Symmetric matrices

Manifolds.SymmetricMatrices โ€” Type
SymmetricMatrices{n,๐”ฝ} <: AbstractEmbeddedManifold{๐”ฝ,TransparentIsometricEmbedding}

The Manifold $ \operatorname{Sym}(n)$ consisting of the real- or complex-valued symmetric matrices of size $n ร— n$, i.e. the set

\[\operatorname{Sym}(n) = \bigl\{p โˆˆ ๐”ฝ^{n ร— n}\ \big|\ p^{\mathrm{H}} = p \bigr\},\]

where $\cdot^{\mathrm{H}}$ denotes the Hermitian, i.e. complex conjugate transpose, and the field $๐”ฝ โˆˆ \{ โ„, โ„‚\}$.

Though it is slightly redundant, usually the matrices are stored as $n ร— n$ arrays.

Note that in this representation, the complex valued case has to have a real-valued diagonal, which is also reflected in the manifold_dimension.


SymmetricMatrices(n::Int, field::AbstractNumbers=โ„)

Generate the manifold of $n ร— n$ symmetric matrices.

ManifoldsBase.check_manifold_point โ€” Method
check_manifold_point(M::SymmetricMatrices{n,๐”ฝ}, p; kwargs...)

Check whether p is a valid manifold point on the SymmetricMatricesM, i.e. whether p is a symmetric matrix of size (n,n) with values from the corresponding AbstractNumbers๐”ฝ.

The tolerance for the symmetry of p can be set using kwargs....

ManifoldsBase.check_tangent_vector โ€” Method
check_tangent_vector(M::SymmetricMatrices{n,๐”ฝ}, p, X; check_base_point = true, kwargs... )

Check whether X is a tangent vector to manifold point p on the SymmetricMatricesM, i.e. X has to be a symmetric matrix of size (n,n) and its values have to be from the correct AbstractNumbers. The optional parameter check_base_point indicates, whether to call check_manifold_point for p. The tolerance for the symmetry of p and X can be set using kwargs....

ManifoldsBase.manifold_dimension โ€” Method

Return the dimension of the SymmetricMatrices matrix M over the number system ๐”ฝ, i.e.

\[\begin{aligned} \dim \mathrm{Sym}(n,โ„) &= \frac{n(n+1)}{2},\\ \dim \mathrm{Sym}(n,โ„‚) &= 2\frac{n(n+1)}{2} - n = n^2, \end{aligned}\]

where the last $-n$ is due to the zero imaginary part for Hermitian matrices

ManifoldsBase.project โ€” Method
project(M::SymmetricMatrices, p, X)

Project the matrix X onto the tangent space at p on the SymmetricMatricesM,

\[\operatorname{proj}_p(X) = \frac{1}{2} \bigl( X + X^{\mathrm{H}} \bigr),\]

where $\cdot^{\mathrm{H}}$ denotes the Hermitian, i.e. complex conjugate transposed.

ManifoldsBase.project โ€” Method
project(M::SymmetricMatrices, p)

Projects p from the embedding onto the SymmetricMatricesM, i.e.

\[\operatorname{proj}_{\operatorname{Sym}(n)}(p) = \frac{1}{2} \bigl( p + p^{\mathrm{H}} \bigr),\]

where $\cdot^{\mathrm{H}}$ denotes the Hermitian, i.e. complex conjugate transposed.