Functions for finding reductions

Finding reductions

find_reductions(system::ODE; overQ=true, makepositive=false, loglevel=Logging.Info)

Finds reductions of the system corresponding to a Jordan-Hoelder filtration. This means that the reduction form a chain, and there are no extra intermediate reduction in this chain. In particular, if there exists at least one reduction, it will be found.


  • system is an ODE system given as ODE object,
  • overQ tells the algorithm to search for reductions over rational numbers. Is true by default,
  • seed is a seed for the random number generator,
  • makepositive tells the algorithm to search for reductions with positive coefficients. false by default.

To enable this argument, you should have Polymake.jl imported.

  • loglevel is a level of logging. Logging.Info by default.
  • parameter_strategy prescribes the way the parameter in the resulting system will be recognized:
    • :inheritance (default) the parameters in the new system are exactly combinations of the original parameters
    • :constants the parameters in the new system will be the variables with zero dynamics
    • :none - no parameters in the result


julia> using ExactODEReduction
julia> odes = @ODEsystem(
    x'(t) = x + y,
    y'(t) = x - y - z,
    z'(t) = 2x - z
julia> find_reductions(odes)
A chain of 2 reductions of dimensions 1, 2.
1. Reduction of dimension 1.
New system:
y1'(t) = 0
New variables:
y1 = x + y - z
2. Reduction of dimension 2.
New system:
y1'(t) = -y1(t) + y2(t)
y2'(t) = y1(t) - y2(t)
New variables:
y1 = x - z
y2 = y
find_smallest_constrained_reduction(system::ODE, observables; overQ=true, makepositive=false, loglevel=Logging.Info)

Finds the best linear reduction of the system. If there exists a reduction, it will be found.


  • system is an ODE system given as ODE object,
  • observables is a list of linear functions of initial variables desired to be preserved by reduction,
  • overQ tells the algorithm to search for reductions over rational numbers. Is true by default,
  • seed is a seed for the random number generator,
  • makepositive tells the algorithm to search for reductions with positive coefficients. false by default.

To enable this argument, you should have Polymake.jl imported.

  • loglevel is a level of logging. Logging.Info by default.
  • parameter_strategy prescribes the way the parameter in the resulting system will be recognized:
    • :inheritance (default) the parameters in the new system are exactly combinations of the original parameters
    • :constants the parameters in the new system will be the variables with zero dynamics
    • :none - no parameters in the result


julia> using ExactODEReduction
julia> odes = @ODEsystem(
    x'(t) = x + y,
    y'(t) = x - y - z,
    z'(t) = 2x - z
julia> find_smallest_constrained_reduction(odes, [x + (1//2)*z])
Reduction of dimension 2.
New system:
y1'(t) = 2*y1(t) + y2(t)
y2'(t) = -2*y1(t) - y2(t)
New variables:
y1 = x + 1//2*z
y2 = y - 3//2*z
find_some_reduction(system::ODE; overQ, seed, makepositive, loglevel, parameter_strategy)

Finds a nontrivial linear reduction of the system. If there exists a reduction, it will be found.


  • system is an ODE system given as ODE object,
  • overQ tells the algorithm to search for reductions over rational numbers. Is true by default,
  • seed is a seed for the random number generator,
  • makepositive tells the algorithm to search for reductions with positive coefficients. false by default.

To enable this argument, you should have Polymake.jl imported.

  • loglevel is a level of logging. Logging.Info by default.
  • parameter_strategy prescribes the way the parameter in the resulting system will be recognized:
    • :inheritance (default) the parameters in the new system are exactly combinations of the original parameters
    • :constants the parameters in the new system will be the variables with zero dynamics
    • :none - no parameters in the result


julia> using ExactODEReduction
julia> odes = @ODEsystem(
    x'(t) = x + y,
    y'(t) = x - y - z,
    z'(t) = 2x - z
julia> find_some_reduction(odes)
Reduction of dimension 1.
New system:
y1'(t) = -2*y1(t)
New variables:
y1 = x - y - z

Exploring found reductions

The functions find_some_reduction and find_smallest_constrained_reduction return a Reduction object.


Represents a single reduction of some ODE system. This is returned from reduction functions.


using ExactODEReduction
odes = @ODEsystem(
    x'(t) = x + y,
    y'(t) = x - y - z,
    z'(t) = 2x - z

reduction = find_some_reduction(odes)

## prints
Reduction of dimension 1.
New system:
y1'(t) = y1(t)
New variables:
y1 = x + 1//2*y - 1//4*z

## prints
y1'(t) = y1(t)

## prints
Dict{Nemo.fmpq_mpoly, Nemo.fmpq_mpoly} with 1 entry:
  y1 => x + 1//2*y - 1//4*z

Returns the dictionary of new macro-variables expressed as linear combinations of the original variables.

new_initialconds(r::Reduction, ics::Dict)

Returns a dictionary of initial conditions for the new variables as defined by the given reduction.

reduce_data(data::Array{Any, 2}, r::Reduction)

For a time-series data for the original system, returns the corresponding time series for the reduction

The function find_reduction returns a ChainOfReductions object, which, in practice, can be treated as Vector{Reduction}.


Represents a chain of Reductions of some ODE system. This is returned from the find_reductions function.


using ExactODEReduction
odes = @ODEsystem(
    x'(t) = x + y,
    y'(t) = x - y - z,
    z'(t) = 2x - z

reductions = find_reductions(odes)

## prints
A chain of 2 reductions of dimensions 1, 2.
1. Reduction of dimension 1.
New system:
y1'(t) = y1(t)
New variables:
y1 = x + 1//2*y - 1//4*z
2. Reduction of dimension 2.
New system:
y1'(t) = y2(t)
y2'(t) = 2*y1(t) - y2(t)
New variables:
y1 = x - 1//2*z
y2 = y + 1//2*z

reduction2 = reductions[2]
## prints
Reduction of dimension 2.
New system:
y1'(t) = y2(t)
y2'(t) = 2*y1(t) - y2(t)
New variables:
y1 = x - 1//2*z
y2 = y + 1//2*z

Returns the number of reductions in the chain.

getindex(cor::ChainOfReductions, i::Integer)

Returns the i-th reduction in the chain. Returned object is of type Reduction.