

function ctpower(;param::Symbol, type::Symbol, group::Symbol = :notdef,
    alpha::Real = 0.05, n::Real = 0, diff::Real = 0, sd::Real = 0,
    a::Real = 0, b::Real = 0,
    k::Real = 1, logscale::Bool = true)::TaskResult

Clinical trial power estimation.

param (Parameter type):

  • :mean - Means;
  • :prop - Proportions;
  • :or - Odd Ratio;

type (Hypothesis type):

  • :ea - Equality (two-sided hypothesis, 100*(1 - α)% two-sided CI);
  • :ei - Equivalence (two-sided hypothesis, 100*(1 - 2*α)% two-sided CI);
  • :ns - Non-Inferiority / Superiority (one-sided hypothesis, one side of 100*(1 -2*α)% two-sided CI);
  • :mcnm - McNemar's Equality test;

group (group num):

  • :one - one sample;
  • :two - Two sample;

alpha - Alpha (0 < α < 1) (default = 0.05);

n - Subjects number;

diff - difference/equivalence margin/non-inferiority/superiority margin;

sd - Standard deviation (σ, for Means only);

a - Group A (μ₀/p₀) - Test group;

b - Group B (μ₁/p₁) - Reference group or reference value;

k - Na/Nb (after sample size estimation second group size: Na=k*Nb, only for two sample design) (default=1);

logscale - diff is log transformed for OR:

  • true - diff is already in log-scale, no transformation required (default);
  • false - diff is not in log-scale, will be transformed;


bepower(;alpha::Real=0.05, theta1::Real=0.8, theta2::Real=1.25, theta0::Real=0.95,
    cv::Real=0.0, sd::Real=0.0, n::Int=0,
    design::Symbol=:d2x2, method::Symbol=:owenq, logscale::Bool=true)::TaskResult

Bioequivalence power estimation.

alpha - Alpha (0 < α < 1) (default = 0.05);

theta1 - Lower Level (default = 0.8);

theta2 - Upper level (default = 1.25);

theta0 - T/R Ratio (default = 0.95);

cv - coefficient of variation;

n - subject number;

logscale - theta1, theta2, theta0: if true - make log transformation (default true);

design - trial design;

  • :parallel
  • :d2x2 (default)
  • :d2x2x4
  • :d2x4x4
  • :d2x3x3
  • :d2x4x2
  • :d3x3
  • :d3x6x3

method - calculating method: Owen's Q Function | NonCentral T, Shifted;

  • :owenq (default)
  • :nct
  • :shifted