - IMERGv6 NRT Late Run
gpmearlyPMMGlobal Precipitation Mission - IMERGv6 NRT Early Run
mtpw2mMIMICTotal Precipitable Water v2m

2. Simplest Example: MIMIC-TPW2m

The simplest example is to download MIMIC-TPW2m data for one month (in this example, for January 2018).

julia> using ClimateSatellite
julia> clisatdownload("mptw2m",Date(2018,1))
[ Info: 2020-05-23T22:27:59.099 - No directory path was given.  Setting to default path: /Users/natgeo-wong/research/CliSat/mtpw2m for ClimateSatellite data downloads.
┌ Warning: 2020-05-23T22:27:59.099 - The path /Users/natgeo-wong/research/CliSat/mtpw2m does not exist.  A new directory will be created here.  Therefore if you already have an existing repository for ClimateSatellite data, make sure that /Users/natgeo-wong/research/CliSat/mtpw2m is the correct location.
└ @ ClimateSatellite ~/.julia/dev/ClimateSatellite/src/frontend.jl:21
[ Info: 2020-05-23T22:27:59.1 - Starting data download of TPW2m data for 2018-01-01 ...

3. Datasets with Email / Login Requirements

MIMIC-TPW2m is unique among all the listed satellite datasets in that data can be directly retrieved without needing email registration. For other datasets, such as GPM IMERG, you need to register online using your email on their website for access to their datasets at the Global Precipitation Measurement website.

Using ClimateSatellite.jl, you can include your email as a keyword input argument. If the dataset requires your email login, but you did not supply an email in the keyword argument, ClimateSatellite.jl will throw an error.

For example, the proper usage of clisatdownload for GPM IMERG data is:

julia> clisatdownload("gpmimerg",Date(2018,1),email="")
[ Info: 2020-05-23T22:11:05.072 - No directory path was given.  Setting to default path: /Users/natgeo-wong/research/CliSat/gpmimerg for ClimateSatellite data downloads.
[ Info: 2020-05-23T22:11:05.073 - The default path /Users/natgeo-wong/research/CliSat/gpmimerg exists and therefore can be used as a directory for ClimateSatellite data downloads.
[ Info: 2020-05-23T22:11:05.074 - Starting data download of GPM IMERG data for 2018-01-01 ...
[ Info: 2020-05-23T22:11:05.074 - Opening FTP request to
[ Info: 2020-05-23T22:11:05.074 - Entering IMERG directory for 2018-01-01 ...

But, if you did not specify the email keyword, the following error is thrown:

julia> clisatdownload("gpmimerg",Date(2018,1))
[ Info: 2020-05-23T22:09:25.558 - No directory path was given.  Setting to default path: /Users/natgeo-wong/research/CliSat/gpmimerg for ClimateSatellite data downloads.
[ Info: 2020-05-23T22:09:25.559 - The default path /Users/natgeo-wong/research/CliSat/gpmimerg exists and therefore can be used as a directory for ClimateSatellite data downloads.
ERROR: 2020-05-23T22:09:25.559 - Usage of this dataset requires an email address for login.  However, no email was provided.

The email does not actually exist. I just used it as a substitute for my own email.

4. Directory Configuration

By default, ClimateSatellite.jl will download and analyze data in the path given by $(homedir())/research/CliSat. However, it is often the case that data for different projects need to be saved into different locations. This is done using the path keyword, with the following as an example:

julia> ddir = "/n/kuangdss01/lab/clisat/"
julia> clisatdownload("gpmimerg",Date(2018,1),email="",path=ddir)
[ Info: 2020-02-13T14:41:23.299 - The path /n/kuangdss01/lab/clisat/ exists and therefore can be used as a directory for ClimateSatellite data downloads.
[ Info: 2020-02-13T14:41:26.677 - Starting data download of GPM IMERG data for 2001-01-01 ...
[ Info: 2020-02-13T15:09:27.502 - PMM GPM IMERG data for the Tropical Belt region has been saved into file /n/kuangdss01/lab/clisat/gpmimerg/TRP/raw/2001/
Directory Creation:

By default it is assumed that the directory that the keyword path points to already exists prior to calling clisatdownload. If the directory does not yet exist, it is necessary to create the directory. You can do this with clisatroot (see the following section) or simply by creating path in your bash terminal.

Managing Data Directories using clisatroot

By default, if path does not exist, then clisatdownload will throw an error:

julia> using ClimateSatellite, Dates

julia> ddir = joinpath(homedir(),"test"); if isdir(ddir); rm(ddir,recursive=true) end

julia> clisatdownload("mtpw2m",Date(2018,1),path=ddir)
ERROR: 2020-10-19T20:17:00.645 - The path /juliateam/test does not exist.  If you already have an existing repository for ClimateSatellite data, make sure that /juliateam/test is the correct location.

This is to prevent the accidental downloading of huge amounts of data into directories / disks that cannot hold the data. You can use clisatroot to force the creation of the directory:

julia> using ClimateSatellite

julia> clisatroot("mtpw2m",joinpath(homedir(),"test"),create=true);
┌ Warning: 2020-10-19T20:17:00.863 - The path /juliateam/test does not exist.  A new directory will be created here.  Therefore if you already have an existing repository for ClimateSatellite data, make sure that /juliateam/test is the correct location.
└ @ ClimateSatellite ~/.julia/packages/ClimateSatellite/QHUhM/src/frontend.jl:47
[ Info: 2020-10-19T20:17:00.866 - Creating path /juliateam/test/mtpw2m ...