


Complete_expr_tree{T} <: AbstractTree

Implementation of an expression tree. Complete_expr_tree is the same than Type_expr_tree with the additions in each node of a Bounds and Convexity_wrapper. A Complete_expr_tree has fields:

  • field::Complete_node{T} representing an operator, a constant or a variable alongide its bounds and its convexity status;
  • children::Vector{Complete_expr_tree{T}} a vector of children, each of them being a Complete_expr_tree{T}.

Represent the different types that a expression can be :

  • constant
  • linear
  • quadratic
  • cubic
  • more which means non-linear, non-quadratic and non-cubic.
Type_expr_tree{T} <: AbstractTree

Basic implementation of an expression tree. Every expression tree supported must be able to return Type_expr_tree with transform_to_expr_tree. A Type_expr_tree has fields:

  • field::Abstract_expr_node representing an operator, a constant or a variable;
  • children::Vector{Type_expr_tree{T}} a vector of children, each of them being a Type_expr_tree{T}.
Type_node{T} <: AbstractTree

Basic implementation of a tree. A Type_node has fields:

  • field gathering the informations about the current node;
  • children a vector of children, each of them being a Type_node.
cast_type_of_constant(expr_tree, type::DataType)

Cast to type the constants of expr_tree. expr_tree may be an Expr, a Type_expr_tree or a Complete_expr_tree.

complete_tree = complete_tree(expression_tree::Type_expr_tree)

Create a complete_tree::Complete_expr_tree from expression_tree.

concave = concave_type()

Return the value concave from the enumerative type M_implementation_convexity_type.Convexity_type.

constant = constant_type()

Return the value constant from the enumerative type M_implementation_convexity_type.Convexity_type.

convex = convex_type()

Return the value convex from the enumerative type M_implementation_convexity_type.Convexity_type.

convex_tree = create_convex_tree(tree::Type_expr_tree)

Return bounds' tree with the same shaped than tree, where each node has an undefined convexity status.

evaluate_expr_tree(expr_tree::Type_expr_tree, x::AbstractVector)
evaluate_expr_tree(expr_tree::Complete_expr_tree, x::AbstractVector)

Evaluate the expr_tree given the vector x.


julia> evaluate_expr_tree(:(x[1] + x[2]), ones(2))
evaluate_expr_tree_multiple_points(expression_tree::Any, x::AbstractVector{AbstractVector}})

Evaluate the expression_tree for several points, represented as x.

separated_terms = extract_element_functions(expr_tree)

Return the element functions of expr_tree as a vector of its subexpressions. expr_tree may be an Expr, a Type_expr_tree or a Complete_expr_tree.


julia> extract_element_functions(:(x[1] + x[2] + x[3]*x[4]))
3-element Vector{Expr}:
 :(x[3] * x[4])
Ui = get_Ui(indices::Vector{Int}, n::Int)

Create a SparseMatrixUi from indices computed by get_elemental_variables. Every index i (of indices) form a line of Ui corresponding to i-th Euclidian vector.

(inf_bound, sup_bound) = get_bounds(bound_tree::Bound_tree)

Retrieve the bounds from the root of bound_tree (a given bounds' tree).

convexity_status = get_convexity_status(convexity_tree::M_convexity_detection.Convexity_tree)
convexity_status = get_convexity_status(complete_tree::Complete_expr_tree)

Return the convexity status of either a convexity_tree or a complete_tree. The status can be:

  • constant
  • linear
  • convex
  • concave
  • unknown
indices = get_elemental_variables(expr_tree)

Return the indices of the variable appearing in expr_tree. This function is used to find the elemental variables from the expression tree of an element function. expr_tree may be an Expr, a Type_expr_tree or a Complete_expr_tree.


julia> get_elemental_variables(:(x[1] + x[3]) )
[1, 3]
julia> get_elemental_variables(:(x[1]^2 + x[6] + x[2]) )
[1, 6, 2]
expr = get_expression_tree(adnlp::MathOptNLPModel)
expr = get_expression_tree(adnlp::ADNLPModel)
expr = get_expression_tree(model::JuMP.Model)

Return the objective function as a Type_expr_tree for: a MathOptNLPModel, a ADNLPModel or a JuMP.Model.

eval_expression_tree = get_function_of_evaluation(expression_tree::Type_expr_tree)

Return and evaluation function of expression_tree with better performance than the actual evaluate_expr_tree.

type = get_type_tree(expr_tree)

Return the type of expr_tree. It can either be: constant, linear, quadratic, cubic or more. expr_tree may be an Expr, a Type_expr_tree or a Complete_expr_tree.


julia> get_type_tree(:(5+4)) == constant
julia> get_type_tree(:(x[1])) == linear
julia> get_type_tree(:(x[1]* x[2])) == quadratic
gradient = gradient_forward(expr_tree, x)

Evaluate the gradient of expr_tree at the point x with a forward automatic differentiation method.


julia> gradient_forward(:(x[1] + x[2]), rand(2))
[1.0 1.0]
gradient = gradient_reverse(expr_tree, x)

Evaluate the gradient of expr_tree at the point x with a reverse automatic differentiation method.


julia> gradient_reverse(:(x[1] + x[2]), rand(2))
[1.0 1.0]
hess = hessian(expr_tree, x)

Evaluate the Hessian of expr_tree at the point x with a forward automatic differentiation.


julia> hessian(:(x[1]^2 + x[2]), rand(2))
[2.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0]
bool = is_concave(status::Convexity_type)
bool = is_concave(convexity::Convexity_wrapper)

Check if convexity or status is equal to concave.

bool = is_constant(status::Convexity_type)
bool = is_constant(convexity::Convexity_wrapper)

Check if convexity or status is equal to constant.

bool = is_constant(type::Type_calculus_tree)

Check if type values constant from the enumerative type Type_calculus_tree.

bool = is_convex(status::Convexity_type)
bool = is_convex(convexity::Convexity_wrapper)

Check if convexity or status is equal to convex.

bool = is_cubic(type::Type_calculus_tree)

Check if type values cubic from the enumerative type Type_calculus_tree.

bool = is_linear(status::Convexity_type)
bool = is_linear(convexity::Convexity_wrapper)

Check if convexity or status is equal to linear.

bool = is_linear(type::Type_calculus_tree)

Check if type values linear from the enumerative type Type_calculus_tree.

bool = is_more(type::Type_calculus_tree)

Check if type values more from the enumerative type Type_calculus_tree.

bool = is_not_treated(status::Convexity_type)
bool = is_not_treated(convexity::Convexity_wrapper)

Check if convexity or status is equal to not_treated.

bool = is_quadratic(type::Type_calculus_tree)

Check if type values quadratic from the enumerative type Type_calculus_tree.

bool = is_treated(status::Convexity_type)
bool = is_treated(convexity::Convexity_wrapper)

Check if convexity or status is equal to different of not_treated.

bool = is_unknown(status::Convexity_type)
bool = is_unknown(convexity::Convexity_wrapper)

Check if convexity or status is equal to unknown.

linear = linear_type()

Return the value linear from the enumerative type M_implementation_convexity_type.Convexity_type.

evaluator = non_linear_JuMP_model_evaluator(expr_tree; variables::Vector{Int})

Return a MathOptInterface.Nonlinear.Model and its initialized evaluator for any expr_tree supported. variables informs the indices of the variables appearing in expr_tree. If variables is not provided, it is determined automatically through sort!(get_elemental_variables(expr_tree)). Warning: variables must be sorted! Example:

expr_tree = :(x[1]^2 + x[3]^3)
variables = [1,3]
evaluator = non_linear_JuMP_model_evaluator(expr_tree; variables)

Afterward, you may evaluate the function and the gradient from expr_tree with:

x = rand(2)
MOI.eval_objective(evaluator, x)
grad = similar(x)
MOI.eval_objective_gradient(evaluator, grad, x)

Warning: The size of x depends on the number of variables of expr_tree and not from the highest variable's index.

normalize_indices!(expr_tree, vector_indices::Vector{Int})

Change the indices of the variables from expr_tree to follow the order given by vector_indices. It is paired with get_elemental_variables to define the elemental element function expression tree. expr_tree may be an Expr, a Type_expr_tree or a Complete_expr_tree.


julia> normalize_indices!(:(x[4] + x[5]), [4,5])
:(x[1] + x[2])
set_bounds!(tree::Type_expr_tree, bound_tree::Bound_tree)

Set the bounds of bound_tree by walking tree and propagate the bounds' computation from the leaves to the root. As a Complete_expr_tree contains a precompiled bound_tree, it can be used alone.

set_convexity!(tree::Type_expr_tree, convexity_tree::Convexity_tree, bound_tree::Bound_tree)

Deduce from elementary rules the convexity status of tree nodes or complete_tree nodes. complete_tree stores a bounds tree and can run the convexity detection standalone whereas tree requires the bound_tree (see create_bounds_tree) and convexity_tree (see create_convex_tree).

evaluator = sparse_jacobian_JuMP_model(expr_trees)

Return the evaluator of a MathOptInterface.Nonlinear.Model defined by expr_tree, as long as it is supported. The evaluator considers the objective function as the sum of expr_trees and a constraint for each expr_tree contained in expr_trees. If the expression trees in expr_trees depend on a subset of variables, the Jacobian of the constraints will be sparse.

expr = transform_to_Expr(expr_tree)

Transform expr_tree into an Expr. expr_tree may be a Type_expr_tree or a Complete_expr_tree. Warning: This function return an Expr with variables as MathOptInterface.VariableIndex. In order to get an standard Expr use transform_to_Expr_julia.

unknown = unknown_type()

Return the value unknown from the enumerative type M_implementation_convexity_type.Convexity_type.

expr = create_expr_tree(tree)

Create an Expr from tree. Several types of tree are supported. For now, it supports Expr and ModelingToolkit.Operation, as well as the internal expression trees defined. The variables of the Expr use MathOptInterface variables.

expr = create_expr_tree(tree)

Create a Julia Expr from tree. Several types of tree are supported. For now, it supports Expr and ModelingToolkit.Operation, as well as the internal expression trees defined.

expr = create_expr_tree(tree)

Create an Expr from tree. Several types of tree are supported. For now, it supports Expr and ModelingToolkit.Operation, as well as the internal expression trees defined. The variables of the Expr use MathOptInterface.VariableIndex(i).

Type_expr_tree{T} <: AbstractTree

Basic implementation of an expression tree. Every expression tree supported must be able to return Type_expr_tree with transform_to_expr_tree. A Type_expr_tree has fields:

  • field::Abstract_expr_node representing an operator, a constant or a variable;
  • children::Vector{Type_expr_tree{T}} a vector of children, each of them being a Type_expr_tree{T}.
Complete_expr_tree{T} <: AbstractTree

Implementation of an expression tree similar to Type_expr_tree. Complete_expr_tree considers a Complete_node which adds the Bounds and a Convexity_wrapper to each node. A Complete_expr_tree has fields:

  • field::Complete_node{T} representing an operator, a constant or a variable alongide its bounds and its convexity status;
  • children::Vector{Complete_expr_tree{T}} a vector of children, each of them being a Complete_expr_tree{T}.
Complete_node{T <: Number}

Gather in a single structure:

  • op::M_abstract_expr_node.Abstract_expr_node an arithmetic operator;
  • bounds::M_abstract_expr_tree.Bounds{T} the bounds of this operator depending on its children;
  • convexity_status::M_implementation_convexity_type.Convexity_wrapper the convexity status of this operator depending on its children.
set_bounds!(tree, bound_tree::Bound_tree)

Set the bounds of bound_tree by walking tree and by propagating the computations from the leaves to the root. A Complete_expr_tree contains a precompiled bound_tree, and then can be use alone.

convexity_status = get_convexity_status(convexity_tree::M_convexity_detection.Convexity_tree)
convexity_status = get_convexity_status(complete_tree::M_implementation_complete_expr_tree.Complete_expr_tree)

Return the convexity status of either a convexity_tree or a complete_tree. The status can be:

  • constant
  • linear
  • strictly convex
  • strictly concave
  • unknown
set_convexity!(tree, convexity_tree, bound_tree)

Deduce from elementary rules the convexity status of tree nodes or complete_tree nodes. complete_tree stores a bounds tree and can run the convexity detection standalone whereas tree requires the bound_tree (see create_bounds_tree) and convexity_tree (see create_convex_tree).

dic = N_to_Ni(elemental_var::Vector{Int}; initial_index=0)

Return a dictionnary informing the index changes of an element expression tree. If element_var = [4,5] then dic == Dict([4=>initial_index+1, 5=>initial_index+2]).

separated_terms = extract_element_functions(expr_tree)

Divide the expression tree as a terms of a sum if possible. It returns a vector where each component is a subexpression tree of expr_tree.


julia> extract_element_functions(:(x[1] + x[2] + x[3]*x[4] ) )
3-element Vector{Expr}:
 :(x[3] * x[4])
Ui = get_Ui(indices::Vector{Int}, n::Int)

Create a SparseMatrixUi from indices computed by get_elemental_variables. Every index i (of indices) form a line of Ui corresponding to i-th Euclidian vector.

indices = get_elemental_variables(expr_tree)

Return the indices of the variable appearing in expr_tree. This function finds the elemental variables from the expression tree of an element function.


julia> get_elemental_variables(:(x[1] + x[3]) )
[1, 3]
julia> get_elemental_variables(:(x[1]^2 + x[6] + x[2]) )
[1, 6, 2]
type = get_type_tree(expr_tree)

Return the type of expr_tree. It can either be: constant, linear, quadratic, cubic or more.


julia> get_type_tree(:(5+4)) == constant
julia> get_type_tree(:(x[1])) == linear
julia> get_type_tree(:(x[1]* x[2])) == quadratic
evaluator = non_linear_JuMP_model_evaluator(expr_tree; variables::Vector{Int})

Return the evaluator of a MOI.Nonlinear.Model defined by expr_tree, as long as it is supported. variables informs the indices of the variables appearing in expr_tree. If variables is not provided, it is determined automatically through sort!(get_elemental_variables(expr_tree)). Warning: variables must be sorted! Example:

expr_tree = :(x[1]^2 + x[3]^3)
variables = [1,3]
evaluator = non_linear_JuMP_model_evaluator(expr_tree; variables)

Afterward, you may evaluate the function and the gradient from expr_tree with:

x = rand(2)
MOI.eval_objective(evaluator, x)
grad = similar(x)
MOI.eval_objective_gradient(evaluator, grad, x)

Warning: The size of x depends on the number of variables of expr_tree and not from the highest variable's index.

normalize_indices!(expr_tree, vector_indices; initial_index=0)

Change the indices of the variables from expr_tree to follow the order given by vector_indices. It is paired with get_elemental_variables to define the elemental element function expression tree.


julia> normalize_indices!(:(x[4] + x[5]), [4,5]; initial_index::Int)
:(x[1+initial_index] + x[2+initial_index])
evaluator = sparse_jacobian_JuMP_model(expr_trees)

Return the evaluator of a MOI.Nonlinear.Model defined by expr_tree, as long as it is supported. The evaluator considers the objective function as the sum of expr_trees and a constraint for each expr_tree contained in expr_trees. If the expression trees in expr_trees depend on a subset of variables, the Jacobian of the constraints will be sparse.

type = get_type_node(node::Abstract_expr_node, children_types::AbstractVector{Type_expr_basic})

Return the type of node given the type of its children children_types. The types avaible areconstant, linear, quadratic, cubic or more.

bool = _node_is_operator(node::Abstract_expr_node, children_convex_status::AbstractVector{M_implementation_convexity_type.Convexity_type})

Return the convexity status of node given the children_convex_status.

bool = node_to_Expr(node::Abstract_expr_node)

Return the information required to build later on a Julia Expr. An operator node returns the operator symbol (ex: + -> :+). A variable node returns a variable as a MathOptInterface variable. A constant node returns its value.

bool = node_to_Expr2(node::Abstract_expr_node)

Return the information required to build later on a Julia Expr. An operator node returns the operator symbol (ex: + -> :+). A variable return a variable. A constant node returns its value.

bool = _node_to_Expr_JuMP(node::Abstract_expr_node)

Return the information required to build later on a Julia Expr. An operator node returns the operator symbol (ex: + -> :+). A variable parametrized with the index i returns a variable as a MathOptInterface.Variable(i). A constant node returns its value.

type = _get_type_node(node::Abstract_expr_node, children_types::AbstractVector{Type_expr_basic})

Return the type of node given the type of its children children_types. The types available are constant, linear, quadratic, cubic or more.

[symbols] = _node_to_Expr(node::Abstract_expr_node)

Return the information required to build later on a Julia Expr. An operator node returns the operator symbol (ex: + -> :+). A variable node returns a variable as a MathOptInterface variable. A constant node returns its value.

[symbols] = _node_to_Expr2(node::Abstract_expr_node)

Return the information required to build later on a Julia Expr. An operator node returns the operator symbol (ex: + -> :+). A variable return a variable. A constant node returns its value.

[symbols] = _node_to_Expr2(node::Abstract_expr_node)

Return the information required to build later on a Julia Expr. An operator node returns the operator symbol (ex: + -> :+). A variable return a MathOptInterface.VariableIndex(). A constant node returns its value.

Type_trait_tree = is_type_trait_tree(a::AbstractTree)
Type_trait_tree = is_type_trait_tree(a::Expr)
Type_trait_tree = is_type_trait_tree(a::Number)
Type_not_trait_tree = is_type_trait_tree(a::Any)

Return a Type_trait_tree only for AbstractTree, Expr or Number (a leaf of a tree). In the other cases it returns Type_not_trait_tree.

show(tree::AbstractTree; deepth)
show(io::IO, tree::AbstractTree; deepth)

Print tree in the Julia console with a suitable form.

Type_node{T} <: AbstractTree

Basic implementation of a tree. A Type_node has fields:

  • field gathering the informations about the current node;
  • children a vector of children, each of them being a Type_node.
tree = create_tree(field::T, children::Vector{Type_node{T}}) where {T}
tree = create_tree(field::T, children::Array{Any, 1}) where {T}
tree = create_tree(ex::Expr)

Create a tree of type Type_node. field will be the root node with some children. create_tree can also translate an Expr to a Type_node.