Reading and writing files

Graphs.jl includes functions for working with graphs stored in various file formats/


Full docs

loadgraph(file, gname="graph", format=LGFormat())

Read a graph named gname from file in the format format.

Implementation Notes

gname is graph-format dependent and is only used if the file contains multiple graphs; if the file format does not support multiple graphs, this value is ignored. The default value may change in the future.

loadgraphs(file, format=LGFormat())

Load multiple graphs from file in the format format. Return a dictionary mapping graph name to graph.

Implementation Notes

For unnamed graphs the default name "graph" will be used. This default may change in the future.

savegraph(file, g, gname="graph", format=LGFormat)

Saves a graph g with name gname to file in the format format. Return the number of graphs written.

Implementation Notes

The default graph name assigned to gname may change in the future.

savegraph(file, g, d, format=LGFormat)

Save a dictionary of graphname => graph to file in the format format. Return the number of graphs written.

Implementation Notes

Will only work if the file format supports multiple graph types.


Return a dictionary of (name=>graph) loaded from IO stream io.

savelg(io, g, gname)

Write a graph g with name gname in a proprietary format to the IO stream designated by io. Return 1 (number of graphs written).

savelg_mult(io, graphs)

Write a dictionary of (name=>graph) to an IO stream io, with default GZip compression. Return number of graphs written.