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Ever had trouble keeping track of objects on remote processes?
DistributedObjects.jl lets you create, access, modify and delete remotely stored objects.


You can install DistributedObjects by typing

julia> ] add DistributedObjects


Start with your usual distributed setup

# launch multiple processes (or remote machines)
using Distributed; addprocs(5)

# instantiate and precompile environment in all processes
@everywhere (using Pkg; Pkg.activate(@__DIR__); Pkg.instantiate(); Pkg.precompile())

# you can now use DistributedObjects
@everywhere using DistributedObjects

1. Create

Behold, a plant ✨

@everywhere struct Plant

Let's create a remote plant on worker 6

🍀 = DistributedObject(()->Plant("clover", true), 6);

What about some plants on workers 1, 2, 4, all attached to a single DistributedObject?

args = Dict(1=>("peppermint", true), 
            2=>("nettle", true), 
            4=>("hemlock", false))

# note that by default pids=workers()
🪴 = DistributedObject((pid)->Plant(args[pid]...); pids=[1, 2, 4]);

Here we initialize an empty DistributedObject

🌱 = DistributedObject{Plant}() # make sure to specify the type of the objects it'll receive

And here's a DistributedObject{Union{Plant, Int64}} referencing mutilple types

🌼1️⃣ = DistributedObject((pid)->(Plant("dandelion", true), 1)[pid]; pids=[1,2])

Finally, here we specify that we expect multiple types but initialize with only Int64s

🌵2️⃣ = DistributedObject{Union{Int64, Plant}}(()->2, 2) 
🪷3️⃣ = DistributedObject{Union{Int64, Plant}}((pid)->[42, 24][pid], [2,4])

2. Access

We can access each plant by passing indexes to the DistributedObjects

🪴[] # [] accesses the current process (here 1) returns Plant("peppermint", true)
🪴[1] # returns Plant("peppermint", true)
🪴[4] # returns Plant("hemlock", false)
fetch(@spawnat 4 🪴[]) # returns Plant("hemlock", false)
🪴[1,4] # returns [Plant("peppermint", true), Plant("hemlock", false)]
🍀[6] # returns Plant("clover", true)

Note: fetching objects from remote processes is possible, but not recommended if you want to avoid the communication overhead.

3. Modify

Let's add some plants to 🌱

🌱[] = ()->Plant("plantain", true) # [] adds a plant at current process (here 1) 
🌱[5] = ()->Plant("chanterelles", true)
🌱[2,4] = (pid)->Plant(args[pid]...)

wait "chanterelles" isn't a plant...

🌱[5] = ()->Plant("spearmint", true)

If you're working on the current process, or if you don't mind the communication cost, you can also pass the objects directly instead of functions

🌱[] = Plant("spinach", true) 
🌱[3,4] = [Plant("chickweed", true), Plant("nettle", true)]

Oh, and if you ever forget what type of objects you stored and where you stored them

eltype(🪴) # returns Plant
where(🪴) # returns [1, 2, 4]

4. Delete

Once we're done with a plant we can remove it from its DistibutedObject

delete!(🪴, 2)

# ERROR: On worker 2:
# This distributed object has no remote object on process 2.

Finally, we clean up after ourselves when we're done with the DistibutedObjects


Bonus: you can check with varinfo() that the objects are indeed stored remotely and that they are correctly removed by close

using Distributed; addprocs(1)

@everywhere using DistributedObjects
@everywhere using InteractiveUtils
@everywhere @show varinfo()

big_array = DistributedObject(()->ones(1000,1000), 2);
@everywhere @show varinfo()

@everywhere @show varinfo()