
Example usage

In Julia REPL:

julia> using Fjage
julia> gw = Gateway("localhost", 1100);
julia> shell = agentforservice(gw, "")
julia> shell.language
julia> request(gw, ShellExecReq(recipient=shell, cmd="ps"))
julia> request(shell, ShellExecReq(cmd="ps"))
julia> shell << ShellExecReq(cmd="ps")
julia> close(gw)

For more information, see fjåge gateway API specifications.

Gateway API documentation

gw = Gateway([name,] host, port)

Open a new TCP/IP gateway to communicate with fjåge agents from Julia.


Close a gateway connection to the master container.


Flush the incoming message queue.


Get the name of the gateway.

msg = receive(gw[, filter][, timeout])

Receive an incoming message from other agents or topics. Timeout is specified in milliseconds. If no timeout is specified, the call is non-blocking. If a negative timeout is specified, the call is blocking until a message is available.

If a filter is specified, only messages matching the filter are retrieved. A filter may be a message type, a message or a function. If it is a message type, only messages of that type or a subtype are retrieved. If it is a message, any message whose inReplyTo field is set to the msgID of the specified message is retrieved. If it is a function, it must take in a message and return true or false. A message for which it returns true is retrieved.

rsp = request(gw, msg[, timeout])

Send a request via the gateway to the specified agent, and wait for a response. The response is returned. The recipient field of the request message (msg) must be populated with an agentID. The timeout is specified in milliseconds, and defaults to 1 second if unspecified.

send(gw, msg)

Send a message via the gateway to the specified agent. The recipient field of the message must be populated with an agentID.


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