
FEM machines

doublelayer!(A, xyz, conn, ir::IR)  where {IR<:TriRule}

Compute the double-layer matrix contribution.


  • A = matrix
  • xyz = array of coordinates of the nodes
  • conn = array of connectivities of the surface elements
  • ir = integration rule

The contribution is addedto the matrix A. This matrix is also returned for convenience.

singlelayer!(B, xyz, conn, iroffdiagonal::IR, irdiagonal::IR)  where {IR<:TriRule}

Compute the single-layer matrix contribution.


  • B = complex matrix
  • xyz = array of coordinates of the nodes
  • conn = array of connectivities of the surface elements
  • iroffdiagonal = integration rule for the off-diagonal terms
  • irdiagonal = integration rule for the diagonal terms

The contribution is addedto the matrix B. This matrix is also returned for convenience.

surfnml!(n, J)

Compute the surface normal. A lot of effort has been put into eliminating all allocations, because this function is called in the innermost loop.