Inter-Conversion between different 3D Structure

Converting a 3D Structure to any other Structure can be achieve using the respective 3D structure constructor. We can also use transforms for inter-conversion between different structure.

PointCloud(v::VoxelGrid, npoints::Int = 1000; thresh::Number = 0.5f0, algo = :MarchingCubes)

Initialize PointCloud from the VoxelGrid Structures having npoints.

thresh is the threshold from which to make binary voxels, and algo is the mode to be used to convert binary voxels. Available algo are [:Exact, :MarchingCubes, :MarchingTetrahedra, :NaiveSurfaceNets].

See also: VoxelGridToPointCloud

TriMesh(p::PointCloud, res::Int = 32; algo = :MarchingCubes)

Initialize TriMesh from PointCloud structures having specified resolution.

algo is the mode to be used to convert binary voxels. Available algo are [:Exact, :MarchingCubes, :MarchingTetrahedra, :NaiveSurfaceNets].

See also: PointCloudToTriMesh

TriMesh(v::VoxelGrid; thresh::Number = 0.5f0, algo = :MarchingCubes)

Initialize TriMesh from the VoxelGrid structures.

threshold is the threshold from which to make binary voxels, and algo is the mode to be used to convert binary voxels. Available algo are [:Exact, :MarchingCubes, :MarchingTetrahedra, :NaiveSurfaceNets].

See also: VoxelGridToTriMesh