
A Julia package for formatting tabular data.

Build Status

This package contains a single function, FormattedTables.write, used to write tabular data stored in an object supporting the Tables.jl interface. For each column, a FormatSpec, provided by the Format.jl package, can be used to format the column.


    delim = ' ',
    formatters=Dict(name=>"" for name in column_names),
    header_fmt=Dict(name=>"" for name in column_names),

Write a Tables.jl interface input to a stream or a named file using the format specifiers provided via the formatters keyword argument. The formatters argument must be a dictionary, named tuple, or similar collection that can be indexed using the column names of the table.

Keyword arguments include:

  • delim: A delimiter to print between list items.
  • column_names: An iterable collection containing, in order, the names (as Symbols) of the columns of the table to be written.
  • formatters: A dictionary, named tuple, or similar collection that maps the the names (Symbols) of the columns to be written to a Format.FormatSpec used to format the column.
  • header_fmt: A dictionary, named tuple, or similar collection that maps the the names (Symbols) of the columns to be written to a Format.FormatSpec used to format the column headers. Set to nothing to skip writing column headers.


julia> using FormattedTables

julia> using DataFrames

julia> using Format

julia> using CSV

julia> csv = IOBuffer("""name,height,age
IOBuffer(data=UInt8[...], readable=true, writable=false, seekable=true, append=false, size=85, maxsize=Inf, ptr=1, mark=-1)

julia> data = |> DataFrame
5×3 DataFrame
│ Row │ name    │ height   │ age    │
│     │ String  │ Float64  │ Int64  │
│ 1   │ Alice   │ 1.6      │ 21     │
│ 2   │ Bob     │ 1.83     │ 40     │
│ 3   │ Claire  │ 1.75     │ 31     │
│ 4   │ David   │ 1.5      │ 25     │
│ 5   │ Edith   │ 1.68     │ 30     │

julia> b = PipeBuffer()
IOBuffer(data=UInt8[...], readable=true, writable=true, seekable=false, append=true, size=0, maxsize=Inf, ptr=1, mark=-1)

julia> FormattedTables.write(b, data)

julia> result = String(take!(b))
"name height age\nAlice 1.6 21\nBob 1.83 40\nClaire 1.75 31\nDavid 1.5 25\nEdith 1.68 30\n"

julia> println(result)
name height age
Alice 1.6 21
Bob 1.83 40
Claire 1.75 31
David 1.5 25
Edith 1.68 30

julia> const fs = FormatSpec

julia> formatters = (
(name = FormatSpec
  cls   = s
  typ   = s
  fill  =
  align = <
  sign  = -
  width = 10
  prec  = -1
  ipre  = false
  zpad  = false
  tsep  = false
, height = FormatSpec
  cls   = f
  typ   = f
  fill  =
  align = >
  sign  = -
  width = 7
  prec  = 2
  ipre  = false
  zpad  = false
  tsep  = false
, age = FormatSpec
  cls   = i
  typ   = d
  fill  =
  align = >
  sign  = -
  width = 3
  prec  = -1
  ipre  = false
  zpad  = false
  tsep  = false

julia> header_fmt = (
(name = FormatSpec
  cls   = s
  typ   = s
  fill  =
  align = <
  sign  = -
  width = 10
  prec  = -1
  ipre  = false
  zpad  = false
  tsep  = false
, height = FormatSpec
  cls   = s
  typ   = s
  fill  =
  align = >
  sign  = -
  width = 7
  prec  = -1
  ipre  = false
  zpad  = false
  tsep  = false
, age = FormatSpec
  cls   = s
  typ   = s
  fill  =
  align = >
  sign  = -
  width = 3
  prec  = -1
  ipre  = false
  zpad  = false
  tsep  = false

julia> b = PipeBuffer()
IOBuffer(data=UInt8[...], readable=true, writable=true, seekable=false, append=true, size=0, maxsize=Inf, ptr=1, mark=-1)

julia> FormattedTables.write( b, data, delim = " ", formatters = formatters, header_fmt = header_fmt)

julia> result = String(take!(b))
"name        height age\nAlice         1.60  21\nBob           1.83  40\nClaire        1.75  31\nDavid         1.50  25\nEdith         1.68  30\n"

julia> println(result)
name        height age
Alice         1.60  21
Bob           1.83  40
Claire        1.75  31
David         1.50  25
Edith         1.68  30

julia> b = PipeBuffer()
IOBuffer(data=UInt8[...], readable=true, writable=true, seekable=false, append=true, size=0, maxsize=Inf, ptr=1, mark=-1)

julia> FormattedTables.write( b, data, delim = " ", column_names=(:age, :name), formatters = formatters, header_fmt = header_fmt)

julia> result = String(take!(b))
"age name      \n 21 Alice     \n 40 Bob       \n 31 Claire    \n 25 David     \n 30 Edith     \n"

julia> println(result)
age name
 21 Alice
 40 Bob
 31 Claire
 25 David
 30 Edith

julia> b = PipeBuffer()
IOBuffer(data=UInt8[...], readable=true, writable=true, seekable=false, append=true, size=0, maxsize=Inf, ptr=1, mark=-1)

julia> FormattedTables.write( b, data, delim = " ", formatters = formatters, header_fmt = nothing)

julia> result = String(take!(b))
"Alice         1.60  21\nBob           1.83  40\nClaire        1.75  31\nDavid         1.50  25\nEdith         1.68  30\n"

julia> println(result)
Alice         1.60  21
Bob           1.83  40
Claire        1.75  31
David         1.50  25
Edith         1.68  30

julia> FormattedTables.write("test-out.dat", data, delim = " ", formatters = formatters, header_fmt = header_fmt)

julia> result = open(x->read(x,String), "test-out.dat",)
"name        height age\nAlice         1.60  21\nBob           1.83  40\nClaire        1.75  31\nDavid         1.50  25\nEdith         1.68  30\n"

julia> println(result)
name        height age
Alice         1.60  21
Bob           1.83  40
Claire        1.75  31
David         1.50  25
Edith         1.68  30