DistributedObject{T}() where T

Create an empty DistributedObject which will reference objects of type <:T stored on remote processes.

For example, DistributedObject{Int64}(), will return a distributed object capable of referencing Int64 objects.

DistributedObject{T}(f::Function; pids=workers()::Vector{Int64})

Make a reference to objects of type <:T stored on processes pids. f is a function that when executed on a pid in pids must return an implementation of an object of type <:T. The default pids are the worker processes.

For example, DistributedObject((pid)->pid * ones(2); pids=[2,3]), will return a distributed object referencing a vector [2,2] and [3,3] stored on workers 2 and 3 respectively.

DistributedObject{T}(f::Function, pid::Int64)

Make a reference to an object of type <:T stored on process pid. f is a function that when executed on pid must return an implementation of an object of type <:T.

For example, DistributedObject(()->ones(2), 4), will return a distributed object referencing a vector [1,1] stored on workers 4.


Remove all the remote objects.

Base.delete!(d::DistributedObject, pid::Int64)

Remove the remote object stored on process pid.

Base.getindex(d::DistributedObject{T}) where T

Retrieve the object stored by the current process.

Base.getindex(d::DistributedObject{T}, pid::Int64) where T

Retrieve the remote object stored at process pid.

Base.getindex(d::DistributedObject{T}, pids::Int64...) where T

Retrieve the remote object(s) stored at process(es) pids if they exist. If no pids is given, the object stored by the current process is returned. Warning: retrieving remote objects will create communication costs.

Base.setindex!(d::DistributedObject{T}, f::Function, pid::Int64) where T

Store the object of type T returned by f evaluated on process pid. f should take no argument.

Base.setindex!(d::DistributedObject{T}, f::Function, pids::Int64...) where T

Store the objects of type T returned by f evaluated on each process of pids. f should take a pid::Int64 as an argument.

Base.setindex!(d::DistributedObject{T}, f::Function) where T

Store the object of type T returned by f on the current process. f should take no argument.

Base.setindex!(d::DistributedObject{T}, o::T, pid::Int64) where T

Store the object o on process pid.

Base.setindex!(d::DistributedObject{T}, o::T) where T

Store the object o on the current process.

Base.setindex!(d::DistributedObject{T}, os::Vector{T}, pids::Int64...) where T

Store the objects os on the process of pids.