ExpressionTreeForge.jl Tutorial

ExpressionTreeForge.jl analyzes and manipulates expression trees. It interfaces several implementations of expression trees to the internal type Type_expr_tree (with transform_to_expr_tree()).

The main expression trees supported are:

  • Julia Expr
using ExpressionTreeForge
expr_Julia = :((x[1]+x[2])^2 + (x[2]+x[3])^2)
expr_tree_Expr = transform_to_expr_tree(expr_Julia)
  • Expr from JuMP model (with MathOptInterface)
using JuMP, MathOptInterface
m = Model()
n = 3
@variable(m, x[1:n])
@NLobjective(m, Min, (x[1]+x[2])^2 + (x[2]+x[3])^2)
evaluator = JuMP.NLPEvaluator(m)
MathOptInterface.initialize(evaluator, [:ExprGraph])
expr_jump = MathOptInterface.objective_expr(evaluator)
expr_tree_JuMP = transform_to_expr_tree(expr_jump)
  • an Expr which is the result of @variables from Symbolics.jl to a Julia function:
using Symbolics
function f(y)
  return sum((y[i] + y[i+1])^2 for i = 1:(length(y)-1))
n = 3
Symbolics.@variables x[1:n] # must be x

fun = f(x)
mtk_tree = Symbolics._toexpr(fun)
expr_tree_Symbolics = transform_to_expr_tree(mtk_tree)

Note that depending on the library used, the expression tree may be simplified and/or have reordered terms. However, expr_tree_Expr, expr_tree_JuMP and expr_tree_Symbolics share the same type ::Type_expr_tree:

(typeof(expr_tree_Expr) == typeof(expr_tree_JuMP)) && (typeof(expr_tree_Expr) == typeof(expr_tree_Symbolics))

With a Type_expr_tree, you can:

  • detect partial separability;
  • evaluate the expression, and its first and second derivatives;
  • propagate bounds;
  • detect convexity.

Detection of the partially separable structure

The original purpose of ExpressionTreeForge.jl is to detect the partially-separable structure of a function $f : \R^n \to \R$

\[f(x) = \sum_{=1}^N \hat{f}_i (U_i x), \quad \hat f_i:\R^{n_i} \to \R, \quad U_i \in \R^{n_i \times n}, \quad n_i \ll n,\]

which means ExpressionTreeForge.jl detects that $f$ is a sum, and returns:

  • the element functions $\hat{f}_i$;
  • the variables appearing in $\hat{f}_i$ (i.e. elemental variables), which are selected with $U_i$.

The method extract_element_functions() detects the element functions and returns a vector of Type_expr_trees:

expr_tree = copy(expr_tree_Expr)
element_functions = extract_element_functions(expr_tree)

Warning: the element_functions are pointers to nodes of expr_tree. Any modification to element_functions will be applied to expr_tree !!

The elemental variables are retrieved by applying get_elemental_variables() to every element function expression tree

Us = get_elemental_variables.(element_functions)
2-element Vector{Vector{Int64}}:
 [1, 2]
 [2, 3]

Then you can replace the index variables of an element function expression tree so they stay in the range 1:length(Us[i]), i.e. $1$ to $n_i$:

# change the indices of the second element function
normalize_indices!(element_functions[2], Us[2])

Evaluate a Type_expr_tree and its derivatives

ExpressionTreeForge.jl offers methods to evaluate an expression tree and its derivatives. evaluate_expr_tree() evaluates a Type_expr_tree at a point y of suitable size:

y = ones(n)
fx = expr_tree_Expr(y)

The gradient computation of an expression tree can either use ForwardDiff or ReverseDiff

∇f_forward = gradient_forward(expr_tree_Expr, y)
∇f_reverse = gradient_reverse(expr_tree_Expr, y)
3-element Vector{Float64}:
∇f_forward == ∇f_reverse

and the Hessian is computed with

hess = hessian(expr_tree_Expr, y)
3×3 Matrix{Float64}:
 2.0  2.0  0.0
 2.0  4.0  2.0
 0.0  2.0  2.0

Automatic differentiation methods can be applied directly to the element-function expression trees:

y1 = ones(length(Us[1]))
f1 = element_functions[1]
f1x = evaluate_expr_tree(f1, y1)

∇f1_forward = gradient_forward(f1, y1)
∇f1_reverse = gradient_reverse(f1, y1)

hess1 = hessian(f1, y1)

See PartitionedStructures.jl for more details about partial separability and how the partitioned derivatives of the element functions are stored.

Bounds and convexity

To compute bounds and convexity we use a Complete_expr_tree, a richer structure than Type_expr_tree. Complete_expr_tree is similar to Type_expr_tree, but in addition it stores: the lower bound, the upper bound and the convexity status of each node. You can define a Complete_expr_tree for any Type_expr_tree:

complete_tree_from_Expr = complete_tree(expr_tree_Expr)
+ ~(-Inf, Inf) ~not_treated
  ^2 ~(-Inf, Inf) ~not_treated
    + ~(-Inf, Inf) ~not_treated
      x[1] ~(-Inf, Inf) ~not_treated
      x[2] ~(-Inf, Inf) ~not_treated
  ^2 ~(-Inf, Inf) ~not_treated
    + ~(-Inf, Inf) ~not_treated
      x[2] ~(-Inf, Inf) ~not_treated
      x[3] ~(-Inf, Inf) ~not_treated

The bounds and convexity status are then propagated using the methods:

# propagate the bounds from the variables
# deduce the convexity status of each node
convex::Convexity_type = 3
# get the root bounds
bounds = get_bounds(complete_tree_from_Expr)
(0.0, Inf)
# get the root convexity status
convexity_status = get_convexity_status(complete_tree_from_Expr)

You can observe the bounds and convexity status of each node of complete_tree_from_Expr by walking the graph

# convexity statuses of the root's children
statuses = get_convexity_status.(complete_tree_from_Expr.children)
2-element Vector{ExpressionTreeForge.M_implementation_convexity_type.Convexity_type}:
 convex::Convexity_type = 3
 convex::Convexity_type = 3
# bounds of the root's children
bounds = get_bounds.(complete_tree_from_Expr.children)
2-element Vector{Tuple{Float64, Float64}}:
 (0.0, Inf)
 (0.0, Inf)