
Systems (AbstractSystem) are the basic building blocks of homotopies.

Although they sound similar, AbstractSystems and System share different purposes. AbstractSystems are intented for the fast numerical evaluation of a fixed system. Whereas a System is intended for formulating your problem symbolically. A System can be converted to two different basic AbstractSystems, a CompiledSystem (fast, but introduce compilation overhead) and an InterpretedSystem (slower, but not compilation overhead).

CompiledSystem <: AbstractSystem

An AbstractSystem which automatically compiles a straight line program for the fast evaluation of a system F and its Jacobian. For large systems the compilation can take some time and require a large amount of memory. If this is a problem consider InterpretedSystem.

CompiledSystem(F::System; optimizations = true)

Construct a CompiledSystem from the given SystemF. If optimizations = true then optimize is called on F before compiling.

InterpretedSystem <: AbstractSystem

An AbstractSystem which automatically generates a program for the fast evaluation of F and its Jacobian. The program is however, not compiled but rather interpreted. See also CompiledSystem.

InterpretedSystem(F::System; optimizations = true)

Construct an InterpretedSystem from the given SystemF. If optimizations = true then optimize is called on F before compiling.


An AbstractSystem needs to implement the following methods:

ModelKit.parameters(F::AbstractSystem) = Variable[]
ModelKit.variable_groups(::AbstractSystem)::Union{Nothing,Vector{Vector{Variable}}} = nothing
 # this has to work with x::Vector{Variable}
(F::AbstractSystem)(x, p = nothing)
 # this has to work with x::Vector{ComplexF64} and x::Vector{ComplexDF64}
evaluate!(u, F::AbstractSystem, x, p = nothing)
# this has only to work with x::Vector{ComplexF64}
evaluate_and_jacobian!(u, U, F::AbstractSystem, x, p = nothing)

If the system should be used in context of a parameter homotopy it is also necessary to implement

taylor!(u, ::Val{1}, F::AbstractSystem, x, p::TaylorVector{2})


AffineChartSystem(F::AbstractSystem, v::PVector{T,N})

Given a system $F(x): (ℙ^{m_1} × ⋯ × ℙ^{m_N}) → ℂⁿ$ this creates a new affine system $F′$ which operates on the affine chart defined by the vector $v ∈ ℙ^{m_1} × ⋯ × ℙ^{m_N}$ and the augmented conditions $vᵀx = 1$.

on_affine_chart(F::Union{System,AbstractSystem}, dimensions)

Construct an AffineChartSystem on a randomly generated chart v. Each entry is drawn idepdently from a univariate normal distribution.


CompositionSystem(G::AbstractSystem, F::AbstractSystem)

Construct the system $G(F(x;p);p)$. Note that the parameters are passed to $G$ and $F$ are identical.

compose(G::Union{AbstractSystem,System}, F::Union{AbstractSystem,System})

Construct the composition $G(F(x))$. You can also use the infix operator (written by \circ).


julia> @var a b c x y z

julia> g = System([a * b * c]);

julia> f = System([x+y, y + z, x + z]);

julia> compose(g, f)
Composition G ∘ F:
ModelKitSystem{(0xbb16b481c0808501, 1)}:
Compiled: System of length 3
 3 variables: x, y, z

 x + y
 y + z
 x + z

ModelKitSystem{(0xf0a2384a42428501, 1)}:
Compiled: System of length 1
 3 variables: a, b, c


julia> (g ∘ f)([x,y,z])
1-element Array{Expression,1}:
 (x + z)*(y + z)*(x + y)



RandomizedSystem(F::Union{System,AbstractSystem}, k::Integer) <: AbstractSystem

Given a $n × N$ system F with $n > N$ this constructs the system $\mathfrak{R}(F; k)(x) = [I A]⋅F(x)$ where $I$ is a $k × k$ identity matrix and $A$ is random complex $k × n$ matrix. See Chapter 13.5 in [SW05] for more details.

RandomizedSystem(F::Union{System,AbstractSystem}, A::Matrix{ComplexF64})

Explicitly provide the used randomization matrix A.

  • SW05Sommese, A. J., & Wampler, C. W. (2005). The Numerical Solution of Systems of Polynomials Arising in Engineering and Science. World Scientific.