Computing path-functionals when sampling

rand, rand! and solve! accept an additional, named argument f—a functional of a path. By default it is turned off, but we may define some Julia function and pass it on to rand, rand! or solve! to be evaluated during the call to solve!. For out-of-place computations three versions of function need to be defined:

# called at the very start of solve!
f_accum = foo(P, y)
# called at the beginning of every iteration of the Euler-Maruyama scheme
f_accum = foo(f_accum, P, y, t, dt, dW, i)
# called at the very end, just before return statement
f_accum = foo(f_accum, P, y, Val(:final))

For in-place computations these three functions must have a slightly different form

# called at the very start of solve!
f_accum = foo(buffer, P, y) # the buffer needs to accommodate the needs of function f
# called at the beginning of every iteration of the Euler-Maruyama scheme
foo(buffer, P, y, tt[i-1], dt, i-1)
# called at the very end, just before return statement
foo(buffer, P, y, _FINAL)

If foo is appropriately defined, then we may pass it to, say, rand as follows:

X, foo_result = rand(P, tt, y1; f=foo)

Then, the output of rand is not only the sampled path X, but also the result of evaluating the functional defined by foo.


As an example, consider computing:

\[Y_0^{[3]}e^{-\frac{1}{100}\int_0^T (Y_t^{[1]})^2e^{-t}\dd t + Y_T^{[2]}/100 }\]

for Y a path drawn under the Lorenz law, and $Y^{[i]}$ representing its ith coordinate. We may define functions foo as follows:

foo(P::Lorenz, y) = log(y[3])
foo(f_accum, P::Lorenz, y, t, dt, dW, i) = f_accum - exp(-t)*y[1]^2/100.0*dt
foo(f_accum, P::Lorenz, y, ::Val{:final}) = exp(f_accum + y[2]/100.0)
X, foo_result = rand(P, tt, y1; f=foo)

Gradients of path-functionals when sampling

Why would we care about computing path-functionals at the time of sampling instead of simply doing so after the path has been sampled and stored in a Trajectory? The answer is: we can leverage Julia's automatic differentiation implemented in the package ForwardDiff.jl to compute gradients (and Hessians) of said functionals with respect to, say, a starting point or diffusion's parameters in a very efficient manner and without having to strain the memory by expanding the DataType used in Trajectory'ies.


For instance, in the example above, if we wanted to compute gradients with respect to diffusion parameters we can do the following:

# need a wrapper around foo
function foobar(θ)
    P = Lorenz(θ...)
    _, foo_result = DD.solve!(X, W, P, y1_θ; f=foo)
# stating parameters
θ° = @SVector[10.0, 28.0, 8.0/3.0, 1.0]
tt = 0.0:0.001:10.0
y1 = @SVector [-10.0, -10.0, 25.0]
X, W = trajectory(tt, P)
rand!(Wiener(), W)
# gradient preparation
y1_θ_type = similar_type(θ°, Dual{Tag{typeof(foobar),eltype(y1)},eltype(y1),length(θ)}, Size(y1))
y1_θ = y1_θ_type(y1)

grad_at_θ° = ForwardDiff.gradient(foobar, θ°)

The trajectories X and W are of regular, default datatype specified by P (and do not use Duals from ForwardDiff). y1 needs to be already of the type that uses Dual numbers (that's how solve! knows what DataType to use).

The steps above are packaged in a convenience function

grad_θ(θ, y1, W, X, Law, f)

Compute ∇f with respect to parameters θ for a fixed Wiener path W. X is a container where the the trajectory computed for the Wiener path W under the law Law(θ) will be stored. y1 is the starting position.

so all the steps above are encapsulated by a call

# stating parameters
θ° = @SVector[10.0, 28.0, 8.0/3.0, 1.0]
tt = 0.0:0.001:10.0
y1 = @SVector [-10.0, -10.0, 25.0]
X, W = trajectory(P, tt)
rand!(Wiener(), W)

# gradient computation
grad_at_θ° = grad_θ(θ°, y1, W, X, Lorenz, foo)

Additionally, we provide:

grad_y1(y1, W, X, P, f)

Compute ∇f with respect to the starting position y1 for a fixed Wiener path W. X is a container where the the trajectory computed for the Wiener path W under the law P will be stored.

so that gradients with respect to a starting position may be computed as follows:

P = Lorenz(θ°...)
DD.grad_y1(y1, W, X, P, foo)