EcologicalNetworksDynamics is a Julia package that simulates species biomass dynamics in ecological networks. EcologicalNetworksDynamics makes things easy for beginners while remaining flexible for adventurous or experienced users who would like to tweak the model.

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Before you start

Before anything else, to use EcologicalNetworksDynamics you have to install Julia. For that go to the official download page. Once you have successfully installed Julia, you can install the library by running from a Julia REPL:

using Pkg

# /!\ The following will not work until the package has been
# published to the official Julia registry.
# Pkg.add("EcologicalNetworksDynamics")

# In the meantime, use the following instead:

To check that the package installation went well, create a simple food web with:

using EcologicalNetworkDynamics
Foodweb([1 => 2]) # Species 1 eats species 2.

Learning EcologicalNetworkDynamics

The Quick start page shows how to simulate biomass dynamics in a simple food web. The rest of the Guide provides a step by step introduction to the package features, from the generation of the network structure to the simulation of the biomass dynamics. At each step, we detail how the model can be customized at your will.

Getting help

During your journey learning EcologicalNetworksDynamics, you might encounter issues. If so, the best is to open an issue. To ensure that we can help you efficiently, please provide a short description of your problem and a minimal example to reproduce the error you encountered.

How can I contribute?

The easiest way to contribute is to open an issue if you spot a bug, a typo or can't manage to do something. Another way is to fork the repository, start working from the dev branch, and when ready, submit a pull request. The contribution guidelines are detailed here.


Please mention EcologicalNetworksDynamics.jl if you use it in research, teaching, or other activities.


EcologicalNetworksDynamics.jl benefited from the Montpellier Bioinformatics Biodiversity platform (MBB) supported by the LabEx CeMEB, an ANR "Investissements d'avenir" program (ANR-10-LABX-04-01).