Defining diffusion

The main utility macro introduced in this package is @diffusion_process. It facilitates very concise definitions of structs characterizing diffusion processes.

There are two (optionally three) parts expected by the macro:

  • the name of the diffusion (which, optionally, may contain template parameters in the curly brackets)
  • and the recipe for defining a struct
@diffusion_process NAME{TEMPLATE_PARAMETERS} begin

the snippet of code above creates a struct named NAME according to specifications listed in the RECIPE.

Customization of a struct

The RECIPE may contain information pertinent to five distinct categories:

  • Specification of :dimensions
  • Specification of :parameters (their names and datatypes)
  • Specification of :constant_parameters (their names and datatypes)
  • Specification of :auxiliary_info
  • :additional information

Each type needs to be announced to julia by starting the list with the corresponding Symbol (or QuoteNode).


For many users knowing only about :dimensions, :parameters and :additional will be sufficient and the other categories will not be of much importance.


It's best to look at a simple example. Consider the definition of a Lorenz system:

@diffusion_process Lorenz{T} begin
    process --> 3
    wiener --> 3

    _ --> (3, T)
    σ --> Float64

    constdiff --> true
    diagonaldiff --> true

The macro above expands to:

mutable struct Lorenz{T} <: DiffusionProcess{Float64, 3, 3, UnboundedStateSpace()}
    function Lorenz(p1::T, p2::T, p3::T, σ::Float64) where T
        new{T}(p1, p2, p3, σ)
    function Lorenz(; p1::T, p2::T, p3::T, σ::Float64) where T
        new{T}(p1, p2, p3, σ)

which defines a parametric typeLorenz{T}, together with some handy auxiliary functions specific to any instance of Lorenz{T}. We may now instantiate the newly defined struct as in

P_f64 = Lorenz(10.0, 28.0, 8.0/3.0, 0.2)
# or
P_f32 = Lorenz(10.0f0, 28.0f0, 8.0f0/3.0f0, 0.2)

We can also call some functions that were auto-generated for the newly defined Lorenz struct, for instance

DD.parameter_names(Lorenz) == (:p1, :p2, :p3, :σ)
DD.parameter_names(P_f64) == (:p1, :p2, :p3, :σ)
DD.parameters(P_f64) == Dict(:p1 => 10.0, :p2 => 28.0, :p3 => 8.0/3.0, :σ => 0.2)

More functions are automatically defined in the background for each generated DiffusionProcess, to learn more about them see the list of Utility Functions.

Systematic explanations

The following information can be specified in the definition of a diffusion law when calling a macro @diffusion_process.


All keywords read by @diffusion_process are case-insensitive.

Category 1: :dimensions

Specification of the dimension of the process and the dimension of the driving Brownian motion. Must be written in a format:

  • process --> dimension OR
  • wiener --> dimension (eg.
    • process --> 4).

In both cases, if left unspecified then defaults to dimension=1.

Alternative keywords

:dimensions is not the only keyword that will be recognized by @diffusion_process as declaring the dimensions of the process. Alternative names that could be used in place of :dimensions are: :dim, :dims, :dimension

Category 2: :parameters

List of all parameters that the law depends on.


@diffusion_process understands _ as "the user doesn't care about the name, so let's use a generic name based on the letter p and append it with a disambiguation number so that if there are more than one p's they are not confused with each other"

The parameters must be specified in one of the following formats:

  • single-parameter-name --> single-data-type, (eg.
    • σ --> Float64 or
    • σ --> T (if T is one of the template's labels) or
    • _ --> Vector{Int32}).
    This defines a single parameter.
  • single-parameter-name --> (multiple-data-types,) (eg.
    • σ --> (Float64, Int64),
    • _ --> (Int32, T)).
    This defines as many parameters as there are specified types and appends the names with numbers to disambiguate multiple parameters with the same names.
  • single-parameter-name --> (number-of-parameters, data-type) (eg.
    • σ --> (3, Float64))
    defines number-of-parameters-many parameters of the same data type.
  • (multiple-parameter-names,) --> single-data-type (eg.
    • (α, β, γ) --> Int64)
    defines as many parameters as there are names specified and sets them to be of the same type.
  • (multiple-parameter-names,) --> (multiple-data-types,) (eg.
    • (α, β, γ) --> (Float64, Int64, T))
    defines as many parameters as there are names specified (there should be an equal number of names as there are types, it will throw an AssertionError otherwise) and sets them to be of the corresponding type.
Alternative keywords

:parameters keyword alternatives: :param, :params

Category 3: :constant_parameters

These can be defined in exactly the same way as :parameters. The only purpose for splitting the parameters into :constant_parameters and :parameters is to indicate to Julia that the set of all parameters may be split into two conceptually different groups. In particular, @diffusion_process defines utility functions that act differently with :constant_parameters and :parameters:


Return a tuple of pairs of parameter_name => parameter_value. Return only those parameteres that are considered to be constant.


Return a tuple of pairs of parameter_name => parameter_value. Return only those parameteres that are considered to be variable.


Return a tuple with the names of all paremeters.


Return a tuple with the names of all paremeters.


Return a tuple with the names of all paremeters that are considered to be constant.


Return a tuple with the names of all paremeters that are considered to be constant.


Return a tuple with the names of all paremeters that are considered to be variable.


Return a tuple with the names of all paremeters that are considered to be variable.


The split into constant and variable parameters is not done at a compile time and can also be done by hand after the struct with the diffusion has been constructed. For instance, in the Lorenz example above we have:

julia> DD.parameters(P_f64)
Dict{Symbol,Float64} with 4 entries:
  :p2 => 28.0
  :σ  => 0.2
  :p1 => 10.0
  :p3 => 2.66667

julia> DD.const_parameters(P_f64)
Dict{Any,Any} with 0 entries

julia> DD.var_parameters(P_f64)
Dict{Symbol,Float64} with 4 entries:
  :p2 => 28.0
  :σ  => 0.2
  :p1 => 10.0
  :p3 => 2.66667

If we wanted to change our mind and define, say, :p1 and :p3 as constant parameters we could do that by overwriting the definition of the const_parameter_names(::Type{<:CustomDiffusionLaw}) method, as all other functions of this type are computed as a byproduct of parameter_names(::Type{<:CustomDiffusionLaw}) and const_parameter_names(::Type{<:CustomDiffusionLaw}) and the former one should never change.

DD.const_parameter_names(::Type{<:Lorenz}) = (:p1, :p3)

That's all that needs to be changed.

Alternative keywords

:constant_parameters keyword alternatives: const_parameters, :const_param, :const_params, :constparameters, :constparam, :constparams, :constant_param, :constant_params, :constantparameters, :constantparam, and :constantparams.

Category 4: :auxiliary_info

Information about the end-points of the diffusion. This is a useful feature for guided proposals or simulation of diffusion bridges, where the process is conditioned to hit a certain end-point. In particular, it is used quite extensively in the package GuidedProposals.jl. The following fields can be defined:

  • t0 (also accepts :t_0): the starting time-point
  • T: the final time-point
  • v0 (also accepts :obs0, :v_0, :obs_0): the starting observation
  • vT (also accepts :obsT, :v_T, :obs_T): the observation at the terminal time

Each one of these fields can be defined in a format field-name --> field-type (e.g. T --> Float64).

Alternative keywords

auxiliary_info keyword alternatives: :aux_info, :end_points, :end_point_info

Category 5: :additional

The additional information provides some additional decorators that helps the compiler use specialized functions when called on instances of corresponding diffusion processes. The following information can be specified

  • constdiff --> true (or false) depending on whether the volatility coefficient is independent from the state variable (false by default).
    • Alternative keywords: :constvola, :constdiffusivity, :constvolatility, :constσ, :constantdiff, :constantvola, :constantdiffusivity, :constantvolatility, :constantσ.
  • diagonaldiff --> true (or false) to indicate that the volatility coefficient is represented by a diagonal matrix (false by default).
    • Alternative keywords: :diagonalvola, :diagonaldiffusivity, :diagonalvolatility, :diagonalσ, :diagdiff, :diagvola, :diagdiffusivity, :diagvolatility, :diagσ.
  • sparsediff --> true (or false) to indicate that the volatility coefficient is a represented by a sparse matrix (false by default).
    • Alternative keywords: :sparsevola, :sparsediffusivity, :sparsevolatility, :sparseσ.
  • linear --> true (or false) to indicate that a diffusion has a linear structure (false by default).
  • diagonalbmat --> true (or false) to indicate that a B matrix of a linear diffusion (with a drift b(x):=Bx+β) is diagonal (false by default).
    • Alternative keywords: :diagonalb, :diagonalbmatrix.
  • sparsebmat --> true (or false) to indicate that a B matrix of a linear diffusion (with a drift b(x):=Bx+β) is sparse (false by default).
    • Alternative keywords: :sparseb, :sparsebmatrix.
  • statespace --> type-of-state-space-restrictions (eg. statespace --> UnboundedStateSpace()) indicates any restrictions made on the state-space of a diffusion process.
  • eltype --> type-of-parameter (eg. eltype --> Float64) disambiguate the parameter type in case multiple types are used. This is useful for automatic differentiation where the derivatives of only a subset of parameters are taken and it is the eltype of those parameters that is of interest. [TODO come back, not sure anymore if it has any use]
Alternative keywords

:additional keyword alternatives: :extra

Additional functions

For each struct defining a diffusion law we may define some additional functions that are not automatically generated by the @diffusion_process macro. These additional functions can provide us with some extra functionality implemented in other packages of the JuliaDiffusionBayes suite.

There are two groups of extra functions

  1. Functions that are needed for the conjugate updates from the package DiffusionMCMC.jl. They are discussed in detail here.

  2. Functions needed for blocking, that can be implemented for instance with the package GuidedProposals.jl or DiffusionMCMC.jl. These need to be overwritten only if your diffusion is hypoelliptic, otherwise the defaults will work just fine. The first one is a function nonhypo, with the documentation that can be found here. It can be overwritten directly, or can be defined automatically when defining conjugate updates. The second function is

nonhypo_σ((t,i)::IndexedTime, x, P::DiffusionProcess)

Return a sub-matrix of the full volatility matrix σ that consists of non-zero rows of σ.

nonhypo_σ(t::Float64, x, P)

Return a sub-matrix of the full volatility matrix σ that consists of non-zero rows of σ.


The functions from the latter group are not discussed any further in this documentation. Please see the tutorial on blocking from GuidedProposals.jl to learn more.