The Test submodule

All solvers use the tests in this repository as extra correctness tests for themselves. If we find a bug in one solver, instead of adding a test to that particular repository, we add it here so that all solvers can benefit. All supported solvers are tested on travis with

Example of adding a test

To give an example, ECOS errored calling optimize!(model); optimize!(model) (ECOS.jl PR #72). We could add a test to ECOS.jl, but that would only stop us from re-introducing the bug to ECOS.jl in the future. Instead if we add a test here, then all solvers (e.g., SCS.jl, Gurobi.jl, Mosek.jl, ...) will also check that they handle a double optimize call!

For this test, we care about correctness, rather than performance. We don't expect solvers to efficiently decide that they have already solved the problem, only that calling optimize! twice doesn't throw an error or give the wrong answer.

To resolve this issue, follow these steps (tested on Julia v1.5):

  1. Install the MathOptInterface julia package in dev mode (ref):
julia> ]
(@v1.5) pkg> dev ECOS
(@v1.5) pkg> dev MathOptInterface
  1. From here on, proceed with making the following changes in the ~/.julia/dev/MathOptInterface folder (or equivalent dev path on your machine)
  2. Since the double-optimize error involves solving an optimization problem,

add a new test to src/Test/UnitTests/solve.jl. The test should be something like

function solve_twice(model::MOI.ModelLike, config::TestConfig)
    x = MOI.add_variable(model)
    c = MOI.add_constraint(model, MOI.SingleVariable(x), MOI.GreaterThan(1.0))
    MOI.set(model, MOI.ObjectiveSense(), MOI.MIN_SENSE)
    MOI.set(model, MOI.ObjectiveFunction{MOI.SingleVariable}(), MOI.SingleVariable(x))
    if config.solve
        MOI.get(model, MOI.TerminationStatus()) == MOI.OPTIMAL
        MOI.get(model, MOI.VariablePrimal(), x) == 1.0
unittests["solve_twice"] = solve_twice
  1. Add a test for the test you just wrote (We test the tests!)

    a. Add the name of the test ("solve_twice") to the end of the array in MOIT.unittest(...) (link).

    b. Add a test for the test towards the end of the "Unit Tests" test set (link). The test should look something like

@testset "solve_twice" begin
        (mock::MOIU.MockOptimizer) -> MOIU.mock_optimize!(
            (MOI.FEASIBLE_POINT, [1.0]),
        (mock::MOIU.MockOptimizer) -> MOIU.mock_optimize!(
            (MOI.FEASIBLE_POINT, [1.0]),
    MOIT.solve_twice(mock, config)

In the above mock is a MOI.Utilities.MockOptimizer that is defined earlier in the file. In this test, MOIU.set_mock_optimize! loads mock with two results. Each says that the MOI.[TerminationStatus](@ref) is MOI.OPTIMAL, that the MOI.[PrimalStatus](@ref) is MOI.FEASIBLE_POINT, and that there is one variable with a MOI.VariableValue or 1.0.

  1. Run the tests:
(@v1.5) pkg> test ECOS
  1. Finally, commit the changes to git from ~/.julia/dev/MathOptInterface. Use a branch name of the format initials/issueNumber_issueShortTitle, and submit the PR for review.