Color laws

The following empirical laws allow us to model the reddening of light as it travels to us. The law you use should depend on the type of data you have and the goal of its use. CCM89 is very common for use in removing extinction from stellar observations, but CAL00, for instance, is suited for galaxies with massive stars. Look through the citations and documentation for each law to get a better idea of what sort of physics it targets.


Color laws are constructed and then used as a function for passing wavelengths. Wavelengths are assumed to be in units of angstroms.

julia> CCM89(Rv=3.1)(4000)

These laws can be applied across higher dimension arrays using the . operator

julia> CCM89(Rv=3.1).([4000, 5000])
2-element Array{Float64,1}:

these laws return magnitudes, which we can apply directly to flux by mulitplication with a base-2.5 logarithmic system (because astronomers are fun):

\[f = f \cdot 10 ^ {-0.4A_v\cdot mag}\]

To make this easier, we provide a convenience redden and deredden functions for applying these color laws to flux measurements.

julia> wave = range(4000, 5000, length=4)

julia> flux = 1e-8 .* wave .+ 1e-2

julia> redden.(CCM89, wave, flux; Av=0.3)
4-element Array{Float64,1}:

julia> deredden.(CCM89(Rv=3.1), wave, ans; Av=0.3) ≈ flux

Advanced Usage

The color laws also have built-in support for uncertainties using Measurements.jl.

julia> using Measurements

julia> CCM89(Rv=3.1).([4000. ± 10.5, 5000. ± 10.2])
2-element Array{Measurement{Float64},1}:
 1.4646 ± 0.0033
 1.1222 ± 0.003

and also support units via Unitful.jl and its subsidiaries. Notice how the output type is now Unitful.Gain.

julia> using Unitful, UnitfulAstro

julia> mags = CCM89(Rv=3.1).([4000u"angstrom", 0.5u"μm"])
2-element Array{Gain{Unitful.LogInfo{:Magnitude,10,-2.5},:?,Float64},1}:
 1.4645557029425837 mag
 1.1222468788993019 mag

You can even combine the two above to get some really nice workflows exploiting all Julia has to offer! This example shows how you could redden some OIR observational data with uncertainties in the flux density.

julia> using Measurements, Unitful, UnitfulAstro

julia> wave = range(0.3, 1.0, length=5)u"μm"
(0.3:0.175:1.0) μm

julia> err = randn(length(wave))
5-element Array{Float64,1}:

julia> flux = @.(300 / ustrip(wave)^4 ± err)*u"Jy"
5-element Array{Quantity{Measurement{Float64},𝐌*𝐓⁻²,Unitful.FreeUnits{(Jy,),𝐌*𝐓⁻²,nothing}},1}:
  37037.04 ± 0.3 Jy
  5893.14 ± 0.38 Jy
  1680.61 ± -0.6 Jy
 647.598 ± -0.01 Jy
   300.0 ± -0.84 Jy

julia> redden.(CCM89, wave, flux; Av=0.3)
5-element Array{Quantity{Measurement{Float64},𝐌*𝐓⁻²,Unitful.FreeUnits{(Jy,),𝐌*𝐓⁻²,nothing}},1}:
    22410.8 ± 0.18 Jy
    4229.74 ± 0.27 Jy
    1337.12 ± 0.48 Jy
 554.3349 ± 0.0089 Jy
     268.31 ± 0.75 Jy

Parametric Extinction Laws

These laws are all parametrized by the selective extinction Rv. Mathematically, this is the ratio of the total extinction by the reddening

\[R_V = \frac{A_V}{E(B-V)}\]

and is loosely associated with the size of the dust grains in the interstellar medium.


Clayton, Cardelli and Mathis (1989)


Clayton, Cardelli and Mathis (1989) dust law.

Returns E(B-V) in magnitudes at the given wavelength relative to the extinction at 5494.5 Å. The default support is [1000, 33333]. Outside of that range this will return 0. Rv is the selective extinction and is valid over [2, 6]. A typical value for the Milky Way is 3.1.


Clayton,Cardelli and Mathis (1989)

O'Donnell 1994


O'Donnell (1994) dust law.

This is identical to the Clayton, Cardelli and Mathis (1989) dust law, except for different coefficients used in the optical (3030.3 Å to 9090.9 Å).


O'Donnell (1994)

See Also


Calzetti et al. (2000)


Calzetti et al. (2000) Dust Law.

Returns E(B-V) in magnitudes at the given wavelength. λ is the wavelength in Å and has support over [1200, 22000]. Outside of that range this will return 0.

Calzetti et al. (2000) developed a recipe for dereddening the spectra of galaxies where massive stars dominate the radiation output. They found the best fit value for such galaxies was 4.05±0.80.


Calzetti et al. (2000)

Valencic, Clayton, & Gordon (2004)

Gordon, Cartledge, & Clayton (2009)

Fitzpatrick (1999)


Fitzpatrick (1999) dust law. Returns E(B-V) in magnitudes at the given wavelength relative to the extinction. This model applies to the UV and optical to NIR spectral range. The default support is [1000, 33333] Å. Outside of that range this will return

  1. Rv is the selective extinction and is valid over [2, 6]. A typical value for

the Milky Way is 3.1.


Fitzpatrick (1999)

Fitzpatrick (2004)


Fitzpatrick (2004) dust law. Returns E(B-V) in magnitudes at the given wavelength relative to the extinction. This model applies to the UV and optical to NIR spectral range. The default support is [1000, 33333] Å. Outside of that range this will return

  1. Rv is the selective extinction and is valid over [2, 6]. A typical value for

the Milky Way is 3.1. Equivalent to the F99 model with an updated NIR Rv dependence See also Fitzpatrick & Massa (2007, ApJ, 663, 320)


Fitzpatrick (2004)

Fitzpatrick (2019)


Fitzpatrick (2019) dust law.

Returns E(B-V) in magnitudes at the given wavelength relative to the extinction. This model applies to the UV and optical to NIR spectral range. The default support is [1149, 33333] Å. Outside of that range this will return

  1. Rv is the selective extinction and is valid over [2, 6]. A typical value for

the Milky Way is 3.1.

Fitzpatrick, Massa, Gordon et al. (2019, ApJ, 886, 108) model. Based on a sample of stars observed spectroscopically in the optical with HST/STIS.


Fitzpatrick (2019)

Maiz Apellaniz et al. (2014)


Maiz Apellaniz et al (2014) Milky Way & LMC R(V) dependent model.

Returns E(B-V) in magnitudes at the given wavelength relative to the extinction. The published UV extinction curve is identical to Clayton, Cardelli, and Mathis (1989, CCM). Forcing the optical section to match smoothly with CCM introduces a non-physical feature at high values of R5495 around 3.9 inverse microns; see section 5 in Maiz Apellaniz et al. (2014) for more discussion. For that reason, we provide the M14 model only through 3.3 inverse microns, the limit of the optical in CCM. Outside of that range this will return 0. Rv is the selective extinction and is valid over [2, 6]. A typical value for the Milky Way is 3.1. R5495 = A(5485)/E(4405-5495) Spectral equivalent to photometric R(V).


Maiz Apellaniz et al. (2014)


redden(::ExtinctionLaw, wave, flux; Av=1)
redden(::Type{ExtinctionLaw}, wave, flux; Av=1, law_kwargs...)

Redden the given flux using the given extinction law at the given wavelength.

If wave is <:Real then it is expected to be in angstrom and if it is <:Unitful.Quantity it will be automatically converted. Av is the total extinction value. The extinction law can be a constructed struct or a Type. If it is a Type, law_kwargs will be passed to the constructor.


julia> wave = 3000; flux = 1000;

julia> redden(CCM89, wave, flux; Rv=3.1)

julia> redden(CCM89(Rv=3.1), wave, flux; Av=2)

See Also


deredden(::ExtinctionLaw, wave, flux; Av=1)
deredden(::Type{ExtinctionLaw}, wave, flux; Av=1, law_kwargs...)

Deredden the given flux using the given extinction law at the given wavelength.

If wave is <:Real then it is expected to be in angstrom and if it is <:Unitful.Quantity it will be automatically converted. Av is the total extinction value. The extinction law can be a constructed struct or a Type. If it is a Type, law_kwargs will be passed to the constructor.


julia> wave = 3000; flux = 187.386;

julia> deredden(CCM89, wave, flux; Rv=3.1)

julia> deredden(CCM89(Rv=3.1), wave, flux; Av=2)

See Also



The abstract super-type for dust extinction laws. See the extended help (??DustExtinction.ExtinctionLaw from the REPL) for more information about the interface.

Extended Help


Here's how to make a new extinction law, called MyLaw

  • Create your struct. We strongly recommend using Parameters.jl to facilitate creating keyword argument constructors if your model is parameterized, which allows convenient usage with redden and deredden.
struct MyLaw <: DustExtinction.ExtinctionLaw end
  • (Optional) Define the limits. This will default to (0, Inf). Currently, this is used within the DustExtinction.checkbounds function and in the future will be used for plotting recipes.
DustExtinction.bounds(::Type{<:MyLaw}) = (min, max)
  • Define the law. You only need to provide one function which takes wavelength as angstrom. If your law is naturally written for inverse-micron, there is a helper function aa_to_invum.
  • (Optional) enable Unitful.jl support by adding this function. If you are building a new law within DustExtinction.jl you can add your law to the code-gen list inside DustExtinction.jl/src/DustExtinction.jl.
(l::MyLaw)(wavelength::Unitful.Quantity) = l(ustrip(u"angstrom", wavelength)) * u"mag"

Get the natural wavelengths bounds for the extinction law, in angstrom

Fittable Extinction Laws

Fitzpatrick & Massa (1990)

FM90(;c1=0.10, c2=0.70, c3=3.23, c4=0.41, x0=4.60, gamma=0.9)
FM90(coeffs, x0=4.60, gamma=0.9)

Fitzpatrick & Massa (1990) generative model for ultraviolet dust extinction. The default values are the published values for the Milky Way average.


  • c1 - y-intercept of linear term
  • c2 - slope of liner term
  • c3 - amplitude of 2175 Å bump
  • c4 - amplitude of FUV rise
  • x0 - centroid of 2175 Å bump
  • gamma - width of 2175 Å bump

If λ is a Unitful.Quantity it will be automatically converted to Å and the returned value will be UnitfulAstro.mag.


julia> model = FM90(c1=0.2, c2=0.7, c3=3.23, c4=0.41, x0=4.6, gamma=0.99);

julia> model(1500)

julia> FM90()(1500)

julia> FM90(c1=0.2, c2=0.7, c3=3.23, c4=0.41, x0=4.6, gamma=0.99).([1000, 1200, 1800])
3-element Array{Float64,1}:

Extended Help

The model has form $c_1 + c_2x + c_3D(x; \gamma, x_0) + c_4 F(x)$ where $x$ is the wavenumber in inverse microns, $D(x)$ is a Drude profile (modified Lorentzian) used to model the 2175 Å bump with the scale-free parameters $x_0$ (central wavenumber) and $\gamma$ (damping coefficient), and $F(x)$, a piecewise function for the far-UV. Note that the coefficients will change the overall normalization, possibly changing the expected behavior of reddening via the parameter $A_V$.


Fitzpatrick & Massa (1990)

Mixture Extinction Laws

Gordon et al. (2016)

G16(;Rv=3.1, f_A=1.0)

Gordon et al. (2016) Milky Way, LMC, & SMC R(V) and f_A dependent model

Returns E(B-V) in magnitudes at the given wavelength relative to the extinction. This is mixture model between the F99 R(V) dependent model (component A) and the G03_SMCBar model (component B) The default support is [1000, 33333] Å. Outside of that range this will return 0. Rv is the selective extinction and is valid over [2, 6]. A typical value for the Milky Way is 3.1.


Gordon et al. (2016)