

Provide tools to simulate biomass dynamics in trophic and multiplex networks. Trophic networks only include feeding interactions, while multiplex networks also include non-trophic interactions such as interference between predators, or plant facilitation. The basic workflow has been designed to be as simple as possible, while remaining flexible for the experienced or adventurous user who would like to refine the model and its parameters.

Example of a simple workflow:

trophic_backbone = FoodWeb([1 => [2, 3]]) # species 1 eats plants 2 and 3
multi_net = MultiplexNetwork(trophic_backbone; L_facilitation = 1) # add 1 facilitation link
p = ModelParameters(multi_net) # generate model parameters
sol = simulate(p, rand(3)) # run simulation with random initial conditions

For more information, either go through the online documentation at (https://doc-url) or if you are looking for the help of a specific function read its docstring by writing ?<function_name> in a Julia REPL.

AllometricParams(aₚ, aₑ, aᵢ, bₚ, bₑ, bᵢ)

Parameters used to compute allometric rates for different metabolic classes.

The rate R is expressed as follow: $R = aMᵇ$, where a and b can take different values depending on the metabolic class of the species. This struct aims at storing these values of a and b. Specifically:

  • aₚ: a for producers
  • aₑ: a for ectotherm vertebrates
  • aᵢ: a for invertebrates
  • bₚ: b for producers
  • bₑ: b for ectotherm vertebrates
  • bᵢ: b for invertebrates

Default parameters values taken from the literature for certain rates can be accessed by calling the corresponding function, i.e. for:


julia> params = AllometricParams(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
AllometricParams(aₚ=1, aₑ=2, aᵢ=3, bₚ=4, bₑ=5, bᵢ=6)

julia> params.aₚ

julia> params.aₑ
    d = allometric_rate(foodweb, DefaultMortalityParams()),
    r = allometric_rate(foodweb, DefaultGrowthParams()),
    x = allometric_rate(foodweb, DefaultMetabolismParams()),
    y = allometric_rate(foodweb, DefaultMaxConsumptionParams()),

Compute the biological rates (r, x, y and e) of each species in the system.

The rates are:

  • d: the natural mortality rate
  • r: the growth rate
  • x: the metabolic rate or metabolic demand
  • y: the maximum consumption rate
  • e: the assimilation efficiency If no value are provided for the rates, they take default values assuming an allometric scaling. Custom values can be provided for one or several rates by giving a vector of length 1 or S (species richness). Moreover, if one want to use allometric scaling ($R = aMᵇ$) but do not want to use default values for a and b, one can simply call allometric_rate with custom AllometricParams.


julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 1; 0 0]); # sp. 1 "invertebrate", sp. 2 "producer"

julia> BioRates(foodweb) # default
  d: [0.0, 0.0]
  r: [0.0, 1.0]
  x: [0.314, 0.0]
  y: [8.0, 0.0]
  e: (2, 2) sparse matrix

julia> BioRates(foodweb; r = [1.0, 1.0]) # specify custom vector for growth rate
  d: [0.0, 0.0]
  r: [1.0, 1.0]
  x: [0.314, 0.0]
  y: [8.0, 0.0]
  e: (2, 2) sparse matrix

julia> BioRates(foodweb; x = 2.0) # if single value, fill the rate vector with it
  d: [0.0, 0.0]
  r: [0.0, 1.0]
  x: [2.0, 2.0]
  y: [8.0, 0.0]
  e: (2, 2) sparse matrix

julia> custom_params = AllometricParams(3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); # use custom allometric params...

julia> BioRates(foodweb; y = allometric_rate(foodweb, custom_params)) # ...with allometric_rate
  d: [0.0, 0.0]
  r: [0.0, 1.0]
  x: [0.314, 0.0]
  y: [0.0, 3.0]
  e: (2, 2) sparse matrix
BioenergeticResponse(B, i, j)

Compute the bionergetic functional response for predator i eating prey j, given the species biomass B. The bionergetic functional response is written:

\[F_{ij} = \frac{\omega_{ij} B_j^h}{B_0^h + c_i B_i B_0^h + \sum_k \omega_{ik} B_k^h}\]


  • $\omega$ the preferency, by default we assume that predators split their time equally among their preys, i.e. ∀j $\omega_{ij} = \omega_{i} = \frac{1}{n_{i,preys}}$ where $n_{i,preys}$ is the number of preys of predator i.
  • $h$ the hill exponent, if $h = 1$ the functional response is of type II, and of type III if $h = 2$
  • $c_i$ the intensity of predator intraspecific inteference
  • $B_0$ the half-saturation density.


julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0; 1 0]);

julia> F = BioenergeticResponse(foodweb)
  B0: [0.5, 0.5]
  c: [0.0, 0.0]
  h: 2.0
  ω: (2, 2) sparse matrix

julia> F([1, 1], 1, 2) # no interaction, 1 does not eat 2

julia> F([1, 1], 2, 1) # interaction, 2 eats 1

julia> F([1.5, 1], 2, 1) # increases with resource biomass

See also ClassicResponse, LinearResponse and FunctionalResponse.

ClassicResponse(B, i, j, mᵢ)

Compute the classic functional response for predator i eating prey j, given the species biomass B and the predator body mass mᵢ. The classic functional response is written:

\[F_{ij} = \frac{1}{m_i} \cdot \frac{\omega_{ij} a_{r,ij} B_j^h} {1 + c_i B_i + h_t \sum_k \omega_{ik} a_{r,ik} B_k^h}\]


  • $\omega$ the preferency, by default we assume that predators split their time equally among their preys, i.e. ∀j $\omega_{ij} = \omega_{i} = \frac{1}{n_{i,preys}}$ where $n_{i,preys}$ is the number of preys of predator i.
  • $h$ the hill exponent, if $h = 1$ the functional response is of type II, and of type III if $h = 2$
  • $c_i$ the intensity of predator intraspecific inteference
  • $a_{r,ij}$ the attack rate of predator i on prey j
  • $h_t$ the handling time of predators
  • $m_i$ the body mass of predator i


julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0; 1 0]);

julia> F = ClassicResponse(foodweb; hₜ = 1.0, aᵣ = 0.5)
  c: [0.0, 0.0]
  h: 2.0
  ω: (2, 2) sparse matrix
  hₜ: (2, 2) sparse matrix
  aᵣ: (2, 2) sparse matrix

julia> F([1, 1], 1, 2, 1) # no interaction, 1 does not eat 2

julia> round(F([1, 1], 2, 1, 1); digits = 2) # interaction, 2 eats 1

julia> round(F([1.5, 1], 2, 1, 1); digits = 2) # increases with resource biomass

See also BioenergeticResponse, LinearResponse and FunctionalResponse.

Environment(; T=293.15)

Create environmental parameters of the system.

The environmental parameters are:

  • T the temperature (in Kelvin) By default, the carrying capacities of producers are assumed to be 1 while capacities of consumers are assumed to be nothing as consumers do not have a growth term.


julia> e = Environment() # Default behaviour.
       e.T == 293.15 # Kelvin

julia> e = Environment(; T = 300.0)
       e.T == 300.0

See also ModelParameters.

    species::Vector{<:Label} = default_speciesid(A),
    Z::Real = 1,
    M::Vector{<:Real} = compute_mass(A, Z),
    metabolic_class::Vector{<:Label} = default_metabolic_class(A),
    method::String = "unspecified",

Generate a FoodWeb from an adjacency matrix

This is the most direct way to generate a FoodWeb. You only need to provide an adjacency matrix filled with 0s and 1s, that respectively indicates the absence or presence of an interaction between the corresponding species pair. For instance A = [0 0; 1 0] corresponds to a system of 2 species in which species 2 eats species 1.

julia> FoodWeb([0 0; 1 0])
FoodWeb of 2 species:
  A: sparse matrix with 1 links
  M: [1.0, 1.0]
  metabolic_class: 1 producers, 1 invertebrates, 0 vertebrates
  method: unspecified
  species: [s1, s2]

You can also provide optional arguments e.g. to change the species names.

julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0; 1 0]; species = ["plant", "herbivore"]);

julia> foodweb.species == ["plant", "herbivore"]

Generate a FoodWeb from an adjacency list

An adjacency list is an iterable of Pairs (e.g. vector of Pairs) or a dictionary. If the adjacency list is an iterable of Pairs, the first element of each pair is a predator and the second element of each pair are the preys eaten by the corresponding predator. If the adjacency list is a dictionary, keys are predators and values the corresponding preys.

Species can be identified either with Integers corresponding to species indexes or with labels (Strings or Symbols) corresponding to the species names. In the latter case, species will be ordered lexically. Moreover, if you use labels the species names will be directly passed to the FoodWeb.species field.

julia> al_names = ["snake" => ("turtle", "mouse")]; # can also be `Symbol`s

julia> al_index = [2 => [1, 3]]; # ~ if sorting species lexically

julia> fw_from_names = FoodWeb(al_names);

julia> fw_from_index = FoodWeb(al_index);

julia> fw_from_names.A == fw_from_index.A == [0 0 0; 1 0 1; 0 0 0]

julia> fw_from_names.species == ["mouse", "snake", "turtle"] # ordered lexically

Generate a FoodWeb from a structural model

For larger communities it can be convenient to rely on a structural model. The structural models implemented are: nichemodel(S; C), cascademodel(S; C), nestedhierarchymodel(S; C) and mpnmodel(S; C, p_forbidden).

To generate a food web from one of these models you have to follow this syntax: FoodWeb(model_name, model_arguments, optional_FoodWeb_arguments).

For instance, to generate a FoodWeb of 10 species (S) with 15 links (L) and predator-prey body mass ratio (Z) of 50 with the niche model, you can do:

julia> foodweb = FoodWeb(nichemodel, 15; L = 15, Z = 50);

julia> richness(foodweb) == 15

julia> foodweb.method == "nichemodel"

Moreover, while generating the FoodWeb we check that it does not have cycles or disconnected species. Moreover, while generating the FoodWeb, by default we check that it does not disconnected species, but we do not check that it does not contain loops. These behaviours can respectively be changed by setting the keyword arguments check_cycle and check_disconnected to true or false.

By default, we set a tolerance corresponding to 10% of the number of links given in argument (L), or 10% of the connectance if you give a connectance (C). For instance, if you create a FoodWeb with 20 links, by default we ensure that FoodWeb in output will contain between 18 and 22 links.

julia> foodweb = FoodWeb(nichemodel, 15; L = 15, Z = 50); # by default tol_L = round(0.1*L)

julia> 13 <= n_links(foodweb) <= 18

However, the default tolerance can be changed with the tol_L argument if you give a number of links (L) or with tol_C if you give a connectance (C).

julia> foodweb = FoodWeb(nichemodel, 15; L = 15, Z = 50, tol_L = 0);

julia> n_links(foodweb) == 15

FoodWebs are generated randomly and can be rejected if they do not satisfy one of the properties defined above (number of links not in the tolerance range, cycles, etc.). Thus we repeat the generation of the FoodWeb until all criteria are satisfied or until the number of maximum iteraction iter_max is reached. If the maximum number of iterations is reached an error is thrown. That number can be controlled by the iter_max keyword argument, default is set to 1e5.

Generate a FoodWeb from a UnipartiteNetwork

Lastly, EcologicalNetworkDynamics.jl has been designed to interact nicely with EcologicalNetworks.jl. Thus you can also create a FoodWeb from a UnipartiteNetwork:

julia> uni_net = cascademodel(10, 0.1); # generate a UnipartiteNetwork

julia> foodweb = FoodWeb(uni_net; quiet = true);

julia> foodweb.A == uni_net.edges # same adjacency matrices

FoodWeb struct

The function returns a FoodWeb which is a collection of the following fields:

  • A the adjacency matrix
  • species the vector of species identities
  • M the vector of species body mass
  • metabolic_class the vector of species metabolic classes
  • method describes which model (e.g. niche model) was used to generate A if no model has been used method="unspecified"

See also MultiplexNetwork.


Compute functional response matrix given the species biomass B. If B is a scalar, all species are assumed to have the same biomass B. Otherwise provide a vector s.t. B[i] = biomass of species i.


julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0; 1 0]);

julia> F = BioenergeticResponse(foodweb)
  B0: [0.5, 0.5]
  c: [0.0, 0.0]
  h: 2.0
  ω: (2, 2) sparse matrix

julia> F([1, 1]) # provide a species biomass vector
2×2 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 1 stored entry:
  ⋅    ⋅
 0.8   ⋅

julia> F(1) # or a scalar if homogeneous
2×2 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 1 stored entry:
  ⋅    ⋅
 0.8   ⋅

julia> F([1.5, 1]) # response increases with resource biomass
2×2 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 1 stored entry:
  ⋅    ⋅
 0.9   ⋅

See also BioenergeticResponse, LinearResponse and ClassicResponse.

Layer(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Bool,Int64}, intensity::Union{Nothing,Float64})

A Layer of an interaction type contains two pieces of information concerning this interaction:

  • A: where the interactions occur given by the adjacency matrix
  • intensity: the intensity of the interaction
  • f: the functional form of the non-trophic effect on the parameter associated with the layer

The intensity is only defined for non-trophic interactions and is set to nothing for trophic interactions.

LinearResponse(B, i, j)

Compute the linear functional response for predator i eating prey j, given the species biomass B. The linear functional response is written:

\[F_{ij} = \omega_{ij} \alpha_{i} B_j\]


  • $\omega$ the preferency, by default we assume that predators split their time equally among their preys, i.e. ∀j $\omega_{ij} = \omega_{i} = \frac{1}{n_{i,preys}}$ where $n_{i,preys}$ is the number of preys of predator i.
  • $\alpha_{i}$ the consumption rate of predator i.


julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0; 1 0]);

julia> F = LinearResponse(foodweb)
  α: [⋅, 1.0]
  ω: (2, 2) sparse matrix

julia> F([1, 1], 1, 2) # no interaction, 1 does not eat 2

julia> F([1, 1], 2, 1) # interaction, 2 eats 1

julia> F([1.5, 1], 2, 1) # increases linearly with resource biomass...

julia> F([1, 1.5], 2, 1) # but not with consumer biomass

See also BioenergeticResponse, ClassicResponse# Code generation version (raw) (↑ ↑ ↑ DUPLICATED FROM ABOVE ↑ ↑ ↑). and FunctionalResponse.# (update together as long as the two coexist)

    a = nothing,
    K = 1,

Create the parameters for the logistic producer growth model. In the end, the LogisticGrowth struct created stores a vector of carrying capacities K and a competition matrix between the producers a.

The carrying capacities can be specified via the K arguments, by default they are all set to 1 for the producers and to nothing for the consumers.

By default the competition matrix a is assumed to have diagonal elements equal to 1 and 0 for all off-diagonal elements. This default can be changed via the a argument. You can either directly pass the interaction matrix, a single Number that will be interpreted as the value of all diagonal elements, a tuple of Number the first will be interpreted as the diagonal value and the second as the off-diagonal values, or a named tuple of Number. For the latter, the following aliases can be used to refer to the diagonal elements 'diagonal', 'diag', 'd', and for the off-diagonal elements 'offdiagonal', 'offdiag', 'o', 'rest', 'nondiagonal', 'nond'.


julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0 0; 0 0 0; 1 1 0]) # 1 & 2 producers and 3 consumer.
       g = LogisticGrowth(foodweb)
       g.a == [
           1 0 0
           0 1 0
           0 0 0

julia> g.K == [1, 1, nothing]

julia> K_cst = 5.0
       g = LogisticGrowth(foodweb; K = K_cst) # Change the default K.
       g.K == [K_cst, K_cst, nothing]

julia> K_vec = [1, 2, nothing]
       g = LogisticGrowth(foodweb; K = K_vec) # Can also provide a vector.
       g.K == K_vec

julia> g = LogisticGrowth(foodweb; a = (diag = 0.5, offdiag = 1.0))
       g.a == [
           0.5 1.0 0.0
           1.0 0.5 0.0
           0.0 0.0 0.0

julia> my_competition_matrix = [
           0.5 1.0 0.0
           1.0 0.5 0.0
           0.0 0.0 0.0
       g = LogisticGrowth(foodweb; a = my_competition_matrix)
       g.a == my_competition_matrix

See also ModelParameters and NutrientIntake.


Generate the parameters of the species community.

Default values are taken from Brose et al., 2006. The parameters are compartmented in different groups:

  • FoodWeb: foodweb information (e.g. adjacency matrix)
  • BioRates: biological species rates (e.g. growth rates)
  • Environment: environmental variables (e.g. carrying capacities)
  • FunctionalResponse (F): functional response form (e.g. classic or bioenergetic functional response)
  • ProducerGrowth: model for producer growth (e.g. logistic or nutrient intake)
  • TemperatureResponse: method used for temperature dependency


julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 1; 0 0])
       p = ModelParameters(foodweb)
ModelParameters{BioenergeticResponse, LogisticGrowth}:
  network: FoodWeb(S=2, L=1)
  environment: Environment(T=293.15K)
  biorates: BioRates(d, r, x, y, e)
  functional_response: BioenergeticResponse
  producer_growth: LogisticGrowth
  temperature_response: NoTemperatureResponse

julia> # Check that stored foodweb is the same as the one we provided.
FoodWeb of 2 species:
  A: sparse matrix with 1 links
  M: [1.0, 1.0]
  metabolic_class: 1 producers, 1 invertebrates, 0 vertebrates
  method: unspecified
  species: [s1, s2]

julia> p.functional_response # Default is bioenergetic.
  B0: [0.5, 0.5]
  c: [0.0, 0.0]
  h: 2.0
  ω: (2, 2) sparse matrix

julia> classic_response = ClassicResponse(foodweb)
       p = ModelParameters(foodweb; functional_response = classic_response);
       p.functional_response # Check that the functional response is now "classic".
  c: [0.0, 0.0]
  h: 2.0
  ω: (2, 2) sparse matrix
  hₜ: (2, 2) sparse matrix
  aᵣ: (2, 2) sparse matrix

ModelParameters can also be generated from a MultiplexNetwork.

julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 1; 0 0])
       net = MultiplexNetwork(foodweb)
       p = ModelParameters(net; functional_response = ClassicResponse(net))
ModelParameters{ClassicResponse, LogisticGrowth}:
  network: MultiplexNetwork(S=2, Lt=1, Lc=0, Lf=0, Li=0, Lr=0)
  environment: Environment(T=293.15K)
  biorates: BioRates(d, r, x, y, e)
  functional_response: ClassicResponse
  producer_growth: LogisticGrowth
  temperature_response: NoTemperatureResponse
MultiplexNetwork(foodweb::FoodWeb; args...)

Build the MultiplexNetwork from a FoodWeb. A multiplex is composed of a trophic_layer and several non-trophic Layer indexed by interaction types: (:competition, :facilitation, :interference and :refuge). The :trophic layer is given by the FoodWeb, and other, non-trophic layers are empty by default.

There are various ways to specify non-trophic layers to be not-empty, using variably-named args whose general form is either:

<parameter_name>_<interaction_name> = value
eg.                intensity_refuge = 4.0
or equivalently:                I_r = 4.0

to set up parameter for layer interaction, or:

   <parameter_name> = (<interaction1>=value1, <interaction2>=value2, ...)
eg.       intensity = (facilitation = 2.0, interference = 1.5)
or equivalently:  I = (f = 2.0, i = 1.5)

to set up parameter for all layers interaction1, interaction2, etc., or again:

<interaction_name> = (<parameter1>=value1, <parameter2>=value2, ...)
eg.    competition = (connectance = 4, symmetry = false)
or equivalently: c = (L = 4, s = false)

to set up parameter1 and parameter2 for the layer `interaction.

Valid interactions and parameters names can be retrieved with the following two cheat-sheets:

julia> interaction_names()
OrderedCollections.OrderedDict{Symbol, Vector{Symbol}} with 5 entries:
  :trophic      => [:t, :trh]
  :competition  => [:c, :cpt]
  :facilitation => [:f, :fac]
  :interference => [:i, :itf]
  :refuge       => [:r, :ref]

julia> multiplex_network_parameters_names()
OrderedCollections.OrderedDict{Symbol, Vector{Symbol}} with 6 entries:
  :adjacency_matrix => [:A, :matrix, :adj_matrix]
  :intensity        => [:I, :int]
  :functional_form  => [:F, :fn]
  :connectance      => [:C, :conn]
  :number_of_links  => [:L, :n_links]
  :symmetry         => [:s, :sym, :symmetric]

Fill non-trophic layers

Specify a number of desired links to generate a non-trophic layer.

julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0 0; 0 0 0; 1 1 0]); # 2 producers and 1 consumer

julia> MultiplexNetwork(foodweb; L_facilitation = 2) #  or 'n_links_f', or 'L_fac', etc.
MultiplexNetwork of 3 species:
  trophic_layer: 2 links
  competition_layer: 0 links
  facilitation_layer: 2 links
  interference_layer: 0 links
  refuge_layer: 0 links

Alternately, specify desired connectance for the layer (a value of 1.0 creates as many links as possible).

julia> MultiplexNetwork(foodweb; C_cpt = 1.0) #  or 'C_competition', or 'connectance_c', etc.
MultiplexNetwork of 3 species:
  trophic_layer: 2 links
  competition_layer: 2 links
  facilitation_layer: 0 links
  interference_layer: 0 links
  refuge_layer: 0 links

Alternately, provide an explicit adjacency matrix.

julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0 0; 1 0 0; 1 0 0]); # 2 consumers feeding on producer 1

julia> MultiplexNetwork(foodweb; A_interference = [0 0 0; 0 0 1; 0 1 0]) #  or 'matrix_i' etc.
MultiplexNetwork of 3 species:
  trophic_layer: 2 links
  competition_layer: 0 links
  facilitation_layer: 0 links
  interference_layer: 2 links
  refuge_layer: 0 links

Set non-trophic intensity

Non-trophic layers intensities default to '1.0'. Modify them with corresponding arguments:

julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0 0; 0 0 0; 1 1 0]); # 2 producers and 1 consumer

julia> multiplex_network = MultiplexNetwork(foodweb; facilitation = (L = 1, I = 2.0));

julia> multiplex_network.layers[:facilitation] #  or [:f] or [:fac] etc.
Layer(A=AdjacencyMatrix(L=1), intensity=2.0)

Change assumptions about the symmetry of non-trophic interactions

An interaction is symmetric iff "$i$ interacts with $j$" implies that "$j$ interacts with $i$". In other words, an interaction is symmetric iff the adjacency matrix of that interaction is symmetric.

With default settings:

  • competition is symmetric
  • facilitation is not symmetric
  • interference is symmetric
  • refuge is not symmetric

Change the defaults with the appropriate arguments.

For example, competition is assumed to be symmetric, then the number of competition links has to be even. But you can change this default as follows:

julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0 0; 0 0 0; 1 1 0]);

julia> MultiplexNetwork(foodweb; competition = (sym = false, L = 1))
MultiplexNetwork of 3 species:
  trophic_layer: 2 links
  competition_layer: 1 links
  facilitation_layer: 0 links
  interference_layer: 0 links
  refuge_layer: 0 links

If you don't specify sym=false an error will be thrown.

Construct arguments dynamically.

Sometimes you need to dynamically choose the layer or parameters in a group. Use Dicts instead of named tuples to this end:

julia> MultiplexNetwork(foodweb; f = (L = 1, I = 2.0))
MultiplexNetwork of 3 species:
  trophic_layer: 2 links
  competition_layer: 0 links
  facilitation_layer: 1 links
  interference_layer: 0 links
  refuge_layer: 0 links

julia> dict = Dict(:L => 1, :I => 2.0);
       b = MultiplexNetwork(foodweb; f = dict)
MultiplexNetwork of 3 species:
  trophic_layer: 2 links
  competition_layer: 0 links
  facilitation_layer: 1 links
  interference_layer: 0 links
  refuge_layer: 0 links

See also FoodWeb, Layer.

    n_nutrients = 2,
    turnover = 0.25,
    supply = fill(10.0, n_nutrients),
    concentration = collect(LinRange(1, 0.5, n_nutrients)),
    half_saturation = 1.0,

Create parameters for the nutrient intake model of producer growths. These parameters are:

  • the nutrient turnover rate (vector of length n_nutrients)
  • the supply concentration for each nutrient (vector of length n_nutrients)
  • the relative concentration of each nutrients in each producers (matrix of size (nproducers, nnutrients))
  • the half_saturation densities for each nutrient-producer pair (matrix of size (nproducers, nnutrients))


julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([4 => [1, 2, 3]]); # 4 feeds on 1, 2 and 3.
       ni = NutrientIntake(foodweb) # knights who say..
       length(ni) # 2 nutrients by default.

julia> ni.turnover == [0.25, 0.25]

julia> == [10, 10]

julia> ni.concentration == [1 0.5; 1 0.5; 1 0.5]

julia> ni.half_saturation == [1 1; 1 1; 1 1]

julia> ni = NutrientIntake(foodweb; turnover = 1.0)
       ni.turnover == [1.0, 1.0]

julia> ni = NutrientIntake(foodweb; n_nutrients = 5)

See also ModelParameters and ProducerGrowth.


Filter species of the network (net) for which f(species_index, net) = true.


Number of nutrients in the nutrient intake model.


Transform species of the network (net) by applying f to each species.


One line ModelParameters display.


One line Environment display.


One line FoodWeb display.


One line display FunctionalResponse


One line display FunctionalResponse

Base.showMethod, temperature_response::TemperatureResponse)

One-line TemperatureResponse display.


Multiline ModelParameters display.


Multiline BioenergeticResponse display.


Multiline ClassicResponse display.


Multiline Environment display.


Multiline TemperatureResponse::ExponentialBA display.


Multiline FoodWeb display.


Multiline LinearResponse display.


Multiline LogisticGrowth display.


Multiline NutrientIntake display.

ExtinctionCallback(extinction_threshold::AbstractVector, verbose::Bool)

Generate a DiffEqCallbacks.DiscreteCallback to extinguish species below the extinction_threshold. The extinction_threshold can be either: a Number (same threshold for every species) or an AbstractVector of length species richness (one threshold per species). If verbose = true a message is printed when a species goes extinct, otherwise no message are printed.


Remove duplicate tuples from a symmetric vector of tuples. A vector V of tuples is said to be symmetric ⟺ ((i,j) ∈ V ⟺ (j,i) ∈ V). The tuple that has its 1st element less than its 2nd element is kept i.e. if i < j (i,j) is kept, and (j,i) otherwise.

See also symmetrize.


Compute the attack rate for all predator-prey couples of the system. The output aᵣ is square matrix with length equal to the species richness with aᵣ[i,j] corresponding to the attack rate of predator $i$ on prey $j$. The attack rate of a predator-prey couple is given by their body masses, formally:

  • $a_{r,ij} = 50 m_i^{0.45} m_j^{0.15}$ if both species are mobiles;
  • $a_{r,ij} = 50 m_j^{0.15}$ if i is sessile and j mobile;
  • $a_{r,ij} = 50 m_i^{0.45}$ if j is sessile and i mobile.

This formula is taken from Miele et al. 2019 (PLOS Computational).

biomass(solution; kwargs...)

Returns a named tuple of total and species biomass, averaged over the last timesteps.


kwargs... arguments are forwarded to extract_last_timesteps. See extract_last_timesteps for the argument details.

Can also handle a species x time biomass matrix, e.g. biomass(mat::AbstractMatrix;) or a vector, e.g. biomass(vec::AbstractVector;).


julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0; 1 0]);
       params = ModelParameters(foodweb);
       B0 = [0.5, 0.5];
       sol = simulate(params, B0);
       bm = biomass(sol; last = 2);
       biomass(sol; last = 2).species ≈ [0.1890006203352691, 0.21964742227673806]

julia> biomass(sol; last = 2, idxs = [1]); # Get biomass for one species only
       [biomass(sol; last = 2, idxs = [1]).total] ≈
       biomass(sol; last = 2, idxs = [1]).species ≈

julia> biomass([2 1; 4 2])
(total = 4.5, species = [1.5, 3.0])
    threshold = 0,
    last = "10%",
    corrected = true,

Computes the Coefficient of Variation (CV) of community biomass and its partition in average species CV and synchrony, following Thibault & Connolly (2013).

The function excludes dead species, i.e. species that have an average biomass below threshold over the last timesteps (see living_species). It avoids division by 0 in the CV computation. last = "10%" by default. We set corrected = true by default (see Statistics.std) which computes an unbiaised estimator of the variance.

See richness for the argument details.


Thibaut, L. M., & Connolly, S. R. (2013). Understanding diversity–stability relationships : Towards a unified model of portfolio effects. Ecology Letters, 16(2), 140‑150.


julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 1 1; 0 0 0; 0 0 0]); # Two producers and one consumer
       params = ModelParameters(foodweb);
       B0 = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5];
       sol = simulate(params, B0; verbose = true);
       key = (:community, :species_mean, :synchrony);
       s = coefficient_of_variation(sol; last = 10)[key];
       keys(s), round.(values(s); digits = 2)
((:community, :species_mean, :synchrony), (0.02, 0.06, 0.1))

julia> B0 = [0, 0.5, 0.5]; # Two producers
       sol = simulate(params, B0; verbose = true);
       s = coefficient_of_variation(sol; last = 10)[key];
       keys(s), round.(values(s); digits = 2)
((:community, :species_mean, :synchrony), (0.15, 0.15, 1.0))

Pad text to the center of output. This one seems missing from Julia now :(

julia> cpad(9, 3)
" 9 "

julia> cpad("test", 1)

julia> cpad("test", 6, '-'; left = false)

julia> cpad("test", 6, '-'; left = true)

julia> cpad("test", 7, '-'; left = false)

julia> cpad("test", 7, '-'; left = true)
draw_asymmetric_links(potential_links, C::AbstractFloat)

Draw randomly from the list of potential_links such that the link connectance is C. Links are drawn asymmetrically, i.e. $i$ interacts with $j$$j$ interacts with $i$.

draw_symmetric_links(potential_links, C::AbstractFloat)

Draw randomly from the list of potential_links such that the link connectance is C. Links are drawn symmetrically, i.e. $i$ interacts with $j$$j$ interacts with $i$.

dudt!(du, u, p, _)

Compute the species and nutrient (when relevant) abundance derivatives du, given the abundances u and the model p. The last silent argument is the time at which is evaluated the derivatives and is a requirement of DifferentialEquations.

efficiency(network; e_herbivore=0.45, e_carnivore=0.85)

Create the assimilation efficiency matrix (Efficiency). Efficiency[i,j] is the assimation efficiency of predator i eating prey j. A perfect efficiency corresponds to an efficiency of 1. The efficiency depends on the metabolic class of the prey:

  • if prey is producter, efficiency is e_herbivore
  • otherwise efficiency is e_carnivore

Default values are taken from Miele et al. 2019 (PLOS Comp.).

exp_ba_matrix_rate(net, T, exponentialBAparams)

Compute rate matrix (one value per species interaction) with temperature dependent scaling, given the parameters stored in an ExponentialBAParams struct (aᵣ, hₜ).

julia> fw = FoodWeb([0 0; 1 0]);
       p = exp_ba_attack_rate();
       exp_ba_matrix_rate(fw, 303.15, p)
2×2 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 1 stored entry:
  ⋅           ⋅
 3.35932e-6   ⋅
exp_ba_vector_rate(net, T ExponentialBAParams)

Compute rate vector (one value per species) with temperature dependent scaling, given the parameters stored in an ExponentialBAParams struct (x, r, K).

julia> fw = FoodWeb([0 0; 1 0])
       p = exp_ba_growth()
       exp_ba_vector_rate(fw, 303.15, p) ≈ [4.6414071636920824e-7, 0.0]
extract_last_timesteps(solution; idxs = nothing, quiet = false, kwargs...)

Returns the biomass matrix of species x time over the last timesteps.


  • last: the number of last timesteps to consider. A percentage can also be also be provided as a String ending by %. Defaulted to 1.
  • idxs: vector of species indexes or names. Set to nothing by default.
  • quiet: ignores warning issue while extracting timesteps before last species extinction

See richness for the other arguments. If idxs is an integer, it returns a vector of the species biomass instead of a matrix.


julia> fw = FoodWeb([0 0; 1 0]);
       p = ModelParameters(fw);
       m = simulate(p, [0.5, 0.5]);
       sim = extract_last_timesteps(m; last = 1, idxs = [2, 1]);
       sim ==
       extract_last_timesteps(m; last = 1, idxs = ["s2", "s1"]) ≈
       [0.219659439; 0.188980349;;]

julia> sim1 = extract_last_timesteps(m; last = 1, idxs = [1, 2]);
       sim2 = extract_last_timesteps(m; last = 1, idxs = ["s1", "s2"]);
       sim1 ≈ sim2 ≈ [0.188980349; 0.219659439;;]

julia> sim = extract_last_timesteps(m; last = 1, idxs = [2]);
       sim == extract_last_timesteps(m; last = 1, idxs = "s2")
fill_sparsematrix(scalar, template_matrix)

Return a matrix filled with a constant (scalar) for indexes where the value of the template_matrix is non-zero.


julia> template_matrix = ones(2, 2);

julia> Internals.fill_sparsematrix(10, template_matrix)
2×2 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 4 stored entries:
 10.0  10.0
 10.0  10.0

julia> template_matrix[1, 1] = 0;

julia> Internals.fill_sparsematrix(10, template_matrix)
2×2 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 3 stored entries:
   ⋅   10.0
 10.0  10.0
find_steady_state(params::ModelParameters, B0::AbstractVector; kwargs...)

Find a steady state of a system parametrized by a parameter set params and some initial conditions B0. The function returns a tuple (steady_state, terminated). If no steady state has been found terminated is set to false and steady_state to nothing. Otherwise, terminated is set to true and steady_state to the corresponding value.

If you are not only interested in the steady state biomass, but also in the trajectories see simulate.


julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0; 1 0]); # create the foodweb

julia> biorates = BioRates(foodweb; d = 0); # set natural death to 0

julia> params = ModelParameters(foodweb; biorates = biorates);

julia> B0 = [0.5, 0.5]; # set initial biomass

julia> solution = find_steady_state(params, B0);

julia> solution.terminated # => a steady state has been found

julia> round.(solution.steady_state, digits = 2) # steady state biomass
2-element Vector{Float64}:
generate_dbdt(parms::ModelParameters, type)

Produce a specialized julia expression and associated data, supposed to improve efficiency of subsequent simulations. The returned expression is typically evaluated then passed along with the data as a diff_code_data argument to simulate.

There are two possible code generation styles:

  • With type = :raw, the generated expression is a straightforward translation of the underlying differential equations, with no loops, no recursive calls, nor heap-allocations: only local variables and basic arithmetic is used. This makes simulation very efficient, but the length of the generated expression varies with the number of species interactions. When the length becomes high, it takes much longer for julia to compile it. If it takes forever, (typically over SyntaxtTree.callcount(expression) > 20_000), wait until julia 1.9 (maybe) or use the alternate style instead.

  • With type = :compact, the generated expression is a more sophisticated implementation of the underlying differential equations, involving carefully crafted minimal loops and exactly one fixed-size heap-allocated bunch of data, reused on every call during simulation. This makes the simulation slightly less efficient than the above but, as the expression size no longer depends on the number of species interactions, there is no limit to using it and speedup simulations.

get_alive_species(solution; idxs = nothing, threshold = 0)

Returns a tuple with species having a biomass above threshold at the end of a simulation.


julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0; 0 0]; quiet = true);
       params = ModelParameters(foodweb);
       sim = simulate(params, [0, 0.5]; tmax = 20);
(species = ["s2"], idxs = [2])

julia> sim = simulate(params, [0.5, 0]; tmax = 20);
(species = ["s1"], idxs = [1])

julia> sim = simulate(params, [0.5, 0.5]; tmax = 20);
(species = ["s1", "s2"], idxs = [1, 2])

julia> sim = simulate(params, [0, 0]; tmax = 20);
(species = String[], idxs = Int64[])

Compute the handling time for all predator-prey couples of the system. The output hₜ is a square matrix with length equal to the species richness, with hₜ[i,j] corresponding to the handling time of predator $i$ on prey $j$. The handling time of a predator-prey couple is given by their body masses, formally: $h_{t,ij} = 0.3 m_i^{-0.48} m_j^{-0.66}$. This formula is taken from Miele et al. 2019 (PLOS Computational) and Rall et al. 2012 (Phil. Tran. R. Soc. B).


Create the preferency matrix (ω) which describes how each predator splits its time between its different preys. ω[i,j] is the fraction of time of predator i spent on prey j. By definition, ∀i $\sum_j \omega_{ij} = 1$. Here we assume an homogeneous preference, meaning that each predator splits its time equally between its preys, i.e. ∀j $\omega_{ij} = \omega_{i} = \frac{1}{n_{preys,i}}$ where $n_{preys,i}$ is the number of prey of predator i.

living_species(solution::Solution; threshold = 0, idxs = nothing, kwargs...)

Returns the vectors of alive species and their indices in the original network. Living species are the ones having, in average, a biomass above threshold over the last timesteps. kwargs... are optional arguments passed to extract_last_timesteps.

kwargs... arguments are forwarded to extract_last_timesteps. See extract_last_timesteps for the argument details.


julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 1 1; 0 0 0; 0 0 0]);
       params = ModelParameters(foodweb);
       B0 = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5];
       sol = simulate(params, B0; verbose = true);

julia> living_species(sol)
(species = ["s1", "s2", "s3"], idxs = [1, 2, 3])

julia> B0 = [0, 0.5, 0.5];
       sol = simulate(params, B0; verbose = true);
       living_species(sol; last = 1)
(species = ["s2", "s3"], idxs = [2, 3])
max_trophic_level(solution::Solution; threshold = 0, kwargs...)
mean_trophic_level(solution::Solution; threshold = 0, kwargs...)
weighted_mean_trophic_level(solution::Solution; threshold = 0, kwargs...)

Return the aggregated trophic level over the last timesteps, either with max or mean aggregation, or by the mean trophic level weighted by species biomasses.

kwargs... arguments are forwarded to extract_last_timesteps. See extract_last_timesteps for the argument details.

These functions also handle biomass vectors associated with a network, as well as a vector of trophic levels (See examples).


julia> A = [0 0; 1 0];

julia> mean_trophic_level(A)

julia> bm = [1, 1];
       max_trophic_level(bm, A)

julia> mean_trophic_level(bm, A)

julia> weighted_mean_trophic_level(bm, A)

julia> bm = [0, 1];
       max_trophic_level(bm, A)

julia> mean_trophic_level(bm, A)

julia> weighted_mean_trophic_level(bm, A)

julia> foodweb = FoodWeb(A; quiet = true);
       params = ModelParameters(foodweb);
       B0 = [0.5, 0.5];
       sol = simulate(params, B0; verbose = false);

julia> mean_trophic_level(sol)

julia> w = weighted_mean_trophic_level(sol);
       round(w; digits = 2)
max_trophic_level(solution::Solution; threshold = 0, kwargs...)
mean_trophic_level(solution::Solution; threshold = 0, kwargs...)
weighted_mean_trophic_level(solution::Solution; threshold = 0, kwargs...)

Return the aggregated trophic level over the last timesteps, either with max or mean aggregation, or by the mean trophic level weighted by species biomasses.

kwargs... arguments are forwarded to extract_last_timesteps. See extract_last_timesteps for the argument details.

These functions also handle biomass vectors associated with a network, as well as a vector of trophic levels (See examples).


julia> A = [0 0; 1 0];

julia> mean_trophic_level(A)

julia> bm = [1, 1];
       max_trophic_level(bm, A)

julia> mean_trophic_level(bm, A)

julia> weighted_mean_trophic_level(bm, A)

julia> bm = [0, 1];
       max_trophic_level(bm, A)

julia> mean_trophic_level(bm, A)

julia> weighted_mean_trophic_level(bm, A)

julia> foodweb = FoodWeb(A; quiet = true);
       params = ModelParameters(foodweb);
       B0 = [0.5, 0.5];
       sol = simulate(params, B0; verbose = false);

julia> mean_trophic_level(sol)

julia> w = weighted_mean_trophic_level(sol);
       round(w; digits = 2)
min_max(solution; kwargs...)

Returns the vectors of minimum and maximum biomass of each species over the last timesteps.

kwargs... arguments are forwarded to extract_last_timesteps. See extract_last_timesteps for the argument details.


julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0; 1 0]);
       params = ModelParameters(foodweb);
       sol = simulate(params, [0.5; 0.5]; tmax = 100);
       ti = min_max(sol; last = 10);
       round.(ti.min, digits = 3) # Min
2-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> round.(ti.max, digits = 3) # Max
2-element Vector{Float64}:

Generate a food web of S species and number of links L from a structural model. Loop until the generated has a number of links in [L - ΔL; L + ΔL]. If the maximum number of iterations is reached an error is thrown instead.


Compute the number of links of a network. If the argument is an adjacency matrix or a Layer, then an integer corresponding to the number of links (i.e. 1s) is returned. If the argument is a FoodWeb, then an integer corresponding to the number of trophic links is returned. If the argument is a MultiplexNetwork, then a dictionnary is returned where Dict[:interaction_type] contains the number of links of the selected interactions


julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0 0; 1 0 0; 0 1 0]); # food chain of length 3 (2 links)

julia> n_links(foodweb) == n_links(foodweb.A) == 2

julia> multi_net = MultiplexNetwork(foodweb; L_facilitation = 1); # + 1 facilitation link

julia> n_links(multi_net)
EcologicalNetworksDynamics.Internals.InteractionDict{Int64} with 5 entries:
  :trophic      => 2
  :facilitation => 1
  :competition  => 0
  :refuge       => 0
  :interference => 0
niche_model(S::Int, C::AbstractFloat)

Generate an adjancency matrix using the niche model from a number of species S and a number of links L.


niche_model(10, 20) # 20 links for 10 species.

See [Williams and Martinez (2000)]( for details.

Generate a non-trophic adjacency matrix given the function finding potential links (find_potential_links) and n which is interpreted as a number of links if n:<Integer or as a connectance if n:<AbstractFloat.

See also potential_competition_links, potential_facilitation_links, potential_interference_links, potential_refuge_links.

nutrient_dynamics(model::ModelParameters, B, i_nutrients, n, G)

Compute the dynamics of the nutrient i_nutrient given its abundance n, the species biomass B and the vector of species growths G and the model p.

The nutrient dynamics is applicable only if p is of type NutrientIntake.


Number of nutrients in the model p.

julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([1 => 2]) # 1 eats 2.
       producer_growth = LogisticGrowth(foodweb) # No nutrients.
       model = ModelParameters(foodweb; producer_growth)

julia> producer_growth = NutrientIntake(foodweb; n_nutrients = 3) # Include nutrients.
       model_with_nutrients = ModelParameters(foodweb; producer_growth)

See also richness and total_richness.

predators_of(i, network)

Return indices of the predators of species i for the given network.


julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0 0; 1 0 0; 1 1 0]);

julia> predators_of(1, foodweb)
2-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> predators_of(2, foodweb)
1-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> predators_of(3, foodweb)

See also preys_of and producers.

preys_of(i, network)

Return indices of the preys of species i for the given network.


julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0 0; 0 0 0; 1 1 0]);

julia> preys_of(3, foodweb)
2-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> preys_of(1, foodweb) # empty

See also predators_of and producers.

producer_growth(solution; kwargs...)

Returns the average growth rates of producers over the last timesteps as as well as the average (mean) and the standard deviation (std). It also returns by all the growth rates (all) as a species x timestep matrix (as the solution matrix).

kwargs... arguments are forwarded to extract_last_timesteps. See extract_last_timesteps for the argument details.


julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 1 1; 0 0 0; 0 0 0]);
       params = ModelParameters(foodweb);
       B0 = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5];
       sol = simulate(params, B0);
       g = producer_growth(sol; last = 10);
       g.species, round.(g.mean, digits = 2)
(["s2", "s3"], [0.15, 0.15])
remove_species(net::EcologicalNetwork, species_to_remove)

Remove a list of species from a FoodWeb, a MultiplexNetwork or an adjacency matrix.


Adjacency matrix.

julia> A = [0 0 0; 1 0 0; 1 0 0]
       remove_species(A, [1]) == [0 0; 0 0]

julia> remove_species(A, [2]) == [0 0; 1 0]


julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0 0; 1 0 0; 1 0 0]; M = [1, 10, 20])
       new_foodweb = remove_species(foodweb, [2])
       new_foodweb.A == [0 0; 1 0]

julia> new_foodweb.M == [1, 20]


julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0 0; 1 0 0; 1 0 0]; M = [1, 10, 20])
       net = MultiplexNetwork(foodweb; A_facilitation = [0 0 0; 1 0 0; 0 0 0])
       new_net = remove_species(net, [2])
       new_net.layers[:trophic].A == [0 0; 1 0]

julia> new_net.layers[:facilitation].A == [0 0; 0 0]

julia> new_net.M == [1, 20]

Construct a copy of the expression with the replacements given in rep.

julia> import EcologicalNetworksDynamics.Internals: replace

julia> replace(:(a + (b + c / a)), Dict(:a => 5, :b => 8))
:(5 + (8 + c / 5))
richness(n::AbstractVector; threshold = 0)

When applied to a vector of biomass, returns the number of biomass above threshold


julia> richness([0, 1])

julia> richness([1, 1])
richness(solution::Solution; threshold = 0, kwargs...)

Returns the average number of species with a biomass larger than threshold over the last timesteps. kwargs... are optional arguments passed to extract_last_timesteps.


  • solution: output of simulate() or solve()
  • threshold: biomass threshold below which a species is considered extinct. Set to 0 by debault and it is recommended to let as this. It is recommended to change the threshold using ExtinctionCallback in simulate.


julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0; 1 0]);
       params = ModelParameters(foodweb);
       B0 = [0.5, 0.5];
       sol = simulate(params, B0);
       richness(sol; last = 10)

julia> sha = shannon_diversity(sol);
       round(sha; digits = 3)

julia> simp = simpson(sol);
       round(simp; digits = 3)

julia> even = evenness(sol);
       round(even; digits = 3)
set_temperature!(p::ModelParameters, T, F!::TemperatureResponse)

Parametrize the given model given a temperature value and the associated temperature_response.

julia> fw = FoodWeb([0 0; 1 0]);
       model = ModelParameters(fw; functional_response = ClassicResponse(fw));

julia> model.biorates  # Default Biorates.
  d: [0.0, 0.0]
  r: [1.0, 0.0]
  x: [0.0, 0.314]
  y: [0.0, 8.0]
  e: (2, 2) sparse matrix

julia> set_temperature!(model, 25, ExponentialBA());
Parameters for ExponentialBA response:
  r: ExponentialBAParams(1.5497531357028967e-7, 0.0, 0.0, -0.25, -0.25, -0.25, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.84)
  x: ExponentialBAParams(0.0, 6.557967639824989e-8, 6.557967639824989e-8, -0.31, -0.31, -0.31, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.69)
  aᵣ: ExponentialBAParams(0.0, 2.0452306245234897e-6, 2.0452306245234897e-6, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, -0.8, -0.8, -0.8, -0.38)
  hₜ: ExponentialBAParams(0.0, 15677.784668089162, 15677.784668089162, -0.45, -0.45, -0.45, 0.47, 0.47, 0.47, 0.26)
  K: ExponentialBAParams(3.0, nothing, nothing, 0.28, 0.28, 0.28, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.71)

julia> model.biorates  # Biorates given this temperature response.
  d: [0.0, 0.0]
  r: [1.9446555905910437e-162, 0.0]
  x: [0.0, 3.7697909572935493e-135]
  y: [0.0, 8.0]
  e: (2, 2) sparse matrix
simpson(solution; threshold = 0, kwargs...)

Computes the average Simpson diversity index, i.e. the second Hill number, over the last timesteps.

kwargs... arguments are forwarded to extract_last_timesteps. See extract_last_timesteps for the argument details.

Can also handle a vector, e.g. simpson(n::AbstractVector; threshold = 0)


    N0::AbstractVector = nothing,
    alg = nothing,
    t0::Number = 0,
    tmax::Number = 500,
    extinction_threshold::Union{Number,AbstractVector} = 1e-5,
    verbose = true,
    callback = CallbackSet(
        TerminateSteadyState(1e-6, 1e-4),
        ExtinctionCallback(extinction_threshold, length(B0), verbose),
    diff_code_data = (dBdt!, params),

Run biomass dynamics simulation, given model parameters (params) and the initial biomass (B0). You can choose your solver algorithm by specifying to the alg keyword.

The dynamic is solved between t=t0 and t=tmax.

By default, we give the following callbacks to solve():

  • TerminateSteadyState (from DiffEqCallbacks) which ends the simulation when a steady state is reached

  • ExtinctionCallback which extinguishes species whose biomass goes under the extinction_threshold (either a number or a vector, see ExtinctionCallback).

You are free to provide other callbacks, either by changing the parameter values of the callbacks above, choosing other callbacks from DiffEqCallbacks or by creating you own callbacks.

Moreover, we use the isoutofdomain argument of solve() to reject time steps that lead to negative biomass values due to numerical error.

Extra performance may be achieved by providing specialized julia code to the diff_code_data argument instead of the default, generic EcologicalNetworksDynamics.dBdt! code. No need to write it yourself as generate_dbdt does it for you.

Thanks to the extra keywords arguments kwargs..., you have a direct access to the interface of solve. Thus you can directly specify keyword arguments of solve(), for instance if you want to hint toward stiff solver you can give as an argument to simulate alg_hints=[:stiff].

The output of this function is the result of DifferentialEquations.solve(), to learn how to handle this output see Solution Handling.

If you are not interested in the biomass trajectories, but want to find directly the biomass at steady state see find_steady_state.


julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0; 1 0]); # create the foodweb
       br = BioRates(foodweb; d = 0); # set natural death rate to 0
       params = ModelParameters(foodweb; biorates = br);
       B0 = [0.5, 0.5]; # set initial biomass
       solution = simulate(params, B0); # run simulation
       @assert is_terminated(solution) # => a steady state has been found
       @assert solution[begin] == B0 # initial biomass equals initial biomass
       @assert isapprox(solution[end], [0.188, 0.219]; atol = 1e-2) # steady state biomass

julia> using DifferentialEquations;
       solution_custom_alg = simulate(params, B0; alg = BS5());
       @assert isapprox(solution_custom_alg[end], [0.188, 0.219]; atol = 1e-2)

julia> import Logging; # TODO: remove when warnings removed from `generate_dbdt`.
       # generate specialized code (same simulation)
       xpr, data = Logging.with_logger(Logging.NullLogger()) do
           generate_dbdt(params, :raw)
       solution = simulate(params, B0; diff_code_data = (eval(xpr), data));
       @assert is_terminated(solution) #  the same result is obtained, more efficiently.
       @assert solution[begin] == B0
       @assert isapprox(solution[end], [0.188, 0.219]; atol = 1e-2) # steady state biomass

julia> # Same with alternate style.
       xpr, data = Logging.with_logger(Logging.NullLogger()) do
           generate_dbdt(params, :compact)
       solution = simulate(params, B0; diff_code_data = (eval(xpr), data));
       @assert is_terminated(solution)
       @assert solution[begin] == B0
       @assert isapprox(solution[end], [0.188, 0.219]; atol = 1e-2) # steady state biomass

By default, the extinction callback throw a message when a species goes extinct.

julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0; 1 0]);
       params = ModelParameters(foodweb; biorates = BioRates(foodweb; d = 0));
       simulate(params, [0.5, 1e-12]; verbose = true); # default: a message is thrown
[ Info: Species [2] is exinct. t=0.12316364776188903

julia> simulate(params, [0.5, 1e-12]; verbose = true); # no message thrown
species_persistence(solution; kwargs...)

Returns the average proportion of species having a biomass superior or equal to threshold over the last timesteps.

kwargs... arguments are forwarded to extract_last_timesteps. See extract_last_timesteps for the argument details.

When applied to a vector of biomass, e.g. species_persistence(n::Vector; threshold = 0), it returns the proportion of species which biomass is above threshold.


julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0; 0 0]; quiet = true);
       params = ModelParameters(foodweb);
       sim_two = simulate(params, [0.5, 0.5]);
       species_persistence(sim_two; last = 1)

julia> sim_one = simulate(params, [0, 0.5]);
       species_persistence(sim_one; last = 1)

julia> sim_zero = simulate(params, [0, 0]);
       species_persistence(sim_zero; last = 1)

julia> species_persistence([0, 1])

julia> species_persistence([1, 1])
    threshold = 0,
    last = "10%",
    corrected = true,

Compute the synchrony of species biomass fluctuations following Loreau & de Mazancourt (2008).

See coefficient_of_variation for the argument details.


Loreau, M., & de Mazancourt, C. (2008). Species Synchrony and Its Drivers : Neutral and Nonneutral Community Dynamics in Fluctuating Environments. The American Naturalist, 172(2), E48‑E66.


Total richness of the system defined as the sum of the number of species and the number of nutrients. If the model p does not include nutrient dynamics for producer growth, then total_richness is equivalent the species richness.

julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([1 => 2]) # 1 eats 2.
       producer_growth = LogisticGrowth(foodweb)
       model = ModelParameters(foodweb; producer_growth)
       total_richness(model) == richness(model) == 2

julia> producer_growth = NutrientIntake(foodweb; n_nutrients = 3) # Include nutrients.
       model_with_nutrients = ModelParameters(foodweb; producer_growth)
       S = richness(model_with_nutrients)
       N = nutrient_richness(model_with_nutrients)
       total_richness(model_with_nutrients) == S + N == 5 # 2 + 3

See also richness and nutrient_richness.


Categorize each species into three classes: either producers, intermediate_consumers or top_predators.

julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([1 => 2, 2 => 3])
(producers = [3], intermediate_consumers = [2], top_predators = [1])

To access the name of the trophic classes you can simply call trophic_classes without any argument.

julia> trophic_classes()
(:producers, :intermediate_consumers, :top_predators)

See also trophic_levels and top_predators.

trophic_structure(solution; threshold = 0, idxs = nothing, kwargs...)

Returns the maximum, mean and weighted mean trophic level averaged over the last timesteps. It also returns the adjacency matrix containing only the living species and the vector of the living species at the last timestep.

kwargs... arguments are forwarded to extract_last_timesteps. See extract_last_timesteps for the argument details.


julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0 0; 0 0 0; 1 1 0]);
       params = ModelParameters(foodweb);
       B0 = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5];
       sol = simulate(params, B0; verbose = true);
       three_sp = trophic_structure(sol; last = 10);
       three_sp[(:max, :mean)]
(max = 2.0, mean = 1.3333333333333335)

julia> B0 = [0.5, 0.5, 0];
       sol = simulate(params, B0; verbose = true);
       no_consumer = trophic_structure(sol; last = 10);
       no_consumer[(:max, :mean)]
(max = 1.0, mean = 1.0)

julia> foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0 0; 0 1 0; 1 1 0]; quiet = true);
       params = ModelParameters(foodweb);
       B0 = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5];
       sol = simulate(params, B0; verbose = false);
       sum(trophic_structure(sol; last = 1).alive_A) - sum(foodweb.A)
max_trophic_level(solution::Solution; threshold = 0, kwargs...)
mean_trophic_level(solution::Solution; threshold = 0, kwargs...)
weighted_mean_trophic_level(solution::Solution; threshold = 0, kwargs...)

Return the aggregated trophic level over the last timesteps, either with max or mean aggregation, or by the mean trophic level weighted by species biomasses.

kwargs... arguments are forwarded to extract_last_timesteps. See extract_last_timesteps for the argument details.

These functions also handle biomass vectors associated with a network, as well as a vector of trophic levels (See examples).


julia> A = [0 0; 1 0];

julia> mean_trophic_level(A)

julia> bm = [1, 1];
       max_trophic_level(bm, A)

julia> mean_trophic_level(bm, A)

julia> weighted_mean_trophic_level(bm, A)

julia> bm = [0, 1];
       max_trophic_level(bm, A)

julia> mean_trophic_level(bm, A)

julia> weighted_mean_trophic_level(bm, A)

julia> foodweb = FoodWeb(A; quiet = true);
       params = ModelParameters(foodweb);
       B0 = [0.5, 0.5];
       sol = simulate(params, B0; verbose = false);

julia> mean_trophic_level(sol)

julia> w = weighted_mean_trophic_level(sol);
       round(w; digits = 2)

Repeat the given expression into terms of a sum, successively replacing indexes in term by elements in (zipped) lists.

julia> import EcologicalNetworksDynamics.Internals: xp_sum

julia> xp_sum([:i], [[1, 2, 3]], :(u^i)) #  Three terms.
:(u ^ 1 + u ^ 2 + u ^ 3)

julia> xp_sum([:i], [[1]], :(u^i)) #  Single term.
:(u ^ 1)

julia> xp_sum([:i], [[]], :(u^i)) #  No terms.

julia> xp_sum([:i, :j], [[:a, :b, :c], [5, 8, 13]], :(j * i)) #  Zipped indices.
:(5a + 8b + 13c)

The Foodweb component, aka. "Trophic layer", adds a set of trophic links connecting species in the model. This is one of the most structuring components.

Blueprint Creation from Raw Links.

From an adjacency list:

julia> fw = Foodweb([:a => :b, :b => [:c, :d]])
blueprint for Foodweb with 2 trophic links:
  :a eats :b
  :b eats :c and :d

julia> Model(fw) # Automatically brings a 'Species' component.
Model with 2 components:
  - Species: 4 (:a, :b, :c, :d)
  - Foodweb: 3 links

julia> Model(Foodweb([4 => [2, 1], 2 => 1])) #  From species indices.
Model with 2 components:
  - Species: 4 (:s1, :s2, :s3, :s4)
  - Foodweb: 3 links

From a matrix:

julia> fw = Foodweb([0 0 1; 1 0 1; 0 0 0])
blueprint for Foodweb with 3 trophic links:
  A: 3×3 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Bool, Int64} with 3 stored entries:
 ⋅  ⋅  1
 1  ⋅  1
 ⋅  ⋅

julia> Model(fw)
Model with 2 components:
  - Species: 3 (:s1, :s2, :s3)
  - Foodweb: 3 links

Blueprint Creation from Random Models.

Cascade model: specify the desired number of species S and connectance C.

julia> using Random
       fw = Foodweb(:cascade; S = 5, C = 0.2)
blueprint for Foodweb with 5 trophic links:
  A: 5×5 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Bool, Int64} with 5 stored entries:
 ⋅  1  ⋅  1  1
 ⋅  ⋅  ⋅  ⋅  ⋅
 ⋅  ⋅  ⋅  1  ⋅
 ⋅  ⋅  ⋅  ⋅  1
 ⋅  ⋅  ⋅  ⋅  ⋅

Random foodwebs are drawn until the desired connectance is obtained, within a tolerance level defaulted to tol_C = 0.1 * C, modifiable as a keyword argument.

Niche model: either specify the connectance C or number of links L.

julia> fw = Foodweb(:niche; S = 5, C = 0.2) #  From connectance.
blueprint for Foodweb with 5 trophic links:
  A: 5×5 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Bool, Int64} with 5 stored entries:
 ⋅  ⋅  ⋅  ⋅  ⋅
 ⋅  ⋅  ⋅  ⋅  ⋅
 1  1  ⋅  ⋅  ⋅
 ⋅  ⋅  1  ⋅  ⋅
 1  1  ⋅  ⋅  ⋅

julia> fw = Foodweb(:niche; S = 5, L = 4) #  From number of links.
blueprint for Foodweb with 4 trophic links:
  A: 5×5 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Bool, Int64} with 4 stored entries:
 ⋅  ⋅  ⋅  ⋅  ⋅
 ⋅  ⋅  ⋅  ⋅  ⋅
 ⋅  ⋅  ⋅  ⋅  ⋅
 1  ⋅  ⋅  ⋅  ⋅
 1  1  1  ⋅  ⋅

The default tolerance levels for the niche model are tol_C = 0.1 * C and tol_L = 0.1 * L, modifiable as keyword arguments.

For either random model, the following keyword arguments can also be specified:

  • reject_cycles = false (default): raise to forbid trophic cycles.
  • reject_if_disconnected = true (default): lower to allow disconnected trophic networks.
  • max_iterations = 10^5 (default): give up if no satisfying network can be found after this number of random trials.


A model m with a Foodweb has the following properties.

  • m.A or m.trophic_links: a view into the matrix of trophic links.
  • m.n_trophic_links: the number of trophic links in the model.
  • m.trophic_levels: calculate the trophic level of every species in the model.
  • Distinguishing between producers (species without outgoing trophic links) and consumers (species with outgoing trophic links):
    • m.{producers,consumers}_mask: a boolean vector to select either kind of species.
    • m.n_{producers,consumers}: count number of species of either kind.
    • is_{producer,consumer}(m, i): check whether species i (name or index) is of either kind.
    • m.{producers,consumer}_indices: iterate over either species kind indices.
    • m.{producers,consumer}_{sparse,dense}_index: obtain a $species\_name \mapsto species\_index$ mapping:
      • the sparse index yields indices valid within the whole collection of species.
      • the dense index yields indices only valid within the restricted collection of species of either kind.
  • Distinguishing betwen preys (species with incoming trophic links) and tops predators (species without incoming trophic links) works the same way.
  • m.producers_links: boolean matrix highlighting potential links between producers.
  • m.herbivorous_links: highlight only consumer-to-producer trophic links.
  • m.carnivorous_links: highlight only consumer-to-consumer trophic links.
julia> m = Model(Foodweb([:a => :b, :b => [:c, :d], :d => :e]));

julia> m.n_trophic_links

julia> m.A
5×5 EcologicalNetworksDynamics.TrophicLinks:
 0  1  0  0  0
 0  0  1  1  0
 0  0  0  0  0
 0  0  0  0  1
 0  0  0  0  0

julia> m.trophic_levels
5-element EcologicalNetworksDynamics.TrophicLevels:

julia> m.producers_mask
5-element EcologicalNetworksDynamics.ProducersMask:

julia> m.preys_mask
5-element EcologicalNetworksDynamics.PreysMask:

julia> m.n_producers, m.n_consumers
(2, 3)

julia> m.n_tops, m.n_preys
(1, 4)

julia> is_top(m, 1), is_top(m, 2)
(true, false)

julia> collect(m.consumers_indices)
3-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> m.producers_sparse_index
OrderedCollections.OrderedDict{Symbol, Int64} with 2 entries:
  :c => 3
  :e => 5

julia> m.producers_dense_index
OrderedCollections.OrderedDict{Symbol, Int64} with 2 entries:
  :c => 1
  :e => 2

julia> m.producers_links
5×5 EcologicalNetworksDynamics.ProducersLinks:
 0  0  0  0  0
 0  0  0  0  0
 0  0  1  0  1
 0  0  0  0  0
 0  0  1  0  1

julia> m.herbivorous_links
5×5 EcologicalNetworksDynamics.HerbivorousLinks:
 0  0  0  0  0
 0  0  1  0  0
 0  0  0  0  0
 0  0  0  0  1
 0  0  0  0  0

julia> m.carnivorous_links
5×5 EcologicalNetworksDynamics.CarnivorousLinks:
 0  1  0  0  0
 0  0  0  1  0
 0  0  0  0  0
 0  0  0  0  0
 0  0  0  0  0

Model is the main object that we hand out to user which contains all the information about the underlying ecological model.

Create a Model

The most straightforward way to create a model is to use default_model. This function only requires you to specify the trophic network.

fw = [1 => 2, 2 => 3]
model = default_model(fw)

This function will help you to create a model with ease, however it relies on default values for the parameters, which are not always suitable for your specific case, even though extracted from the literature.

To create a model with custom parameters, you can pass other arguments to default_model.

model = default_model(fw, BodyMass(; Z = 100))

For instance, the above example creates a model with a body mass distribution with a predator-prey mass ratio of 100.

It is also possible to create a model manually by adding the components one by one. First, create an empty model:

m = Model()

Then add your components one by one. Note that you have to add the components in the right order, as some components depend on others. Moreover, some components are mandatory. Specifically, you need to provide a food web, species body masses, a functional response, metabolic rates and a producer growth function.

m = Model()
m += Foodweb([3 => 2, 2 => 1])
m += ClassicResponse(; h = 2, M = BodyMass([0.1, 2, 3]))
m += LogisticGrowth(; r = 1, K = 10)
m += Metabolism(:Miele2019)
m += Mortality(0)

Read and write properties of the model

First all properties contained in the model can be listed with:

properties(m) # Where m is a Model.

Then, the value of a property can be read with get_<X> where X is the name of the property. For instance, to read mortality rates:

get_mortality(m) # Equivalent to: m.mortality.

You can also re-write properties of the model using set_<X>!. However, not all properties can be re-written, because some of them are derived from the others. For instance, many parameters are derived from species body masses, therefore changing body masses would make the model inconsistent. However, terminal properties can be re-written, as the species metabolic rate.


The Species component adds the most basic nodes compartment into the model: species. There is one node per species, and every species is given a unique name and index. The species ordering specified in this compartment is the reference species ordering.

julia> sp = Species(["hen", "fox", "snake"])
blueprint for Species:
  names: 3-element Vector{Symbol}:

julia> m = Model(sp)
Model with 1 component:
  - Species: 3 (:hen, :fox, :snake)

julia> Model(Species(5)) # Default names generated.
Model with 1 component:
  - Species: 5 (:s1, :s2, :s3, :s4, :s5)

Typically, the species component is implicitly brought by other blueprints.

julia> Model(Foodweb([:a => :b]))
Model with 2 components:
  - Species: 2 (:a, :b)
  - Foodweb: 1 link

julia> Model(BodyMass([4, 5, 6]))
Model with 2 components:
  - Species: 3 (:s1, :s2, :s3)
  - Body masses: [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]

The species component makes the following properties available to a model m:

  • m.S or m.richness or m.species_richness or m.n_species: number of species in the model.
  • m.species_names: list of species name in reference order.
  • m.species_index: get a $species\_name \mapsto species\_index$ mapping.
julia> (m.S, m.richness, m.species_richness, m.n_species) # All aliases for the same thing.
(3, 3, 3, 3)

julia> m.species_names
3-element EcologicalNetworksDynamics.SpeciesNames:

julia> m.species_index
OrderedCollections.OrderedDict{Symbol, Int64} with 3 entries:
  :hen   => 1
  :fox   => 2
  :snake => 3


Generate a model from a food web with parameters set to default values.

Let's first illustrate the use of default_model with a simple example.

foodweb = Foodweb([1 => 2])

In this example, all parameters are set to default values, however for your needs, you can override any of the default parameters. For instance, if you want to override the default metabolic rate, you can do it as follows:

my_x = [0.0, 1.2] # One value per species.
default_model(foodweb, Metabolism(my_x))
persistence(solution::AbstractODESolution; threshold = 0)

Fraction of alive species at each timestep of the simulation. See richness for details.


julia> S = 20 # Initial number of species.
       foodweb = Foodweb(:niche; S = 20, C = 0.1)
       m = default_model(foodweb)
       B0 = rand(S)
       sol = simulate(m, B0)
       all(persistence(sol) .== richness(sol) / S)
richness(vec::AbstractVector; threshold = 0)

Return the number of alive species given a biomass vector vec. By default, species are considered extinct if their biomass is 0. But, this threshold can be changed using the corresponding keyword argument.


julia> foodweb = Foodweb([0 0; 1 0])
       m = default_model(foodweb)
       B0 = [0.5, 0.5]
       sol = simulate(m, B0)
       richness(sol[end]) # Richness at the end of the simulation.

richness(solution::Solution; threshold = 0)

Return the number of alive species at each timestep of the simulation. solution is the output of simulate. By default, species are considered extinct if their biomass is 0. But, this threshold can be changed using the corresponding keyword argument.


Let's start with a simple example where the richness remains constant:

julia> foodweb = Foodweb([0 0; 1 0])
       m = default_model(foodweb)
       B0 = [0.5, 0.5]
       sol = simulate(m, B0)
       richness_trajectory = richness(sol)
       all(richness_trajectory .== 2) # At each timestep, there are 2 alive species.

Now let's assume that the producer is extinct at the beginning of the simulation, while its consumer is not. We expect to observe a decrease in richness from 1 to 0 over time.

julia> B0 = [0, 0.5] # The producer is extinct at the beginning.
       sol = simulate(m, B0)
       richness_trajectory = richness(sol)
       richness_trajectory[1] == 1 && richness_trajectory[end] == 0
shannon_diversity(vec::AbstractVector; threshold = 0)

Shannon diversitty index given a biomass vector `vec Shannon diversity is a measure of species diversity based on the entropy. According to the Shannon index, for a same number of species, the more evenly the biomass is distributed among them, the higher the diversity.


We consider a simple example with 3 species, but different shannon diversity.

julia> s1 = shannon_diversity([1, 1, 1])
       s2 = shannon_diversity([1, 1, 0.1])
       s3 = shannon_diversity([1, 1, 0.01])
       s1 > s2 > s3

We observe as we decrease the biomass of the third species, the shannon diversity tends to 2, as we tend towards an effective two-species community.

shannon_diversity(solution::AbstractODESolution; threshold = 0)

Shannon diversity index at each timestep of the simulation. solution is the output of simulate. Shannon diversity is a measure of species diversity based on the entropy. According to the Shannon index, for a same number of species, the more evenly the biomass is distributed among them, the higher the diversity.


We start a simple simulation with even biomass distribution, therefore we expect the Shannon diversity to decrease over time as the biomass of the species diverge from each other.

julia> foodweb = Foodweb([0 0; 1 0])
       m = default_model(foodweb)
       B0 = [0.5, 0.5] # Even biomass, maximal shannon diversity.
       sol = simulate(m, B0)
       shannon_trajectory = shannon_diversity(sol)
       biomass_trajectory[1] > biomass_trajectory[end]

Total biomass of a community given a biomass vector vec.


julia> total_biomass([0.5, 1.5]) # 0.5 + 1.5 = 2.0

Total biomass of a community at each timestep of the simulation. solution is the output of simulate.


Let's consider a consumer feeding on a producer, and let's start the simulation with the producer extinction so we can observe the consumer's biomass decrease over time.

julia> foodweb = Foodweb([0 0; 1 0])
       m = default_model(foodweb)
       B0 = [0, 0.5] # The producer is extinct at the beginning.
       sol = simulate(m, B0)
       biomass_trajectory = total_biomass(sol)
       biomass_trajectory[1] == 0.5 && biomass_trajectory[end] == 0