
Install Julia

First, you should install Julia. We recommend downloading it from its official website. Versions higher than v1.3, especially v1.6, are strongly recommended. This package may not work on v0.7 and below. Please follow the detailed instructions on its website if you have to build Julia from source. Some computing centers provide preinstalled Julia. Please contact your administrator for more information in that case.

If you have Homebrew installed, open and type

$ brew install --cask julia  # on macOS


$ brew install julia  # on other operating systems

If you want to install multiple Julia versions in the same operating system, a suggested way is to use a version manager such as asdf. First, install asdf. Then, run

$ asdf install julia 1.6.2   # or other versions of Julia
$ asdf global julia 1.6.2

to install Julia and set v1.6.2 as a global version.

Install EquationsOfStateOfSolids

Now I am using macOS as a standard platform to explain the following steps:

  1. Open, and type julia to start an interactive session (known as REPL).

  2. Run the following commands and wait for them to finish:

    julia> using Pkg; Pkg.update()
    julia> Pkg.add("EquationsOfStateOfSolids")
  3. Run

    julia> using EquationsOfStateOfSolids

    and have fun!

  4. While using, please keep this Julia session alive. Restarting might recompile the package and cost some time.

If you want to install the latest in development (maybe buggy) version of EquationsOfStateOfSolids, type

julia> using Pkg; Pkg.update()

julia> pkg"add EquationsOfStateOfSolids#master"

in the second step instead.

Uninstall and reinstall EquationsOfStateOfSolids

  1. To uninstall, in a Julia session, run

    julia> Pkg.rm("EquationsOfStateOfSolids"); Pkg.gc()
  2. Press ctrl+d to quit the current session. Start a new Julia session and reinstall EquationsOfStateOfSolids.