
This tutorial aims to explain how to use DelaySSAToolkit to define chemical reaction models, solve the problems and visualize the results. The source code of all the examples and figures is available in the GitHub examples folder. To demonstrate these functionalities, we will consider a specific case from epidemic modelling as follows

\[S+I\xrightarrow{\rho}E+I,\\ I\stackrel{r}{\rightarrow}R.\]

Notice that $S+I\xrightarrow{\rho} E+I$ will trigger $E\Rightarrow I$ after $\tau$ time, where $S$, $E$, $I$ and $R$ are the susceptible, exposed, infected and recovered populations. This means, with rate $\rho$, a susceptible contacted by an infected will immediately become an individual that is exposed to the disease, and then it takes a certain amount of time delay $\tau$ to become an infected individual.


For the non-Markovian model, what differs from the Markovian model is the introduction of delay reactions. To show how we incorporate the delay reactions into the Markovian system, we first need to define the Markovian part and then its non-Markovian part. These two parts mainly form a DelayJumpProblem. Here we show two routes to define our delay system, one way is based on JumpSystem, DiscreteProblem and DelayJumpSet, and the other is based on JumpSet, DiscreteProblem and DelayJumpSet.

First route: JumpSystem + DiscreteProblem + DelayJumpSet

Markovian part

Catalyst.jl provides a comprehensive interface to model reaction networks in Julia and can be used to construct models fully-compatible with DelaySSAToolkit. For more details on how to construct a reaction network, we recommend reading Catalyst's tutorial. In our example, the Markovian part (model without delays) of the model can be defined as:

rn = @reaction_network begin
    ρ, S+I --> E+I
    r, I --> R

We can easily obtain a Jumpsystem from the reaction network rn.

jumpsys = convert(JumpSystem, rn, combinatoric_ratelaws=false)

where combinatoric_ratelaws is an optional parameter that specifies whether the rate constants correspond to stochastic rate constants in the sense used by Gillespie [1]. By default, the rates are rescaled. This means that for a reaction such as $2A \overset{k}{\rightarrow} B$, the jump rate function would be $kA(A-1)/2!$. To avoid having the reaction rates rescaled (by $1/2$ for this example), one can pass the constructor the optional named parameter combinatoric_ratelaws=false (see reaction rate laws used in simulations for details).

With the initial conditions, we can then define DiscreteProblem

u0 = [999,1,0,0] # S, I, E, R
tf = 400.0
tspan = (0.0,tf)
ps = [1e-4, 1e-2] # parameters for ρ, r
τ = 20.0
dprob = DiscreteProblem(jumpsys,u0,tspan,ps)

where DiscreteProblem has inputs as the jump system jumpsys, the initial condition of reactants u0, the simulation timespan tspan and the reaction rates ps.

Non-Markovian part

The non-Markovian part mainly consists of three parts:

  • delay trigger reactions: those reactions in the Markovian part that trigger the change of the delay channels or/and the state of the reactants upon initiation.
  • delay interrupt reactions: those reactions in the Markovian part that change the delay channels or/and the state of the reactants in the middle of ongoing delay reactions.
  • delay complete reactions: those reactions that are initiated by delay trigger reactions and change the delay channels or/and the state of the reactants upon completion.

With these three definitions in mind and based on this particular example, we define the DelayJumpSet by

delay_trigger_affect! = function (integrator, rng)
    append!(integrator.de_chan[1], τ)
delay_trigger = Dict(1=>delay_trigger_affect!)
delay_interrupt = Dict()
delay_complete = Dict(1=>[2=>1, 3=>-1])
delayjumpset = DelayJumpSet(delay_trigger, delay_complete, delay_interrupt)
  • delay_trigger::Dict A dictionary that contains
    • Keys: Indices of reactions defined in the Markovian part that can trigger delay reactions (see Remark on the reaction indices). Here we have the first reaction $S+I\Rightarrow E+ I$ (represented by delay_trigger = Dict(1=>...)) that will trigger the transfer from $E$ to $I$ after time $\tau$.

    • Values: An update function that determines how to update the delay channel. In this example, once the delay reaction is triggered, the first delay channel will be added a delay time $\tau$. The update function has two inputs: 1. integrator: which stores the current state of the reactants (integrator.u) and the delay channels (integrator.de_chan); 2. rng: the random seed for a given stochastic simulation.

  • delay_interrupt::Dict
    • There are no delay interrupt reactions in this example, so we set delay_interrupt = Dict().
  • delay_complete::Dict
    • Keys: Indices of delay channels. Here we only have one delay channel.
    • Values: A vector of Pairs, mapping species index to net change of stoichiometric coefficient. Here once the delay reaction is completed, the third species E is transferred to the second I, thus the net change of the second species is $1$ and the third $-1$. For the details about the order of the species see Remark.

We refer to Defining a DelayJumpSet (bursty model) and Defining a DelayJumpSet(birth-death model) for more details.

Now we can define the DelayJumpProblem by

de_chan0 = [[]]
djprob = DelayJumpProblem(jumpsys, dprob, DelayRejection(), delayjumpset, de_chan0, save_positions=(true,true))

where DelayJumpProblem inputs jumpsys,DiscreteProblem, DelayJumpSet, the algorithm and the initial condition of the delay channel de_chan0. Here de_chan0 is the initial condition for the delay channel, which is a vector of arrays whose kth entry stores the scheduled delay time for kth delay channel. Here the only delay channel is for exposed population, and we assume $E(0) = 0$. The optional keyword argument save_positions is a Boolean tuple for whether to save before and after the event. Then one can use

sol = solve(djprob, SSAStepper())

to solve the problem.

Second route: JumpSet + DiscreteProblem + DelayJumpSet

Now we explain how to define the DelayJumpProblem in another way. To that aim, we first define the parameters and the mass-action jump (see Defining a Mass Action Jump for details) and construct a Jumpset.

Markovian part

ρ, r = [1e-4, 1e-2]
rates = [ρ, r]
reactant_stoich = [[1=>1,2=>1],[2=>1]]
net_stoich = [[1=>-1,3=>1],[2=>-1,4=>1]]
mass_jump = MassActionJump(rates, reactant_stoich, net_stoich; scale_rates =false)
jumpset = JumpSet((),(),nothing,mass_jump)

We briefly explain the notations here:

  • rates is a vector of rates of reactions.
  • reactant_stoich is a vector whose kth entry is the reactant stoichiometry of the kth reaction. The reactant stoichiometry for an individual reaction is assumed to be represented as a vector of Pairs, mapping species index to stoichiometric coefficient.
  • net_stoich is assumed to have the same type as reactant_stoich; a vector whose kth entry is the net stoichiometry of the kth reaction. The net stoichiometry for an individual reaction is again represented as a vector of Pairs, mapping species index to the net change in the species when the reaction occurs.
  • scale_rates is an optional parameter that specifies whether the rate constants correspond to stochastic rate constants in the sense used by Gillespie. This has the same functionality as combinatoric_ratelaws in the conversion to a JumpSystem (see Markovian part).

The JumpSet consists of four inputs, namely variable jumps, constant rate jumps, regular jumps and mass-action jumps. As far as discrete stochastic simulation is concerned, we only focus on constant rate jumps and mass-action jumps which are the second and fourth entries of JumpSet (see different jump types). Here we only have two mass-action jumps that are wrapped in mass_jump. Then we initialize the problem by setting

u0 = [999,1,0,0]
de_chan0 = [[]]
tf = 400.
tspan = (0,tf)
τ = 20.

As before, we can define the DiscreteProblem

dprob = DiscreteProblem(u0, tspan)

Non-Markovian part

In the same way, we can define the DelayJumpSet by

delay_trigger_affect! = function (integrator, rng)
    append!(integrator.de_chan[1], τ)
delay_trigger = Dict(1=>delay_trigger_affect!)
delay_complete = Dict(1=>[2=>1, 3=>-1])
delay_interrupt = Dict()
delayjumpset = DelayJumpSet(delay_trigger, delay_complete, delay_interrupt)

Now we can define the problem

djprob = DelayJumpProblem(dprob, DelayRejection(), jumpset, delayjumpset, de_chan0, save_positions=(true,true)).

At last, we can solve the problem and visualize it

sol = solve(djprob, SSAStepper())




To check the order of the species in a reaction network rn::ReactionSystem (or a jumpsys::JumpSystem), one can call species(rn) (or states(jumpsys) respectively). Converting a ReactionSystem defined by Catalyst into a JumpSystem might change the order of the reactions that is in your original reaction network. Internally, all MassActionJumps are ordered before ConstantRateJumps (with the latter internally ordered in the same order they were passed in). The same principle applies for the construction of a JumpSet.