Vusualize functions


Rendering of 3D structure is done using Makie. Therefore, for visualization purpose we will be required to install Makie and compatible backend (GLMakie or WGLMakie). To install it simply run ] add Makie in the julia prompt.


julia> using Flux3D, Makie

julia> Makie.set_theme!(show_axis = false, scale=false)

julia> m = load_trimesh("teapot.obj")
TriMesh{Float32, UInt32, Array} Structure:
    Batch size: 1
    Max verts: 1202
    Max faces: 2256
    offset: -1
    Storage type: Array

julia> p = PointCloud(m)
PointCloud{Float32} Structure:
    Batch size: 1
    Points: 1000
    Normals 0
    Storage type: Array{Float32,3}

julia> v = VoxelGrid(m)
VoxelGrid{Float32} Structure:
    Batch size: 1
    Voxels features: 32
    Storage type: Array{Float32,4}

julia> vbox(visulize(m), visualize(p), visualize(v))


visualize(pcloud::PointCloud; kwargs...)

Visualize PointCloud pcloud at index.

Dimension of points in PointCloud pcloud must be 3.

Optional Arguments:

  • color (Symbol) - Color of the marker, default :blue
  • markersize (Number) - Size of the marker, default npoints(pcloud)/5000
visualize(m::TriMesh, index::Int=1; kwargs...)

Visualize mesh at index in TriMesh m.

Optional Arguments:

  • color (Symbol) - Color of the marker, default :red
visualize(v::VoxelGrid, index::Int=1; kwargs...)

Visualize voxel at index in VoxelGrid v.

Optional Arguments:

  • color (Symbol) - Color of the marker, default :red