Markdown Extension Examples

This page demonstrates some of the built-in markdown extensions provided by VitePress.

Syntax Highlighting

VitePress provides Syntax Highlighting powered by Shiki, with additional features like line-highlighting:

Line Highlight


Code snippets from gnuplot-examples.

using Gnuplot
x = -2π:0.001:2π
@gp x sin.(x) "w l t 'sin' lw 2 lc '#56B4E9'" "set grid"
@gp :- xrange = (-2π - 0.3, 2π + 0.3) yrange = (-1.1,1.1)
@gp :- x cos.(x) "w l t 'cos' lw 2 lc rgb '#E69F00'" # ‎[!code highlight]


using Gnuplot
x = -2π:0.001:2π
@gp x sin.(x) "w l t 'sin' lw 2 lc '#56B4E9'" "set grid"
@gp :- xrange = (-2π - 0.3, 2π + 0.3) yrange = (-1.1,1.1)
@gp :- x cos.(x) "w l t 'cos' lw 2 lc rgb '#E69F00'" # [!code highlight]

Highlight multiple lines


# ‎[!code highlight:3]
# up to 3 in order to highlight the previous 2 lines
using Gnuplot
x = -2π:0.001:2π
@gp x sin.(x) "w l t 'sin' lw 2 lc '#56B4E9'" "set grid"
@gp :- xrange = (-2π - 0.3, 2π + 0.3) yrange = (-1.1,1.1)
@gp :- x cos.(x) "w l t 'cos' lw 2 lc rgb '#E69F00'" # ‎[!code highlight]


# [!code highlight:3]
using Gnuplot
x = -2π:0.001:2π
@gp x sin.(x) "w l t 'sin' lw 2 lc '#56B4E9'" "set grid"
@gp :- xrange = (-2π - 0.3, 2π + 0.3) yrange = (-1.1,1.1)
@gp :- x cos.(x) "w l t 'cos' lw 2 lc rgb '#E69F00'" # [!code highlight]

Note the combination with [!code highlight].

Focus a line


using Gnuplot
x = -2π:0.001:2π
@gp x sin.(x) "w l t 'sin' lw 2 lc '#56B4E9'" "set grid"
@gp :- xrange = (-2π - 0.3, 2π + 0.3) yrange = (-1.1,1.1)
@gp :- x cos.(x) "w l t 'cos' lw 2 lc rgb '#E69F00'" # ‎[!code focus]


using Gnuplot
x = -2π:0.001:2π
@gp x sin.(x) "w l t 'sin' lw 2 lc '#56B4E9'" "set grid"
@gp :- xrange = (-2π - 0.3, 2π + 0.3) yrange = (-1.1,1.1)
@gp :- x cos.(x) "w l t 'cos' lw 2 lc rgb '#E69F00'" # [!code focus]

Focus multiple lines


# ‎[!code focus:3]
using Gnuplot
x = -2π:0.001:2π
@gp x sin.(x) "w l t 'sin' lw 2 lc '#56B4E9'" "set grid"
@gp :- xrange = (-2π - 0.3, 2π + 0.3) yrange = (-1.1,1.1)
@gp :- x cos.(x) "w l t 'cos' lw 2 lc rgb '#E69F00'" # ‎[!code focus] # ‎[!code highlight]


# [!code focus:3]
using Gnuplot
x = -2π:0.001:2π
@gp x sin.(x) "w l t 'sin' lw 2 lc '#56B4E9'" "set grid"
@gp :- xrange = (-2π - 0.3, 2π + 0.3) yrange = (-1.1,1.1)
@gp :- x cos.(x) "w l t 'cos' lw 2 lc rgb '#E69F00'" # [!code focus] # [!code highlight]

Note the combination with [!code focus] and [!code highlight].

Added and removed lines


using Gnuplot
x = -2π:0.001:2π
@gp x sin.(x) "w l t 'sin' lw 2 lc '#56B4E9'" "set grid" # ‎ [!code --]
@gp :- xrange = (-2π - 0.3, 2π + 0.3) yrange = (-1.1,1.1)
@gp :- x cos.(x) "w l t 'cos' lw 2 lc rgb '#E69F00'" # ‎[!code ++] # ‎[!code focus]


using Gnuplot
x = -2π:0.001:2π
@gp x sin.(x) "w l t 'sin' lw 2 lc '#56B4E9'" "set grid" # [!code --]
@gp :- xrange = (-2π - 0.3, 2π + 0.3) yrange = (-1.1,1.1)
@gp :- x cos.(x) "w l t 'cos' lw 2 lc rgb '#E69F00'" # [!code ++] # [!code focus]

Note the combination with [!code focus].

Code error, code warning


using Gnuplot
x = -2π:0.001:2π
@gp x sin.(x) "w l t 'sin' lw 2 lc '#56B4E9'" "set gridss" # ‎ [!code error]
@gp :- xrange = (-2π - 0.3, 2π + 0.3) yrange = (-1.1,1.1)
@gp :- x cos.(x) "w l t 'cos' lw 2 lc rgba '#E69F00'" # ‎[!code warning]


using Gnuplot
x = -2π:0.001:2π
@gp x sin.(x) "w l t 'sin' lw 2 lc '#56B4E9'" "set gridss" # [!code error]
@gp :- xrange = (-2π - 0.3, 2π + 0.3) yrange = (-1.1,1.1)
@gp :- x cos.(x) "w l t 'cos' lw 2 lc rgba '#E69F00'" # [!code warning]

Code groups


::: code-group

```julia [one line]
using Gnuplot
t = 0:0.001:1
@gp t sin.(10π*t) "w l tit 'sin' lc 'gray'"

```julia [two lines]
using Gnuplot
x = -2π:0.001:2π
@gp x sin.(x) "w l t 'sin' lw 2 lc '#56B4E9'" "set grid"
@gp :- xrange = (-2π - 0.3, 2π + 0.3) yrange = (-1.1,1.1)
@gp :- x cos.(x) "w l t 'cos' lw 2 lc rgb '#E69F00'"



::: code-group

using Gnuplot
t = 0:0.001:1
@gp t sin.(10π*t) "w l tit 'sin' lc 'gray'"
using Gnuplot
x = -2π:0.001:2π
@gp x sin.(x) "w l t 'sin' lw 2 lc '#56B4E9'" "set grid"
@gp :- xrange = (-2π - 0.3, 2π + 0.3) yrange = (-1.1,1.1)
@gp :- x cos.(x) "w l t 'cos' lw 2 lc rgb '#E69F00'"




1. a
1. b
    1. c
        1. d
1. e


  1. a
  2. b
    1. c
      1. d
  3. e

Custom Containers


::: info

This is an info box.


::: tip

This is a tip.


::: warning

This is a warning.


::: danger

This is a dangerous warning.


::: details

This is a details block.



::: info

This is an info box.


::: tip

This is a tip.


::: warning

This is a warning.


::: danger

This is a dangerous warning.


::: details

This is a details block.





== tab a

a content

== tab b

b content



== tab a

a content 2

== tab b

b content 2




== tab a

a content

== tab b

b content



== tab a

a content 2

== tab b

b content 2


Nested Tabs



=== first one


== tab a

a content

== tab b

b content


=== second one


== tab c

c content 2

== tab d

d content 2





=== first one


== tab a

a content

== tab b

b content


=== second one


== tab c

c content 2

== tab d

d content 2



GitHub-flavored Alerts

See github-flavored-alerts


> Critical content.


[!WARNING] Critical content.


See github-style-tables


| Tables        |      Are      |  Cool |
| ------------- | :-----------: | ----: |
| col 3 is      | right-aligned | \$1600 |
| col 2 is      |   centered    |   \$12 |
| zebra stripes |   are neat    |    \$1 |


col 3 isright-aligned$1600
col 2 iscentered$12
zebra stripesare neat$1



When ``a \ne 0``, there are two solutions to ``ax^2 + bx + c = 0`` and they are

$$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}$$

Don't type anything after the last double dollar sign, and make sure there are no spaces after the opening double dollar sign in the display math!

You can also use fenced code blocks with the `math` tag for equations!

\nabla^2 \Phi = \rho


When $a \ne 0$, there are two solutions to $ax^2 + bx + c = 0$ and they are

\[x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}\]

Don't type anything after the last double dollar sign, and make sure there are no spaces after the opening double dollar sign in the display math!

You can also use fenced code blocks with the math tag for equations!

\[\nabla^2 \Phi = \rho\]

Footnotes (citation-style)


Here is the link for the paper of Babushka[^1]
[^1]: This is Babushka's footnote!


Here is the link for the paper of Babushka[1]

Escaping characters


< `less` and `greater` > than, and the backtick \`.


< less and greater > than, and the backtick `.

And also, this <was> an <issue> before.

Let's see if this one works:

sshflags=`-i <keyfile>`

it does,

sshflags=`-i <keyfile>`

but within inline text it does not. Ideas for the escaping sequence?

This is the expected sequence by vitepress:

<code> sshflags= `` `-i <keyfile> ` `` </code>


Check out the documentation for the full list of markdown extensions.

  • 1This is Babushka's footnote!