
A call to solve returns a Result:


The result of solve. This is a wrapper around the results of each single path (PathResult) and it contains some additional information like a random seed to replicate the result.

Filtering results and solutions

    only_real = false,
    real_tol = 1e-6,
    only_nonsingular = false,
    only_singular = false,
    only_finite = true,
    multiple_results = false,
results(f, result; options...)

Return all PathResults for which satisfy the given conditions and apply, if provided, the function f.


Returns the computed PathResults.


Get the results stored in W.

solutions(result; only_nonsingular = true, conditions...)

Returns all solutions for which the given conditions apply, see results for the possible conditions.


julia> @var x y
julia> F = System([(x-2)y, y+x+3]);
julia> solutions(solve(F))
2-element Array{Array{Complex{Float64},1},1}:
 [2.0 + 0.0im, -5.0 + 0.0im]
 [-3.0 + 0.0im, 0.0 + 0.0im]

Return all solutions.


Get the solutions stored in W.

real(result, tol=1e-6)

Get all results where the solutions are real with the given tolerance tol. See is_real for details regarding the determination of 'realness'.

real_solutions(result; tol=1e-6, conditions...)

Return all real solution for which the given conditions apply. For the possible conditions see results. Note that only_real is always true and real_tol is now tol.


julia> @var x y;
julia> F = System([(x-2)y, y+x+3]);
julia> real_solutions(solve(F))
2-element Array{Array{Float64,1},1}:
 [2.0, -5.0]
 [-3.0, 0.0]
nonsingular(result; conditions...)

Return all PathResults for which the solution is non-singular. This is just a shorthand for results(R; only_nonsingular=true, conditions...). For the possible conditions see results.

singular(result; multiple_results=false, kwargs...)

Return all [PathResult]s for which the solution is singular. If multiple_results=false only one point from each cluster of multiple solutions is returned. If multiple_results = true all singular solutions in R are returned. For the possible kwargs see results.


    only_real = false,
    real_tol = 1e-6,
    only_nonsingular = false,
    only_singular = false,
    only_finite = true,
    multiple_results = false,

Count the number of results which satisfy the corresponding conditions. See also results.


Returns the number of results computed.

nsolutions(result; only_nonsingular = true, options...)

The number of solutions. See results for the possible options.


Returns the number solutions of the result.

    counting_multiplicities = false,

The number of singular solutions. A solution is considered singular if its winding number is larger than 1 or the condition number is larger than tol. If counting_multiplicities=true the number of singular solutions times their multiplicities is returned.



A PathResult is the result of tracking of a path with track using an AbstractPathTracker ( e.g. EndgameTracker)


General solution information:

  • return_code: See the list of return codes below.
  • solution::V: The solution vector.
  • t::Float64: The value of t at which solution was computed. Note that if return_code is :at_infinity, then t is the value when this was decided.
  • accuracy::Float64: An estimate the (relative) accuracy of the computed solution.
  • residual::Float64: The infinity norm of H(solution,t).
  • condition_jacobian::Float64: This is the condition number of the Jacobian at the solution. A high condition number indicates a singular solution or a solution on a positive dimensional component.
  • singular::Bool: Whether the solution is considered singular.
  • winding_number:Union{Nothing, Int}: The computed winding number. This is a lower bound on the multiplicity of the solution. It is $nothing$ if the Cauchy endgame was not used.
  • extended_precision::Bool: Indicate whether extended precision is necessary to achieve the accuracy of the solution.
  • path_number::Union{Nothing,Int}: The number of the path (optional).
  • start_solution::Union{Nothing,V}: The start solution of the path (optional).

Performance information:

  • accepted_steps::Int: The number of accepted steps during the path tracking.
  • rejected_steps::Int: The number of rejected steps during the path tracking.
  • extended_precision_used::Bool: Indicates whether extended precision was necessary to track the path.

Additional path and solution informations

  • valuation::Vector{Float64}: An approximation of the valuation of the Puiseux series expansion of $x(t)$.
  • last_path_point::Tuple{V,Float64}: The last pair $(x,t)$ before the solution was computed. If the solution was computed with the Cauchy endgame, then the pair $(x,t)$ can be used to rerun the endgame.

Return codes

Possible return codes are:

  • :success: The EndgameTracker obtained a solution.
  • :at_infinity: The EndgameTracker stopped the tracking of the path since it determined that that path is diverging towards infinity.
  • :at_zero: The EndgameTracker stopped the tracking of the path since it determined that that path has a solution where at least one coordinate is 0. This only happens if the option zero_is_at_infinity is true.
  • :excess_solution: For the solution of the system, the system had to be modified which introduced artificial solutions and this solution is one of them.
  • various return codes indicating termination of the tracking
is_real(r::PathResult; tol::Float64 = 1e-6)

We consider a result as real if the infinity-norm of the imaginary part of the solution is at most tol.


Get the accuracy of the solution. This is an estimate of the (relative) distance to the true solution.


Returns a tuple (x,t) containing the last zero of H(x, t) before the Cauchy endgame was used. Returns nothing if the endgame strategy was not invoked.