    delim = ' ',
    formatters=Dict(name=>"" for name in column_names),
    header_fmt=Dict(name=>"" for name in column_names),

Write a Tables.jl interface input to a stream or a named file using the format specifiers provided via the formatters keyword argument. The formatters argument must be a dictionary, named tuple, or similar collection that can be indexed using the column names of the table.

Keyword arguments include:

  • delim: A delimiter to print between list items.
  • column_names: An iterable collection containing, in order, the names (as Symbols) of the columns of the table to be written.
  • formatters: A dictionary, named tuple, or similar collection that maps the the names (Symbols) of the columns to be written to a Format.FormatSpec used to format the column.
  • header_fmt: A dictionary, named tuple, or similar collection that maps the the names (Symbols) of the columns to be written to a Format.FormatSpec used to format the column headers. Set to nothing to skip writing column headers.