Saving output as HDF5 files
When dealing with 2D or especially 3D data, it can be impractical or even impossible to keep every timestep in memory, as the RAM on a single machine can quickly become saturated. It may then be relevant to save certain timesteps of interest to disk for later post-processing. DiffusionGarnet has a built-in function for this purpose, using a callback function based on the DiffEqCallbacks package to produce HDF5 files.
HDF5 is a data format designed to store and organise large amount of data and is the data format chosen for DiffusionGarnet.
As an example, we will use the data from the Diffusion in 2D Cartesian coordinates on CPU tutorial but this is also applicable to 1D Cartesian or spherical coordinates in the same manner.
Make sure to start Julia with multiple threads of execution to speed up the simulation.
using DiffusionGarnet
using DelimitedFiles
using Plots
Mg0 = DelimitedFiles.readdlm("Xprp.txt", '\t', '\n', header=false)
Fe0 = DelimitedFiles.readdlm("Xalm.txt", '\t', '\n', header=false)
Mn0 = DelimitedFiles.readdlm("Xsps.txt", '\t', '\n', header=false)
Ca0 = DelimitedFiles.readdlm("Xgrs.txt", '\t', '\n', header=false)
grt_boundary = DelimitedFiles.readdlm("contour_Grt.txt", '\t', '\n', header=false)
Lx = 9000.0u"µm"
Ly = 9000.0u"µm"
tfinal = 1.0u"Myr"
T = 900u"°C"
P = 0.6u"GPa"
IC2D = InitialConditions2D(Mg0, Fe0, Mn0, Lx, Ly, tfinal; grt_boundary = grt_boundary)
domain2D = Domain(IC2D, T, P)
We then need to decide at which timesteps we want to save our data, here at 0, 0.5 and 1 Myr:
time_save = [0, 0.5, 1]u"Myr" # define times at which to save
Make sure to always include 0 in your timesteps to save the initial conditions.
Two additional steps are then required, we need to convert this time to dimensionless time so that the solver can use it, and we need to define our callback function:
@unpack t_charact = domain2D # unpack characteristic time to nondimensionalise the time for the simulation
time_save_ad = ustrip.(u"Myr", time_save) ./ t_charact # convert to Myr, remove units, and convert to nondimensional time
is the equivalent dimensionless time to time_save:
julia > time_save_ad
3-element Vector{Float64}:
The time provided to the callback function should always be dimensionless.
We can now define our callback function that will save the data at these timesteps, using PresetTimeCallback()
save_data_callback = PresetTimeCallback(time_save_ad, save_data)
is the function that will be called at each timestep in our callback function. save_data_callback
can then be passed to simulate
after defining the path of the output file:
path_save = "Grt_2D.h5" # chose the name and the path of the HDF5 output file (make sure to add .h5 or .hdf5 at the end)
sol = simulate(domain2D; callback=save_data_callback, path_save=path_save, save_everystep=false);
We use save_everystep=false
in simulation()
to prevent saving every timestep in the model as we save it to disk. That should speed up the computation and reduce the burden on the RAM.
This output:
Data saved at 0.0 Myr.
Data saved at 0.5 Myr.
Data saved at 1.0 Myr.
352.464431 seconds (17.47 M allocations: 1.789 GiB, 0.15% gc time, 4.01% compilation time)
which indicates the time at which we saved our data and the total run time of the simulation.
The output file produced can be read with the official viewer or using HDF5.jl in Julia or other programming languages and external programs.
Using HDF5.jl, we can look at the structure of the HDF5 file produced:
julia> using HDF5
julia> hf5 = h5open("Grt_2D.h5")
🗂️ HDF5.File: (read-only) Grt_2D.h5
└─ 📂 Diffusion_Grt
├─ 🏷️ CharacteristicDiffusionCoefficient
├─ 🏷️ CharacteristicLength
├─ 🏷️ CharacteristicTime
├─ 🏷️ Coordinates
├─ 🏷️ Dx(µm)
├─ 🏷️ Dy(µm)
├─ 🏷️ LengthX(µm)
├─ 🏷️ LengthY(µm)
├─ 🏷️ Nx
├─ 🏷️ Ny
├─ 🏷️ TotalTime(Myr)
├─ 📂 t0000
│ ├─ 🏷️ Time(Myr)
│ ├─ 📂 Ca
│ │ ├─ 🏷️ Center
│ │ ├─ 🏷️ DataType
│ │ └─ 🔢 Ca
│ ├─ 📂 Fe
│ │ ├─ 🏷️ Center
│ │ ├─ 🏷️ DataType
│ │ └─ 🔢 Fe
│ ├─ 📂 Mg
│ │ ├─ 🏷️ Center
│ │ ├─ 🏷️ DataType
│ │ └─ 🔢 Mg
│ └─ 📂 Mn
│ ├─ 🏷️ Center
│ ├─ 🏷️ DataType
│ └─ 🔢 Mn
├─ 📂 t0001
│ ├─ 🏷️ CurrentDt(Myr)
│ ├─ 🏷️ Time(Myr)
│ ├─ 📂 Ca
│ │ ├─ 🏷️ Center
│ │ ├─ 🏷️ DataType
│ │ └─ 🔢 Ca
│ ├─ 📂 Fe
│ │ ├─ 🏷️ Center
│ │ ├─ 🏷️ DataType
│ │ └─ 🔢 Fe
│ ├─ 📂 Mg
│ │ ├─ 🏷️ Center
│ │ ├─ 🏷️ DataType
│ │ └─ 🔢 Mg
│ └─ 📂 Mn
│ ├─ 🏷️ Center
│ ├─ 🏷️ DataType
│ └─ 🔢 Mn
└─ 📂 t0002
├─ 🏷️ CurrentDt(Myr)
├─ 🏷️ Time(Myr)
├─ 📂 Ca
│ ├─ 🏷️ Center
│ ├─ 🏷️ DataType
│ └─ 🔢 Ca
├─ 📂 Fe
│ ├─ 🏷️ Center
│ ├─ 🏷️ DataType
│ └─ 🔢 Fe
├─ 📂 Mg
│ ├─ 🏷️ Center
│ ├─ 🏷️ DataType
│ └─ 🔢 Mg
└─ 📂 Mn
├─ 🏷️ Center
├─ 🏷️ DataType
└─ 🔢 Mn
julia> close(hf5) # close the HDF5 file
We can see that the HDF5 file contains some general information about the model as attributes (🏷️), such as characteristic values or the dimensions and the total time of the model. In addition, the three timesteps are stored as groups (📂) with the composition in Ca, Fe, Mg and Mn.