Reading in Pre-existing ERA5Variable Information

In order to familiarize ourselves with using ERA5Variables, we load some of the pre-existing variables that are prepackaged with ERA5Reanalysis.jl.

Loading Single-Level Variable Information

The easiest example is to load a single-level variable using the SingleVariable() function, for example the u-component of wind 100m above the surface:

    varID :: AbstractString,
    ST = String,
) -> evar :: SingleLevel

Retrieve the basic properties of the Single-Level variable defined by varID and put them in the evar SingleLevel type structure.


  • varID : variable ID (in string format) used in the NetCDF file
julia> using ERA5Reanalysis
julia> SingleVariable("u100")The Single-Level Variable "u100" has the following properties: Variable ID (varID) : u100 Long Name (lname) : 100m_u_component_of_wind Variable Name (vname) : Zonal Wind at 100m Height Variable Units (units) : m s**-1

Loading Pressure-Level Variable Information

Loading pressure-level variables using the PressureVariable() function is similar overall. However, an additional argument hPa is needed to specify the pressure-levels in question. By default hPa = 0 refers to all available pressure-levels. However, if the input for hPa is not a valid ERA5 pressure-level in CDS, then throw determines if an error is thrown, or if the nearest pressure level will be used instead.

    varID :: AbstractString,
    ST = String;
    hPa   :: Int = 0
    throw :: Bool = true
) -> evar :: SingleLevel

Retrieve the basic properties of the Pressure-Level variable defined by varID at pressure-height indicated by hPa and put them in the evar SingleLevel type structure.


  • varID : variable ID (in string format) used in the NetCDF file

Keyword Arguments

  • hPa : Integer specifying pressure-level height in hPa
  • throw : if hPa level does not exist and throw is true, throw error, otherwise find nearest pressure level
julia> using ERA5Reanalysis
julia> PressureVariable("cc",hPa=1000)The Pressure-Level Variable "cc" has the following properties: Variable ID (varID) : cc Long Name (lname) : fraction_of_cloud_cover Variable Name (vname) : Cloud Cover Fraction (1000 hPa) Variable Units (units) : % Pressure Level (hPa) : 1000
julia> PressureVariable("cc",hPa=890)ERROR: 2023-04-03T03:55:13.028 - ERA5Reanalysis.jl - Pressure level specified in "hPa" argument is invalid, please check and see if you requested correctly
julia> PressureVariable("cc",hPa=890,throw=false)The Pressure-Level Variable "cc" has the following properties: Variable ID (varID) : cc Long Name (lname) : fraction_of_cloud_cover Variable Name (vname) : Cloud Cover Fraction (900 hPa) Variable Units (units) : % Pressure Level (hPa) : 900

Valid ERA5 Pressure-Levels in CDS

A list of valid ERA5 pressure-levels available directly from CDS can be retrieved using the function era5Pressures

era5Pressures() -> parray :: Vector{Int}

Returns the a vector containing the 37 pressure levels available in ERA5 in hPa units.


  • parray : vector containing list of pressures in Int format and hPa units
julia> using ERA5Reanalysis
julia> era5Pressures()37-element Vector{Int64}: 1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 50 70 ⋮ 800 825 850 875 900 925 950 975 1000

Does the ERA5Variable exist?

If we want to check if the ERA5Variable exists, we use either the isSingle() or isPressure functions.


There is no generic isERA5Variable function, because some pressure-level variables and single-level variables on the CDS have the same identifier (e.g. Total Cloud Cover, and Cloud Cover Fraction, both of which use the identifer cc).

    varID :: AbstractString;
    throw :: Bool = true,
    dolog :: Bool = false
) -> tf :: Bool

Extracts information of the Single-Level Variable with the ID varID. If no Single-Level Variable with this ID exists, an error is thrown.


  • RegID : The keyword ID that will be used to identify the Single-Level Variable. If the ID is not valid (i.e. not being used), then an error will be thrown.
  • throw : If true, then throws an error if RegID is not a valid Single-Level Variable identifier instead of returning the Boolean tf
  • dolog : If true, then return logging to screen along with results


  • tf : True / False
    varID :: AbstractString;
    throw :: Bool = true,
    dolog :: Bool = false
) -> tf :: Bool

Extracts information of the Pressure-Level Variable with the ID varID. If no Pressure-Level Variable with this ID exists, an error is thrown.


  • RegID : The keyword ID that will be used to identify the Pressure-Level Variable. If the ID is not valid (i.e. not being used), then an error will be thrown.
  • throw : If true, then throws an error if RegID is not a valid Pressure-Level Variable identifier instead of returning the Boolean tf
  • dolog : If true, then return logging to screen along with results


  • tf : True / False
julia> using ERA5Reanalysis
julia> isSingle("tcwv")true