Bodies and Origin

Body and Origin

mutable struct Body{T} <: ConstrainedDynamics.AbstractBody{T}

A Body is a component of a Mechanism.

Important attributes

  • id: The unique ID of a body. Assigned when added to a Mechanism.
  • name: The name of a body. The name is taken from a URDF or can be assigned by the user.
  • m: The mass of a body.
  • J: The inertia of a body.
  • state: The state of a body. Contains all position and velocity information (see State).
  • shape: The visualization shape of a body (see Shape).


Body(m, J; name, shape)  
Mesh(path, m, J; scale, kwargs...)  
Box(x, y, z, m; kwargs...)  
Cylinder(r, h, m; kwargs...)  
Sphere(r, m; kwargs...)  
Pyramid(w, h, m; kwargs...)
mutable struct Origin{T} <: ConstrainedDynamics.AbstractBody{T}

The Origin is the root of a Mechanism.

Important attributes

  • id: The unique ID of the origin. Assigned when added to a Mechanism.
  • name: The name of the origin. The name is taken from a URDF or can be assigned by the user.
  • shape: The visualization shape of the origin (see Shape).


Origin(; name, shape)  
Origin{Type}(; name, shape)  


mutable struct State{T}

The State contains the position and velocity information of a Body.

Important attributes

  • xc: Continuous-time position (vector)
  • qc: Continuous-time oritentation (quaternion)
  • vc: Continuous-time velocity (vector)
  • ωc: Continuous-time angular velocity (vector)
  • xk: Knot-point positions (vector of vectors)
  • qk: Knot-point orientations (vector of vectors)


abstract type Shape{T}

A Shape is used for visualization of a Body. All Shapes have an xoffset and a qoffset parameter to specify the position and orientation offset between the actual Body and the visualized Shape.

Important attributes

  • xoffset: The relative position offset (vector) between Body and Shape.
  • qoffset: The relative orientation offset (quaternion) between Body and Shape.
  • color: The color of the Shape.
mutable struct Mesh{T} <: ConstrainedDynamics.Shape{T}

A Mesh can be used to visualize arbitrary geometries.

Important attributes

  • path: The path to the geometry file.
mutable struct Box{T} <: ConstrainedDynamics.Shape{T}

A Box.

Important attributes

  • xyz: The box size in x, y, and z direction (vector).
mutable struct Cylinder{T} <: ConstrainedDynamics.Shape{T}

A Cylinder along the z-axis.

Important attributes

  • rh: The cylinder radius and height (vector).
mutable struct Sphere{T} <: ConstrainedDynamics.Shape{T}

A Sphere.

Important attributes

  • r: The sphere radius.
mutable struct Pyramid{T} <: ConstrainedDynamics.Shape{T}

A square Pyramid with a base in the x-y-plane.

  • wh: The pyramid width and height (vector).