
Main module for ConcurrentSim.jl – a discrete event process oriented simulation framework for Julia.

Container{N<:Real, T<:Number}(env::Environment, capacity::N=one(N); level::N=zero(N))

A "Container" resource object, storing up to capacity units of a resource (of type N).

There is a Resource alias for Container{Int, Int}.

Resource() with default capacity of 1 is very similar to a typical lock. The lock and unlock functions are a convenient way to interact with such a "lock", in a way mostly compatible with other discrete event and concurrency frameworks. The request and release aliases are also available for these two functions.

See Store for a more channel-like resource.

Think of Resource and Container as locks and of Store as channels. They block only if empty (on taking) or full (on storing).


A queue in which items are stored in a FIFO order, but are only available after a delay.

julia> sim = Simulation()
       queue = DelayQueue{Symbol}(sim, 10)
       @resumable function producer(env, queue)
           for item in [:a,:b,:a,:c]
               @info "putting $item at time $(now(env))"
               put!(queue, item)
               @yield timeout(env, 2)
       @resumable function consumer(env, queue)
           @yield timeout(env, 5)
           while true
               t = @yield take!(queue)
               @info "taking $(t) at time $(now(env))"
       @process producer(sim, queue)
       @process consumer(sim, queue)
       run(sim, 30)
[ Info: putting a at time 0.0
[ Info: putting b at time 2.0
[ Info: putting a at time 4.0
[ Info: putting c at time 6.0
[ Info: taking a at time 10.0
[ Info: taking b at time 12.0
[ Info: taking a at time 14.0
[ Info: taking c at time 16.0
QueueStore{N, T<:Number}

A store in which items are stored in a FIFO order.

julia> sim = Simulation()
       store = Store{Symbol}(sim)
       queue = QueueStore{Symbol}(sim)
       items = [:a,:b,:a,:c];

julia> [put!(store, item) for item in items];

julia> [value(take!(store)) for _ in 1:length(items)]
4-element Vector{Symbol}:

julia> [put!(queue, item) for item in items];

julia> [value(take!(queue)) for _ in 1:length(items)]
4-element Vector{Symbol}:

See also: StackStore, Store


An alias for Container{Int, Int}, one of the most frequently used types of synchronization primitive.

StackStore{N, T<:Number}

A store in which items are stored in a FILO order.

julia> sim = Simulation()
       store = Store{Symbol}(sim)
       stack = StackStore{Symbol}(sim)
       items = [:a,:b,:a,:c];

julia> [put!(store, item) for item in items];

julia> [value(take!(store)) for _ in 1:length(items)]
4-element Vector{Symbol}:

julia> [put!(stack, item) for item in items];

julia> [value(take!(stack)) for _ in 1:length(items)]
4-element Vector{Symbol}:

See also: QueueStore, Store

Store{N, T<:Number}(env::Environment; capacity::UInt=typemax(UInt))

A store is a resource that can hold a number of items of type N. It is similar to a Base.Channel with a finite capacity (put! blocks after reaching capacity). The put! and take! functions are a convenient way to interact with such a "channel" in a way mostly compatible with other discrete event and concurrency frameworks.

See Container for a more lock-like resource.

Think of Resource and Container as locks and of Store as channels/stacks. They block only if empty (on taking) or full (on storing).

Store does not guarantee any order of items. See StackStore and QueueStore for ordered variants.

julia> sim = Simulation(); store = Store{Int}(sim);

julia> put!(store, 1); run(sim, 1); put!(store, 2);

julia> value(take!(store))

julia> value(take!(store))
put!(sto::Store, item::T)

Put an item into the store. Returns the put event, blocking if the store is full.


Locks the Resource and return the lock event. If the capacity of the Container is greater than 1, multiple requests can be made before blocking occurs.


Unlocks the Resource and return the unlock event.


An alias for get(::Store) for easier interoperability with the Base.Channel interface. Blocks if the store is empty.