A birth-death example with delay degradation


The model is defined as follows:

\[\begin{aligned} &\emptyset \xrightarrow{C} X_A, \\ &X_A \xrightarrow{\gamma} \emptyset,\\ &X_A \xrightarrow{\beta} X_I, \text{ which triggers } X_I\Rightarrow \emptyset \text{ after delay } \tau,\\ &X_I \xrightarrow{\gamma} \emptyset. \end{aligned}\]

Notice that the last reaction $X_I \xrightarrow{\gamma} \emptyset$ causes the delay channel to change its state during a scheduled delay reaction.

This example is studied by Lafuerza and Toral in [1], where one can solve the solution analytically. If we denote $\langle X_A\rangle(t)$ to be the mean value of $X_A$ at time $t$, and $\langle X_I\rangle(t)$ the mean value of $X_I$ at time $t$, then

\[\langle X_A\rangle(t)= \frac{C}{a}( 1-e^{-at} ),\quad \langle X_I\rangle(t) = \begin{cases} \frac{C\beta}{a-γ}\big[\frac{1-e^{-γt}}{γ}-\frac{1-e^{-at}}{a}\big],& t \in [0,\tau]\\ \frac{C\beta}{a}\Big[\frac{1-e^{-γτ}}{γ}+\frac{(1-e^{\tau(a-γ)})}{a-γ}e^{-at}\Big], & t \in (\tau,\infty) \end{cases}\]

where $a = β + γ$.

Markovian part

using Catalyst, DelaySSAToolkit
rn = @reaction_network begin
    C, 0 --> Xₐ
    γ, Xₐ --> 0
    β, Xₐ --> Xᵢ
    γ, Xᵢ --> 0
jumpsys = convert(JumpSystem, rn; combinatoric_ratelaws=false)

We refer to this example for more details about the construction of a reaction network. Then we initialize the problem by setting

u0 = [0, 0]
tf = 30.0
saveat = 0.1
C, γ, β = [2.0, 0.1, 0.5]
p = [C, γ, β]
tspan = (0.0, tf)
dprob = DiscreteProblem(u0, tspan, p)

Non-Markovian part

Then we turn to the definition of delay reactions

τ = 15.0
delay_trigger_affect! = function (integrator, rng)
    return append!(integrator.de_chan[1], τ)
delay_trigger = Dict(3 => delay_trigger_affect!)
delay_complete = Dict(1 => [2 => -1])
delay_affect! = function (integrator, rng)
    i = rand(rng, 1:length(integrator.de_chan[1]))
    return deleteat!(integrator.de_chan[1], i)
delay_interrupt = Dict(4 => delay_affect!)
delaysets = DelayJumpSet(delay_trigger, delay_complete, delay_interrupt)
  • delay_trigger

    • Keys: Indices of reactions defined in Markovian part that can trigger the delay reaction. Here we have the 3rd reaction $\beta: X_A \rightarrow X_I$ that will trigger the degradation of $X_I$ after time $\tau$.
    • Values: A update function that determines how to update the delay channel. In this example, once the delay reaction is triggered, the first delay channel (which is the channel for $X_I$) will be added to a delay time $\tau$.
  • delay_interrupt

    • Keys: Indices of reactions defined in Markovian part that can cause the change in the delay channels. In this example, the 4th reaction $\gamma : X_I \rightarrow \emptyset$ will change the scheduled delay reaction channel immediately.
    • Values: A update function that determines how to update the delay channel. In this example, once a delay_interrupt reaction happens, one randomly picked reactant $X_I$ (supposed to leave the system after time $\tau$) is degraded immediately.
  • delay_complete

    • Keys: Indices of delay channels. Here the first delay channel corresponds to $X_I$.
    • Values: A vector of Pairs, mapping species index to net change of stoichiometric coefficient. Here the second species $X_I$ has a net change of $-1$ upon delay completion.

Next, we choose a delay SSA algorithm and define the problem

de_chan0 = [[]]
djprob = DelayJumpProblem(
    jumpsys, dprob, aggregatoralgo, delaysets, de_chan0; save_positions=(false, false)

where de_chan0 is the initial condition for the delay channel, which is a vector of arrays whose kth entry stores the scheduled delay time for kth delay channel. Here we assume $X_I(0) = 0$, thus only an empty array.


Now we can solve the problem and plot a trajectory

sol = solve(djprob, SSAStepper(); seed=2, saveat=0.1)


Then we simulate $10^4$ trajectories and calculate the evolution of the mean value for each reactant

using DiffEqBase
ens_prob = EnsembleProblem(djprob)
ens = @time solve(ens_prob, SSAStepper(), EnsembleThreads(), trajectories=1e4, saveat=0.1)

Verification with the exact solution

We compare with the mean values of the exact solutions $X_I, X_A$

timestamps = 0:0.1:tf
a = β + γ
mean_x_A(t) = C / a * (1 - exp(-a * t))
function mean_x_I(t)
    return if 0 <= t <= τ
        C * β / (a - γ) * ((1 - exp(-γ * t)) / γ - (1 - exp(-a * t)) / a)
        C * β / a * ((1 - exp(-γ * τ)) / γ + exp(-a * t) * (1 - exp((a - γ)τ)) / (a - γ))


A multiple delay reaction example

We can also extend the model to include multiple delay reactions, i.e. multiple delay channels having simultaneous delay reactions

\[\begin{aligned} &\emptyset \xrightarrow{C} X_A,\\ &X_A \xrightarrow{\gamma} \emptyset,\\ &X_A \xrightarrow{\beta} X_{I_1}+X_{I_2}, \text{ which triggers } X_{I_1}, X_{I_2}\Rightarrow \emptyset \text{ after delay } \tau,\\ &X_{I_1} \xrightarrow{\gamma} \emptyset,\\ &X_{I_2} \xrightarrow{\gamma} \emptyset. \end{aligned}\]

The 4th and 5th reactions will cause the delay channel to change its state during a scheduled delay reaction.

Similarly, we define the problem as follows:

Markovian part

rn = @reaction_network begin
    C, 0 --> Xₐ
    γ, Xₐ --> 0
    β, Xₐ --> Xᵢ₁ + Xᵢ₂
    γ, Xᵢ₁ --> 0
    γ, Xᵢ₂ --> 0
jumpsys = convert(JumpSystem, rn; combinatoric_ratelaws=false)
u0 = [0, 0, 0]
tf = 30.0
saveat = 0.1
tspan = (0.0, tf)
dprob = DiscreteProblem(u0, tspan, p)

Non-Markovian part

τ = 15.0
delay_trigger_affect! = function (integrator, rng)
    append!(integrator.de_chan[1], τ)
    return append!(integrator.de_chan[2], τ)
delay_trigger = Dict(3 => delay_trigger_affect!)
delay_complete = Dict(1 => [2 => -1], 2 => [3 => -1])

delay_affect1! = function (integrator, rng)
    i = rand(rng, 1:length(integrator.de_chan[1]))
    return deleteat!(integrator.de_chan[1], i)
delay_affect2! = function (integrator, rng)
    i = rand(rng, 1:length(integrator.de_chan[2]))
    return deleteat!(integrator.de_chan[2], i)
delay_interrupt = Dict(4 => delay_affect1!, 5 => delay_affect2!)
delayjumpset = DelayJumpSet(delay_trigger, delay_complete, delay_interrupt)
de_chan0 = [[], []]
djprob = DelayJumpProblem(
    jumpsys, dprob, aggregatoralgo, delaysets, de_chan0; save_positions=(false, false)


ens_prob = EnsembleProblem(djprob)
ens = @time solve(ens_prob, SSAStepper(), EnsembleThreads(), trajectories=10^4, saveat=0.1)



[1] Lafuerza, Luis F., and Raul Toral. "Exact solution of a stochastic protein dynamics model with delayed degradation." Physical Review E 84, no. 5 (2011): 051121. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.84.051121