Utilities Functions

In this section we document commonly used utility structures methods.

Interpolation Methods


const interpolation_methods = Dict{String, Function}(...)

Specify names for available interpolation methods.

Dictionary values are constructors with signature (x,y) -> interpolation

Available interpolation strings (i.e. keys) are

  • CUBIC,
  • AKIMA,

See package Interpolations for details.

Polynomial Regression Methods

struct PolynomialRegression

A PolynomialRegression holds allows to predict values of a multi-variate function. The polynomial degrees are encoded in the multi-index matrix V. The polynomial coefficients are stored in the vector beta.


Calibrate a PolynomialRegression object from a matrix of controls C of size (n,p) and a vector of observations O of size (p,). The maximum polynomial degree is given by max_degree.

predict(reg::PolynomialRegression, C::AbstractMatrix)

Use a calibrated polynomial regression to predict function values. Input is a matrix of controls C of size (n,p). Result is a vector of size (p,).

multi_index(n::Int, k::Int)

Calculate an Int matrix as Vector{Vector{Int}} of size (m,n) where each row represents an n-dimensional multi-index α with degree |α| < k.

monomials(C::AbstractMatrix, V::AbstractMatrix)

Calculate monomials M of size (m,p) for a matrix of controls C of size (n,p) and a matrix V of multi-indices α. V is of size (m,n).

Pice-wise Polynomial Regression Methods

We implement a piece-wise polynomial multivariate regression.

The method represents a combination of a simple decision tree model with polynomial regression on the leaf nodes.

For reference and motivation, see the following blog post.

We consider a data set of controls C of size (n,p). Here, n represents the number of features and p represents the number of observations.

A partitioning is represented by a multi-index π = (π1, ..., πn) with πk > 0. Each πk represents the number of partitions for the k-th feature.

The idea is to sort C by the values of the first feature. Then, we split the data set into π_1 partitions. For each partition the procedure is repeated with the second feature and following features.

As a result, we get a split of the full data set into π1 * ... * πn subsets. For each subset of data we calculate a polynomial regression.

For model prediction have a given data point c. We need to identify the subset and regression which is to be used with c. This step is split into the following sub-steps:

  1. Determine a multi-index α that identifies the subset.

  2. Determine a scalar index r via a total ordering of multi- indices.

The elements of α in step 1 are determined successively by means of a branching matrix Q. A branching matrix is of size (πk - 1, mk). Each column in Q represents quantiles that evenly split the calibration data set for the k-th feature.

In order to determine an element αk from ck in step 1 we determine the relevant column from the k-th branching matrix and compare c_k against the quantile values.

struct PiecewiseRegression

A PiecewiseRegression holds the information on the partitioning of the training data set and a list of regressions. The information on the partitioning is encoded in the partitioning vector π, the list of branching matrices Qs and the list of polynomial regressions.


Create a PiecewiseRegression from a matrix of features (or controls) C, a vector of labels (or observations) O, a maximum polynomial degree (max_degree), and a partitioning vector π.

C is of size (n,p), O is of length p, max_degree should be 2 (or 3) and π is of length n. The entries of π should be between 2 and 4; depending on the number of observations p and the number of dimensions n.

predict(reg::PiecewiseRegression, C::AbstractMatrix)

Use a calibrates piecewise polynomial regression to predict function values. Input is a matrix of controls C of size (n,p). Result is a vector of size (p,).

partition_index(π::Vector{Int}, α::Vector{Int})

Calculate a scalar index r from a multi-index α and a partitioning π.

This method implements a total ordering of multi-indices.

sub_index(c_k::ModelValue, π::Vector{Int}, α::Vector{Int}, Q::AbstractMatrix)

Calculate the k-th index αk for a scalar feature ck, earlier indices α = (α1, ..., αk-1), partitioning π = (π1, ..., πk) up to index k and a branching matrix Q.

multi_index(c::AbstractVector, π::Vector{Int}, Qs::AbstractVector)

Calculate a multi-index α = (α1, ..., αn). For the elements we have 1 ≤ αk ≤ πk. An element αk represents the index of the subset to which the k-th feature ck belongs (all conditional on earlier features).

branching_matrix(π::Vector{Int}, Alpha::Matrix{Int}, C_k::AbstractVector)

Calculate a branching matrix Qk of quantiles for a vector of features (ck,j)j=1,..,p. Calculation also depends on earlier multi-indices α = (α1, ..., αk-1) for each ck,j and partitions π = (π1, ..., πk-1).

partitioning(C::AbstractMatrix, π::Vector{Int})

Calculate branching matrices and indices for a matrix of features C and a partitioning vector π. The matrix C is of size (n,p) where n is the number of scalar features (per observation) and p is the number observations/samples.

The method returns a vector (or list) of branching matrices Qs, a matrix of multi-indices Alpha, and the corresponding partition index R. Qs is of length n, Alpha is of size (n,p) and R is of length p.

Black Formula Methods

black_price(strike, forward, nu, call_put)

Calculate Vanilla option price V in Black model.

Argument strike ($K$) represents the option strike, forward ($F$) is the forward price of the underlying $S$, i.e. $F = E[S(T)]$ in the respective pricing measure.

Argument nu represents the standard deviation of the forward price. For annualised lognormal volatility σ, we have $ν = σ √T$. Finally, call_put is the call (+1) or put (-1) option flag.

We allow broadcasting for arguments.

black_price(strike, forward, σ, T, call_put)

Calculate Vanilla option price $V$ in Black model with volatility parameter.

black_delta(strike, forward, nu, call_put)

Calculate Vanilla option Delta in Black model.

black_delta(strike, forward, σ, T, call_put)

Calculate Vanilla option Delta in Black model with volatility parameter.

black_gamma(strike, forward, nu)

Calculate Vanilla option Gamma in Black model.

black_gamma(strike, forward, σ, T)

Calculate Vanilla option Gamma in Black model with volatility parameter.

black_theta(strike, forward, σ, T)

Calculate Vanilla option Theta in Black model.

black_vega(strike, forward, nu)

Calculate Vanilla option Vega in Black model.

Here, Vega is calculated as $dV / d ν$.

black_vega(strike, forward, σ, T)

Calculate Vanilla option Vega in Black model with volatility parameter..

Here, Vega is calculated as $dV / dσ$.

black_implied_stdev(price, strike, forward, call_put, min_max = (0.01, 3.00))

Calculate the implied log-normal standard deviation ν from a Black model price.

black_implied_volatility(price, strike, forward, T, call_put, min_max = (0.01, 1.00))

Calculate the implied log-normal volatility σ from a Black model price.

Bachelier Formula Methods

bachelier_price(strike, forward, nu, call_put)

Calculate Vanilla option price $V$ in Bachelier model.

Argument strike ($K$) represents the option strike, forward ($F$) is the forward price of the underlying $S$, i.e. $F = E[S(T)]$ in the respective pricing measure.

Argument nu represents the standard deviation of the forward price. For annualised normal volatility σ, we have ν = σ √T. Finally, call_put is the call (+1) or put (-1) option flag.

bachelier_price(strike, forward, σ, T, call_put)

Calculate Vanilla option price $V$ in Bachelier model with volatility parameter.

bachelier_vega(strike, forward, nu)

Calculate Vanilla option Vega in Bachelier model.

Here, Vega is calculated as $dV / d ν$.

bachelier_vega(strike, forward, σ, T)

Calculate Vanilla option Vega in Bachelier model with volatility parameter.

Here, Vega is calculated as $dV / dσ$.

bachelier_implied_stdev(price, strike, forward, call_put, min_max = (1.0e-4, 6.0e-2))

Calculate the implied normal standard deviation ν from a Bachelier model price.

bachelier_implied_volatility(price, strike, forward, T, call_put, min_max = (0.0001, 0.02))

Calculate the implied normal volatility σ from a Bachelier model price.