Continuous-Time Jump Processes and Gillespie Methods

In this tutorial we will describe how to define and simulate continuous-time jump processes, also known in biological fields as stochastic chemical kinetics (i.e. Gillespie) models. It is not necessary to have read the first tutorial. We will illustrate

  • The different types of jumps that can be represented in DiffEqJump and their use cases.
  • How to speed up pure-jump simulations with only ConstantRateJumps and MassActionJumps by using the SSAStepper time stepper.
  • How to define and use MassActionJumps, a more specialized type of ConstantRateJump that offers improved computational performance.
  • How to use saving controls to reduce memory use per simulation.
  • How to use VariableRateJumps and when they should be preferred over ConstantRateJumps and MassActionJumps.
  • How to create hybrid problems mixing the various jump types with ODEs or SDEs.
  • How to use RegularJumps to enable faster, but approximate, time stepping via τ-leaping methods.

This tutorial assumes you have read the Ordinary Differential Equations tutorial in DifferentialEquations.jl.

We begin by demonstrating how to build jump processes using DiffEqJump.jl's different jump types, which encode the rate functions (i.e. transition rates, intensities, or propensities) and state changes when a given jump occurs.

Note, the SIR model considered here is a type of stochastic chemical kinetics jump process model, and as such the biological modeling functionality of Catalyst.jl can be used to easily specify the model and automatically calculate inputs needed for DiffEqJump's optimized simulation algorithms. We summarize this alternative approach at the beginning for users who may be interested in modeling chemical systems, but note this tutorial is intended to explain the general jump process formulation of DiffEqJump for all users. However, for those users constructing models that can be represented as a collection of chemical reactions we strongly recommend using Catalyst, which should ensure optimal jump types are selected to represent each reaction, and necessary data structures for the simulation algorithms, such as dependency graphs, are automatically calculated.

We'll make use of the DifferentialEquations.jl meta package, which includes DiffEqJump and ODE/SDE solvers, Plots.jl, and (optionally) Catalyst.jl in this tutorial. If not already installed they can be added as follows

using Pkg
Pkg.add("Catalyst)                # optional

Let's now load the required packages and set some default plot settings

using DifferentialEquations, Plots, LinearAlgebra
default(; lw = 2)

Illustrative Model: SIR Disease Dynamics

To illustrate the jump process solvers, we will build an SIR model which matches the tutorial from Gillespie.jl. SIR stands for susceptible, infected, and recovered, and is a model of disease spread. When a susceptible person comes in contact with an infected person, the disease has a chance of infecting the susceptible person. This "chance" is determined by the number of susceptible persons and the number of infected persons, since in larger populations there is a greater chance that two people come into contact. Every infected person will in turn have a rate at which they recover. In our model we'll assume there are no births or deaths, and a recovered individual is protected from reinfection.

We'll begin by giving the mathematical equations for the jump processes of the number of susceptible ($S(t)$), number of infected ($I(t)$), and number of recovered ($R(t)$). In the next section we give a more intuitive and biological description of the model for users that are less familiar with jump processes. Let $Y_i(t)$, $i = 1,2$, denote independent unit Poisson processes. Our basic mathematical model for the evolution of $(S(t),I(t),R(t))$, written using Kurtz's time-change representation, is then

\[\begin{aligned} S(t) &= S(0) - Y_1\left( \int_0^t \beta S(s^{-}) I(s^{-}) \, ds\right) \\ I(t) &= I(0) + Y_1\left( \int_0^t \beta S(s^{-}) I(s^{-}) \, ds\right) - Y_2 \left( \int_0^t \nu I(s^-) \, ds \right) \\ R(t) &= R(0) + Y_2 \left( \int_0^t \nu I(s^-) \, ds \right) \end{aligned}\]

Notice, our model involves two jump processes with rate functions, also known as intensities or propensities, given by $\beta S(t) I(t)$ and $\nu I(t)$ respectively. These give the probability per time a new infected individual is created, and the probability per time some infected individual recovers.

For those less-familiar with the time-change representation, we next give a more intuitive explanation of the model as a collection of chemical reactions, and then demonstrate how these reactions can be written in Catalyst.jl and seamlessly converted into a form that can be used with the DiffEqJump.jl solvers. Users interested in how to directly define jumps using the lower-level DiffEqJump interface can skip to Building and Simulating the Jump Process Using the DiffEqJump Low-Level Interface.

Specifying the SIR Model with Chemical Reactions

The SIR model described above involves two basic chemical reactions,

\[\begin{aligned} S + I &\overset{\beta}{\to} 2 I \\ I &\overset{\nu}{\to} R, \end{aligned}\]

where $\beta$ and $\nu$ are the rate constants of the reactions (with units of probability per time). In a jump process (stochastic chemical kinetics) model, we keep track of the non-negative integer number of each species at each time (i.e. $(S(t), I(t), R(t))$ above). Each reaction has an associated rate function (i.e. intensity or propensity) giving the probability per time it can occur when the system is in state $(S(t),I(t),R(t))$:

\[\begin{matrix} \text{Reaction} & \text{Rate Functions} \\ \hline S + I \overset{\beta}{\to} 2 I & \beta S(t) I(t) \\ I \overset{\nu}{\to} R & \nu I(t). \end{matrix}\]

$\beta$ is determined by factors like the type of the disease. It can be interpreted as the probability per time one pair of susceptible and infected people encounter each other, with the susceptible person becoming sick. The overall rate (i.e. probability per time) that some susceptible person gets sick is then given by the rate constant multiplied by the number of possible pairs of susceptible and infected people. This formulation is known as the law of mass action. Similarly, we have that each individual infected person is assumed to recover with probability per time $\nu$, so that the probability per time some infected person becomes recovered is $\nu$ times the number of infected people, i.e. $\nu I(t)$.

Rate functions give the probability per time for each of the two types of jumps to occur, and hence determine when the state of our system changes. To fully specify our model we also need to specify how the state changes when a jump occurs, giving what are called affect! functions in DiffEqJump. For example, when the $S + I \to 2 I$ reaction occurs and some susceptible person becomes infected, the subsequent (instantaneous) state change is that

\[\begin{aligned} S &\to S - 1 & I &\to I + 1. \end{aligned}\]

Likewise, when the $I \to R$ reaction occurs so that some infected person becomes recovered the state change is

\[\begin{aligned} I &\to I - 1 & R \to R + 1. \end{aligned}\]

In summary, our model is described by two chemical reactions, which each in turn correspond to a jump process determined by a rate function specifying how frequently jumps should occur, and an affect! function for how the state should change when that jump type occurs.

Building and Simulating the Jump Processes from Catalyst Models

Using Catalyst.jl we can input our full reaction network in a form that can be easily used with DiffEqJump's solvers

using Catalyst
sir_model = @reaction_network begin
    β, S + I --> 2I
    ν, I --> R
end β ν

\[ \begin{align*} \require{mhchem} \ce{ S + I &->[$\beta$] 2 I}\\ \ce{ I &->[$\nu$] R} \end{align*} \]

To build a pure jump process model of the reaction system, where the state is constant between jumps, we will use a DiscreteProblem. This encodes that the state only changes at the jump times. We do this by giving the constructor u₀, the initial condition, and tspan, the timespan. Here, we will start with 999 susceptible people, 1 infected person, and 0 recovered people, and solve the problem from t=0.0 to t=250.0. We use the parameters β = 0.1/1000 and ν = 0.01. Thus we build the problem via:

p     = (:β => 0.1/1000, :ν => 0.01)
u₀    = [:S => 999, :I => 10, :R => 0]
tspan = (0.0, 250.0)
prob  = DiscreteProblem(sir_model, u₀, tspan, p)
DiscreteProblem with uType Vector{Int64} and tType Float64. In-place: true
timespan: (0.0, 250.0)
u0: 3-element Vector{Int64}:

Notice, the initial populations are integers since we want the exact number of people in the different states.

The Catalyst reaction network can be converted into various DifferentialEquations.jl problem types, including JumpProblems, ODEProblems, or SDEProblems. To turn it into a JumpProblem representing the SIR jump process model, we simply write

jump_prob = JumpProblem(sir_model, prob, Direct())
JumpProblem with problem DiscreteProblem with aggregator Direct
Number of constant rate jumps: 0
Number of variable rate jumps: 0
Number of mass action jumps: 2

Here Direct() indicates that we will determine the random times and types of reactions using Gillespie's Direct stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA), also known as Doob's method or Kinetic Monte Carlo. See Constant Rate Jump Aggregators for other supported SSAs.

We now have a problem that can be evolved in time using the DiffEqJump solvers. Since our model is a pure jump process (no continuously-varying components), we will use SSAStepper() to handle time-stepping the Direct method from jump to jump:

sol = solve(jump_prob, SSAStepper())
retcode: Default
Interpolation: Piecewise constant interpolation
t: 1869-element Vector{Float64}:
u: 1869-element Vector{Vector{Int64}}:
 [999, 10, 0]
 [998, 11, 0]
 [997, 12, 0]
 [996, 13, 0]
 [995, 14, 0]
 [995, 13, 1]
 [994, 14, 1]
 [994, 13, 2]
 [993, 14, 2]
 [992, 15, 2]
 [0, 148, 861]
 [0, 147, 862]
 [0, 146, 863]
 [0, 145, 864]
 [0, 144, 865]
 [0, 143, 866]
 [0, 142, 867]
 [0, 141, 868]
 [0, 141, 868]

This solve command takes the standard commands of the common interface, and the solution object acts just like any other differential equation solution. Thus there exists a plot recipe, which we can plot with:


Building and Simulating the Jump Process Using the DiffEqJump Low-Level Interface

We now show how to directly use DiffEqJump's low-level interface to construct and solve our jump process model for $(S(t),I(t),R(t))$. Each individual jump that can occur is represented through specifying two pieces of information; a rate function (i.e. intensity or propensity) for the jump and an affect! function for the jump. The former gives the probability per time a particular jump can occur given the current state of the system, and hence determines the time at which jumps can happen. The later specifies the instantaneous change in the state of the system when the jump occurs.

In our SIR model we have two possible jumps that can occur (one for susceptibles becoming infected and one for infected becoming recovered), with the corresponding (mathematical) rates and affects given by

\[\begin{matrix} \text{Rates} & \text{Affects}\\ \hline \beta S(t) I(t) & S \to S - 1,\, I \to I + 1 \\ \nu I(t) & I \to I - 1, \, R \to R + 1. \end{matrix}\]

DiffEqJump offers three different ways to (exactly) represent jumps: MassActionJump, ConstantRateJump, and VariableRateJump. Choosing which to use is a trade off between the desired generality of the rate and affect! functions vs. the computational performance of the resulting simulated system. In general

Jump TypePerformanceGenerality
MassActionJumpFastestRestrictive rates/affects
ConstantRateJumpSomewhat SlowerMuch more general
VariableRateJumpSlowestCompletely general

It is recommended to try to encode jumps using the most performant option that supports the desired generality of the underlying rate and affect functions. Below we describe the different jump types, and show how the SIR model can be formulated using first ConstantRateJumps and then MassActionJumps (VariableRateJumps are considered later).

Defining the Jumps Directly: ConstantRateJump

The constructor for a ConstantRateJump is:

jump = ConstantRateJump(rate, affect!)

where rate is a function rate(u,p,t) and affect! is a function of the integrator affect!(integrator) (for details on the integrator, see the integrator interface docs). Here u corresponds to the current state vector of the system; for our SIR model u[1] = S(t), u[2] = I(t) and u[3] = R(t). p corresponds to the parameters of the model, just as used for passing parameters to derivative functions in ODE solvers. Thus, to define the two possible jumps for our model we take (with β = .1/1000.0 and ν = .01).

β = 0.1 / 1000.0
ν = .01;
p = (β, ν)
rate1(u, p, t) = p[1] * u[1] * u[2]  # β*S*I
function affect1!(integrator)
  integrator.u[1] -= 1         # S -> S - 1
  integrator.u[2] += 1         # I -> I + 1
jump = ConstantRateJump(rate1,affect1!)

rate2(u, p, t) = p[2] * u[2]         # ν*I
function affect2!(integrator)
  integrator.u[2] -= 1        # I -> I - 1
  integrator.u[3] += 1        # R -> R + 1
jump2 = ConstantRateJump(rate2,affect2!)
ConstantRateJump{typeof(Main.rate2), typeof(Main.affect2!)}(Main.rate2, Main.affect2!)

We will start with 999 susceptible people, 1 infected person, and 0 recovered people, and solve the problem from t=0.0 to t=250.0 so that

u₀    = [999, 10, 0]
tspan = (0.0, 250.0)
(0.0, 250.0)

Notice, the initial populations are integers since we want the exact number of people in the different states.

Since we want the system state to change only at the discrete jump times, we will build a DiscreteProblem

prob = DiscreteProblem(u₀, tspan, p)
DiscreteProblem with uType Vector{Int64} and tType Float64. In-place: true
timespan: (0.0, 250.0)
u0: 3-element Vector{Int64}:

We can then use JumpProblem from DiffEqJump to augment the discrete problem with jumps and select the stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA) to use in sampling the jump processes. To create a JumpProblem we would simply do:

jump_prob = JumpProblem(prob, Direct(), jump, jump2)
JumpProblem with problem DiscreteProblem with aggregator Direct
Number of constant rate jumps: 2
Number of variable rate jumps: 0
Number of mass action jumps: 0

Here Direct() indicates that we will determine the random times and types of jumps that occur using Gillespie's Direct stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA), also known as Doob's method or Kinetic Monte Carlo. See Constant Rate Jump Aggregators for other supported SSAs.

We now have a problem that can be evolved in time using the DiffEqJump solvers. Since our model is a pure jump process with all rates being constant in between jumps (i.e. no continuously-varying components), we will use SSAStepper to handle time-stepping the Direct method from jump to jump:

sol = solve(jump_prob, SSAStepper())
retcode: Default
Interpolation: Piecewise constant interpolation
t: 1880-element Vector{Float64}:
u: 1880-element Vector{Vector{Int64}}:
 [999, 10, 0]
 [998, 11, 0]
 [997, 12, 0]
 [996, 13, 0]
 [996, 12, 1]
 [995, 13, 1]
 [994, 14, 1]
 [993, 15, 1]
 [992, 16, 1]
 [991, 17, 1]
 [0, 137, 872]
 [0, 136, 873]
 [0, 135, 874]
 [0, 134, 875]
 [0, 133, 876]
 [0, 132, 877]
 [0, 131, 878]
 [0, 130, 879]
 [0, 130, 879]

This solve command takes the standard commands of the common interface, and the solution object acts just like any other differential equation solution. Thus there exists a plot recipe, which we can plot with:

plot(sol, label=["S(t)" "I(t)" "R(t)"])

Note, in systems with more than a few jumps (more than ~10), it can be advantageous to use more sophisticated SSAs than Direct. For such systems it is recommended to use SortingDirect, RSSA or RSSACR, see the list of DiffEqJump SSAs at Constant Rate Jump Aggregators.

Caution about Constant Rate Jumps

ConstantRateJumps are quite general, but they do have one restriction. They assume that the rate functions are constant at all times between two consecutive jumps of the system. i.e. any species/states or parameters that the rate function depends on must not change between the times at which two consecutive jumps occur. Such conditions are violated if one has a time dependent parameter like $\beta(t)$ or if some of the solution components, say u[2], may also evolve through a coupled ODE, SDE, or a VariableRateJump (see below for examples). For problems where the rate function may change between consecutive jumps, VariableRateJumps must be used.

Thus in the examples above,

rate1(u,p,t) = p[1]*u[1]*u[2]
rate2(u,p,t) = p[2]*u[2]

both must be constant other than changes due to some other ConstantRateJump or MassActionJump (the same restriction applies to MassActionJumps). Since these rates only change when u[1] or u[2] is changed, and u[1] and u[2] only change when one of the jumps occur, this setup is valid. However, a rate of t*p[1]*u[1]*u[2] would not be valid because the rate would change during the interval, as would p[2]*u[1]*u[4] when u[4] is the solution to a continuous problem such as an ODE or SDE or can be changed via a VariableRateJump. Thus one must be careful to follow this rule when choosing rates.

In summary, if a particular jump process has a rate function that depends explicitly or implicitly on a continuously changing quantity, you need to use a VariableRateJump.


Any common interface algorithm can be used to perform the time-stepping since it is implemented over the callback interface. This allows for hybrid systems that mix ODEs, SDEs and jumps. In many cases we may have a pure jump system that only involves ConstantRateJumps and/or MassActionJumps (see below). When that's the case, a substantial performance benefit may be gained by using SSAStepper. Note, SSAStepper is a more limited time-stepper which only supports discrete events, and does not allow simultaneous coupled ODEs or SDEs or VariableRateJumps. It is, however, very efficient for pure jump problems involving only ConstantRateJumps and MassActionJumps.

Reducing Memory Use: Controlling Saving Behavior

Note that jumps act via DifferentialEquations.jl's callback interface, which defaults to saving at each event. This is required in order to accurately resolve every discontinuity exactly (and this is what allows for perfectly vertical lines in plots!). However, in many cases when using jump problems you may wish to decrease the saving pressure given by large numbers of jumps. To do this, you set the save_positions keyword argument to JumpProblem. Just like for other callbacks, this is a tuple (bool1, bool2) which sets whether to save before or after a jump. If we do not want to save at every jump, we would thus pass:

jump_prob = JumpProblem(prob, Direct(), jump, jump2; save_positions = (false, false))
JumpProblem with problem DiscreteProblem with aggregator Direct
Number of constant rate jumps: 2
Number of variable rate jumps: 0
Number of mass action jumps: 0

Now the saving controls associated with the integrator should specified, see the main SciML Docs for saving options. For example, we can use saveat = 10.0 to save at an evenly spaced grid:

sol = solve(jump_prob, SSAStepper(); saveat = 10.0)

# we plot each solution component separately since
# the graph should no longer be a step function
plot(sol.t, sol[1,:]; marker = :o, label="S(t)", xlabel="t")
plot!(sol.t, sol[2,:]; marker = :x, label="I(t)", xlabel="t")
plot!(sol.t, sol[3,:]; marker = :d, label="R(t)", xlabel="t")

Notice that our plot (and solutions) are now defined at precisely the specified time points. It is important to note that interpolation of the solution object will no longer be exact for a pure jump process, as the solution values at jump times have not been stored. i.e for t a time we did not save at sol(t) will no longer give the exact value of the solution at t.

Defining the Jumps Directly: MassActionJump

For ConstantRateJumps that can be represented as mass action reactions a further specialization of the jump type is possible that offers improved computational performance; MassActionJump. Suppose the system has $N$ chemical species $\{S_1,\dots,S_N\}$. A general mass action reaction has the form

\[R_1 S_1 + R_2 S_2 + \dots + R_N S_N \overset{k}{\rightarrow} P_1 S_1 + P_2 S_2 + \dots + P_N S_N\]

where the non-negative integers $(R_1,\dots,R_N)$ denote the reactant stoichiometry of the reaction, and the non-negative integers $(P_1,\dots,P_N)$ the product stoichiometry. The net stoichiometry is the net change in each chemical species from the reaction occurring one time, given by $\mathbf{\nu} = (P_1-R_1,\dots,P_N-R_N)$. As such, the affect! function associated with a MassActionJump simply changes the state, $\mathbf{u}(t) = (u_1(t),\dots,u_N(t))$, by updating

\[\mathbf{u}(t) \to \mathbf{u}(t) + \mathbf{\nu}.\]

The default rate function, ρ = rate(u,p,t), is based on stochastic chemical kinetics and given by

\[ρ(\mathbf{u}(t)) = k \prod_{i=1}^N \begin{pmatrix} u_i \\ R_i \end{pmatrix} = k \prod_{i=1}^N \frac{u_i!}{R_i! (u_i - R_i)!} = k \prod_{i=1}^N \frac{u_i (u_i - 1) \cdots (u_i - R_i + 1)}{R_i!}\]

where $k$ denotes the rate constant of the reaction (in units of per time).

As an example, consider again the SIR model. The species are u = (S,I,R). The first reaction has rate β, reactant stoichiometry (1, 1, 0), product stoichiometry (0, 2, 0), and net stoichiometry (-1, 1, 0). The second reaction has rate ν, reactant stoichiometry (0, 1, 0), product stoichiometry (0, 0, 1), and net stoichiometry (0, -1, 1).

We can manually encode this system as a mass action jump by specifying the indexes of the rate constants in p, the reactant stoichiometry, and the net stoichiometry. We note that the first two determine the rate function, with the latter determining the affect function.

rateidxs = [1, 2]           # i.e. [β, ν]
reactant_stoich =
  [1 => 1, 2 => 1],         # 1*S and 1*I
  [2 => 1]                  # 1*I
net_stoich =
  [1 => -1, 2 => 1],        # -1*S and 1*I
  [2 => -1, 3 => 1]         # -1*I and 1*R
mass_act_jump = MassActionJump(reactant_stoich, net_stoich; param_idxs=rateidxs)
MassActionJump{Nothing, Vector{Vector{Pair{Int64, Int64}}}, Vector{Vector{Pair{Int64, Int64}}}, DiffEqJump.MassActionJumpParamMapper{Vector{Int64}}}(nothing, [[1 => 1, 2 => 1], [2 => 1]], [[1 => -1, 2 => 1], [2 => -1, 3 => 1]], DiffEqJump.MassActionJumpParamMapper{Vector{Int64}}([1, 2]))

Notice, one typically should define one MassActionJump that encodes each possible jump that can be represented via a mass action reaction. This is in contrast to ConstantRateJumps or VariableRateJumps where separate instances are created for each distinct jump type.

Just like for ConstantRateJumps, to then simulate the system we create a JumpProblem and call solve:

jump_prob = JumpProblem(prob, Direct(), mass_act_jump)
sol = solve(jump_prob, SSAStepper())
plot(sol; label=["S(t)" "I(t)" "R(t)"])

For more details about MassActionJumps see Defining a Mass Action Jump. We note that one could include the factors of $1 / R_i!$ directly in the rate constant passed into a MassActionJump, so that the desired rate function that gets evaluated is

\[\hat{k} \prod_{i=1}^N u_i (u_i - 1) \cdots (u_i - R_i + 1)\]

with $\hat{k} = k / \prod_{i=1}^{N} R_i!$ the renormalized rate constant. Passing the keyword argument scale_rates = false will disable MassActionJumps internally rescaling the rate constant by \prod_{i=1}^{N} R_i!.

For chemical reaction systems Catalyst.jl automatically groups reactions into their optimal jump representation.

Defining the Jumps Directly: Mixing ConstantRateJump and MassActionJump

Suppose we now want to add in to the SIR model another jump that can not be represented as a mass action reaction. We can create a new ConstantRateJump and simulate a hybrid system using both the MassActionJump for the two previous reactions, and the new ConstantRateJump. Let's suppose we want to let susceptible people be born with the following jump rate:

birth_rate(u,p,t) = 10.0 * u[1] / (200.0 + u[1]) + 10.0
function birth_affect!(integrator)
  integrator.u[1] += 1
birth_jump = ConstantRateJump(birth_rate, birth_affect!)
ConstantRateJump{typeof(Main.birth_rate), typeof(Main.birth_affect!)}(Main.birth_rate, Main.birth_affect!)

We can then simulate the hybrid system as

jump_prob = JumpProblem(prob, Direct(), mass_act_jump, birth_jump)
sol = solve(jump_prob, SSAStepper())
plot(sol; label=["S(t)" "I(t)" "R(t)"])

Adding Jumps to a Differential Equation

If we instead used some form of differential equation instead of a DiscreteProblem, we would couple the jumps/reactions to the differential equation. Let's define an ODE problem, where the continuous part only acts on some new 4th component:

using OrdinaryDiffEq
function f(du, u, p, t)
  du[4] = u[2]*u[3]/100000 - u[1]*u[4]/100000
u₀   = [999.0, 10.0, 0.0, 100.0]
prob = ODEProblem(f, u₀, tspan, p)
ODEProblem with uType Vector{Float64} and tType Float64. In-place: true
timespan: (0.0, 250.0)
u0: 4-element Vector{Float64}:

Notice we gave the 4th component a starting value of 100.0, and used floating point numbers for the initial condition since some solution components now evolve continuously. The same steps as above will allow us to solve this hybrid equation when using ConstantRateJumps (or MassActionJumps). For example, we can solve it using the Tsit5() method via:

jump_prob = JumpProblem(prob, Direct(), jump, jump2)
sol = solve(jump_prob, Tsit5())
plot(sol; label=["S(t)" "I(t)" "R(t)" "u₄(t)"])

Adding a VariableRateJump

Now let's consider adding a reaction whose rate changes continuously with the differential equation. To continue our example, let there be a new reaction with rate depending on u[4] of the form $u_4 \to u_4 + \textrm{I}$, with a rate constant of 1e-2:

rate3(u, p, t) = 1e-2 * u[4]
function affect3!(integrator)
  integrator.u[2] += 1    # I -> I + 1
jump3 = VariableRateJump(rate3, affect3!)
VariableRateJump{typeof(Main.rate3), typeof(Main.affect3!), Nothing, Float64, Int64}(Main.rate3, Main.affect3!, nothing, true, 10, (true, true), 1.0e-12, 0)

Notice, since rate3 depends on a variable that evolves continuously, and hence is not constant between jumps, we must use a VariableRateJump.

Solving the equation is exactly the same:

u₀   = [999.0, 10.0, 0.0, 1.0]
prob = ODEProblem(f, u₀, tspan, p)
jump_prob = JumpProblem(prob, Direct(), jump, jump2, jump3)
sol = solve(jump_prob, Tsit5())
plot(sol; label=["S(t)" "I(t)" "R(t)" "u₄(t)"])

Note that VariableRateJumps require using a continuous problem, like an ODE/SDE/DDE/DAE problem, and using floating point initial conditions.

Lastly, we are not restricted to ODEs. For example, we can solve the same jump problem except with multiplicative noise on u[4] by using an SDEProblem instead:

using StochasticDiffEq
function g(du, u, p, t)
  du[4] = 0.1u[4]
prob = SDEProblem(f, g, [999.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0], (0.0, 250.0), p)
jump_prob = JumpProblem(prob, Direct(), jump, jump2, jump3)
sol = solve(jump_prob, SRIW1())
plot(sol; label=["S(t)" "I(t)" "R(t)" "u₄(t)"])

For more details about VariableRateJumps see Defining a Variable Rate Jump.

RegularJumps and τ-Leaping

The previous parts described how to use ConstantRateJumps, MassActionJumps, and VariableRateJumps, however, in many cases one does not require the exactness of stepping to every jump time. Instead, regular jumping (i.e. τ-leaping) allows pooling jumps together, and performing larger updates in a statistically-correct but more efficient manner. The trade-off is the introduction of a time-discretization error due to the time-stepping, but one that is controlled and convergent as the time-step is reduced to zero.

Let's see how to define the SIR model in terms of a RegularJump. We need two functions, rate and change!. rate is a vector equation which computes the rates of each jump process

function rate(out, u, p, t)
    out[1] = p[1] * u[1] * u[2]   # β * S * I
    out[2] = p[2] * u[2]          # ν * I
rate (generic function with 1 method)

We then define a function that given a vector storing the number of times each jump occurs during a time-step, counts, calculates the change in the state, du. For the SIR example we do this by multiplying counts by a matrix that encodes the change in the state due to one occurrence of each reaction (i.e. the net stoichiometry matrix). Below c[i,j] gives the change in u[i] due to the jth jump:

c = zeros(3, 2)
# S + I --> I
c[1,1] = -1    # S -> S - 1
c[2,1] = 1     # I -> I + 1

# I --> R
c[2,2] = -1    # I -> I - 1
c[3,2] = 1     # R -> R + 1

function change(du, u, p, t, counts, mark)
  mul!(du, c, counts)
change (generic function with 1 method)

We are now ready to create our RegularJump, passing in the rate function, change function, and the number of jumps being encoded

rj = RegularJump(rate, change, 2)
RegularJump{true, typeof(Main.rate), typeof(Main.change), Nothing}(Main.rate, Main.change, 2, nothing)

From there we build a JumpProblem

u₀ = [1000.0, 50.0, 0.0]
prob = DiscreteProblem(u₀, tspan, p)
jump_prob = JumpProblem(prob, Direct(), rj)
JumpProblem with problem DiscreteProblem with aggregator Direct
Number of constant rate jumps: 0
Number of variable rate jumps: 0
Number of mass action jumps: 0
Have a regular jump

Note that when a JumpProblem has a RegularJump, τ-leaping algorithms are required for simulating it. This is detailed on the jump solvers page. One such algorithm is TauLeaping from StochasticDiffEq.jl, which we use as follows:

sol = solve(jump_prob, TauLeaping(); dt=.001)
plot(sol; label=["S(t)" "I(t)" "R(t)"])