Optimization Tips for Finch

It's easy to ask Finch to run the same operation in different ways. However, different approaches have different performance. The right approach really depends on your particular situation. Here's a collection of general approaches that help Finch generate faster code in most cases.

Concordant Iteration

By default, Finch stores arrays in column major order (first index fast). When the storage order of an array in a Finch expression corresponds to the loop order, we call this concordant iteration. For example, the following expression represents a concordant traversal of a sparse matrix, as the outer loops access the higher levels of the tensor tree:

A = Tensor(Dense(SparseList(Element(0.0))), fsparse([2, 3, 4, 1, 3], [1, 1, 1, 3, 3], [1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5], (4, 3)))
s = Scalar(0.0)
@finch for j=_, i=_ ; s[] += A[i, j] end

# output


We can investigate the generated code with @finch_code. This code iterates over only the nonzeros in order. If our matrix is m × n with nnz nonzeros, this takes O(n + nnz) time.

@finch_code for j=_, i=_ ; s[] += A[i, j] end

# output

    s = (ex.bodies[1]).body.body.lhs.tns.bind
    s_val = s.val
    A_lvl = (ex.bodies[1]).body.body.rhs.tns.bind.lvl
    A_lvl_2 = A_lvl.lvl
    A_lvl_ptr = A_lvl_2.ptr
    A_lvl_idx = A_lvl_2.idx
    A_lvl_2_val = A_lvl_2.lvl.val
    for j_3 = 1:A_lvl.shape
        A_lvl_q = (1 - 1) * A_lvl.shape + j_3
        A_lvl_2_q = A_lvl_ptr[A_lvl_q]
        A_lvl_2_q_stop = A_lvl_ptr[A_lvl_q + 1]
        if A_lvl_2_q < A_lvl_2_q_stop
            A_lvl_2_i1 = A_lvl_idx[A_lvl_2_q_stop - 1]
            A_lvl_2_i1 = 0
        phase_stop = min(A_lvl_2_i1, A_lvl_2.shape)
        if phase_stop >= 1
            if A_lvl_idx[A_lvl_2_q] < 1
                A_lvl_2_q = Finch.scansearch(A_lvl_idx, 1, A_lvl_2_q, A_lvl_2_q_stop - 1)
            while true
                A_lvl_2_i = A_lvl_idx[A_lvl_2_q]
                if A_lvl_2_i < phase_stop
                    A_lvl_3_val = A_lvl_2_val[A_lvl_2_q]
                    s_val = A_lvl_3_val + s_val
                    A_lvl_2_q += 1
                    phase_stop_3 = min(phase_stop, A_lvl_2_i)
                    if A_lvl_2_i == phase_stop_3
                        A_lvl_3_val = A_lvl_2_val[A_lvl_2_q]
                        s_val += A_lvl_3_val
                        A_lvl_2_q += 1
    result = ()
    s.val = s_val

When the loop order does not correspond to storage order, we call this discordant iteration. For example, if we swap the loop order in the above example, then Finch needs to randomly access each sparse column for each row i. We end up needing to find each (i, j) pair because we don't know whether it will be zero until we search for it. In all, this takes time O(n * m * log(nnz)), much less efficient! We shouldn't randomly access sparse arrays unless we really need to and they support it efficiently!

Note the double for loop in the following code

@finch_code for i=_, j=_ ; s[] += A[i, j] end # DISCORDANT, DO NOT DO THIS

# output

    s = (ex.bodies[1]).body.body.lhs.tns.bind
    s_val = s.val
    A_lvl = (ex.bodies[1]).body.body.rhs.tns.bind.lvl
    A_lvl_2 = A_lvl.lvl
    A_lvl_ptr = A_lvl_2.ptr
    A_lvl_idx = A_lvl_2.idx
    A_lvl_2_val = A_lvl_2.lvl.val
    @warn "Performance Warning: non-concordant traversal of A[i, j] (hint: most arrays prefer column major or first index fast, run in fast mode to ignore this warning)"
    for i_3 = 1:A_lvl_2.shape
        for j_3 = 1:A_lvl.shape
            A_lvl_q = (1 - 1) * A_lvl.shape + j_3
            A_lvl_2_q = A_lvl_ptr[A_lvl_q]
            A_lvl_2_q_stop = A_lvl_ptr[A_lvl_q + 1]
            if A_lvl_2_q < A_lvl_2_q_stop
                A_lvl_2_i1 = A_lvl_idx[A_lvl_2_q_stop - 1]
                A_lvl_2_i1 = 0
            phase_stop = min(i_3, A_lvl_2_i1)
            if phase_stop >= i_3
                if A_lvl_idx[A_lvl_2_q] < i_3
                    A_lvl_2_q = Finch.scansearch(A_lvl_idx, i_3, A_lvl_2_q, A_lvl_2_q_stop - 1)
                while true
                    A_lvl_2_i = A_lvl_idx[A_lvl_2_q]
                    if A_lvl_2_i < phase_stop
                        A_lvl_3_val = A_lvl_2_val[A_lvl_2_q]
                        s_val = A_lvl_3_val + s_val
                        A_lvl_2_q += 1
                        phase_stop_3 = min(phase_stop, A_lvl_2_i)
                        if A_lvl_2_i == phase_stop_3
                            A_lvl_3_val = A_lvl_2_val[A_lvl_2_q]
                            s_val += A_lvl_3_val
                            A_lvl_2_q += 1
    result = ()
    s.val = s_val

TL;DR: As a quick heuristic, if your array indices are all in alphabetical order, then the loop indices should be reverse alphabetical.

Appropriate Fill Values

The @finch macro requires the user to specify an output format. This is the most flexibile approach, but can sometimes lead to densification unless the output fill value is appropriate for the computation.

For example, if A is m × n with nnz nonzeros, the following Finch kernel will densify B, filling it with m * n stored values:

A = Tensor(Dense(SparseList(Element(0.0))), fsparse([2, 3, 4, 1, 3], [1, 1, 1, 3, 3], [1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5], (4, 3)))
B = Tensor(Dense(SparseList(Element(0.0)))) #DO NOT DO THIS, B has the wrong fill value
@finch (B .= 0; for j=_, i=_; B[i, j] = A[i, j] + 1 end; return B)

# output


Since A is filled with 0.0, adding 1 to the fill value produces 1.0. However, B can only represent a fill value of 0.0. Instead, we should specify 1.0 for the fill.

A = Tensor(Dense(SparseList(Element(0.0))), fsparse([2, 3, 4, 1, 3], [1, 1, 1, 3, 3], [1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5], (4, 3)))
B = Tensor(Dense(SparseList(Element(1.0))))
@finch (B .= 1; for j=_, i=_; B[i, j] = A[i, j] + 1 end; return B)

# output


Static Versus Dynamic Values

In order to skip some computations, Finch must be able to determine the value of program variables. Continuing our above example, if we obscure the value of 1 behind a variable x, Finch can only determine that x has type Int, not that it is 1.

A = Tensor(Dense(SparseList(Element(0.0))), fsparse([2, 3, 4, 1, 3], [1, 1, 1, 3, 3], [1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5], (4, 3)))
B = Tensor(Dense(SparseList(Element(1.0))))
x = 1 #DO NOT DO THIS, Finch cannot see the value of x anymore
@finch (B .= 1; for j=_, i=_; B[i, j] = A[i, j] + x end; return B)

# output


However, there are some situations where you may want a value to be dynamic. For example, consider the function saxpy(x, a, y) = x .* a .+ y. Because we do not know the value of a until we run the function, we should treat it as dynamic, and the following implementation is reasonable:

function saxpy(x, a, y)
    z = Tensor(SparseList(Element(0.0)))
    @finch (z .= 0; for i=_; z[i] = a * x[i] + y[i] end; return z)

Use Known Functions

Unless you declare the properties of your functions using Finch's User-Defined Functions interface, Finch doesn't know how they work. For example, using a lambda obscures the meaning of *.

A = Tensor(Dense(SparseList(Element(0.0))), fsparse([2, 3, 4, 1, 3], [1, 1, 1, 3, 3], [1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5], (4, 3)))
B = ones(4, 3)
C = Scalar(0.0)
f(x, y) = x * y # DO NOT DO THIS, Obscures *
@finch (C .= 0; for j=_, i=_; C[] += f(A[i, j], B[i, j]) end; return C)

# output

(C = Scalar{0.0, Float64}(16.5),)

Checking the generated code, we see that this code is indeed densifying (notice the for-loop which repeatedly evaluates f(B[i, j], 0.0)).

@finch_code (C .= 0; for j=_, i=_; C[] += f(A[i, j], B[i, j]) end; return C)

# output

    C = ((ex.bodies[1]).bodies[1]).tns.bind
    A_lvl = (((ex.bodies[1]).bodies[2]).body.body.rhs.args[1]).tns.bind.lvl
    A_lvl_2 = A_lvl.lvl
    A_lvl_ptr = A_lvl_2.ptr
    A_lvl_idx = A_lvl_2.idx
    A_lvl_2_val = A_lvl_2.lvl.val
    B = (((ex.bodies[1]).bodies[2]).body.body.rhs.args[2]).tns.bind
    sugar_1 = size((((ex.bodies[1]).bodies[2]).body.body.rhs.args[2]).tns.bind)
    B_mode1_stop = sugar_1[1]
    B_mode2_stop = sugar_1[2]
    B_mode1_stop == A_lvl_2.shape || throw(DimensionMismatch("mismatched dimension limits ($(B_mode1_stop) != $(A_lvl_2.shape))"))
    B_mode2_stop == A_lvl.shape || throw(DimensionMismatch("mismatched dimension limits ($(B_mode2_stop) != $(A_lvl.shape))"))
    C_val = 0
    for j_4 = 1:B_mode2_stop
        A_lvl_q = (1 - 1) * A_lvl.shape + j_4
        A_lvl_2_q = A_lvl_ptr[A_lvl_q]
        A_lvl_2_q_stop = A_lvl_ptr[A_lvl_q + 1]
        if A_lvl_2_q < A_lvl_2_q_stop
            A_lvl_2_i1 = A_lvl_idx[A_lvl_2_q_stop - 1]
            A_lvl_2_i1 = 0
        phase_stop = min(B_mode1_stop, A_lvl_2_i1)
        if phase_stop >= 1
            i = 1
            if A_lvl_idx[A_lvl_2_q] < 1
                A_lvl_2_q = Finch.scansearch(A_lvl_idx, 1, A_lvl_2_q, A_lvl_2_q_stop - 1)
            while true
                A_lvl_2_i = A_lvl_idx[A_lvl_2_q]
                if A_lvl_2_i < phase_stop
                    for i_6 = i:-1 + A_lvl_2_i
                        val = B[i_6, j_4]
                        C_val = (Main).f(0.0, val) + C_val
                    A_lvl_3_val = A_lvl_2_val[A_lvl_2_q]
                    val = B[A_lvl_2_i, j_4]
                    C_val += (Main).f(A_lvl_3_val, val)
                    A_lvl_2_q += 1
                    i = A_lvl_2_i + 1
                    phase_stop_3 = min(phase_stop, A_lvl_2_i)
                    if A_lvl_2_i == phase_stop_3
                        for i_8 = i:-1 + phase_stop_3
                            val = B[i_8, j_4]
                            C_val += (Main).f(0.0, val)
                        A_lvl_3_val = A_lvl_2_val[A_lvl_2_q]
                        val = B[phase_stop_3, j_4]
                        C_val += (Main).f(A_lvl_3_val, val)
                        A_lvl_2_q += 1
                        for i_10 = i:phase_stop_3
                            val = B[i_10, j_4]
                            C_val += (Main).f(0.0, val)
                    i = phase_stop_3 + 1
        phase_start_3 = max(1, 1 + A_lvl_2_i1)
        if B_mode1_stop >= phase_start_3
            for i_12 = phase_start_3:B_mode1_stop
                val = B[i_12, j_4]
                C_val += (Main).f(0.0, val)
    C.val = C_val
    (C = C,)

Type Stability

Julia code runs fastest when the compiler can infer the types of all intermediate values. Finch does not check that the generated code is type-stable. In situations where tensors have nonuniform index or element types, or the computation itself might involve multiple types, one should check that the output of @finch_kernel code is type-stable with @code_warntype.