Basic usage


MOI does not export functions, but for brevity we often omit qualifying names with the MOI module. Best practice is to have

using MathOptInterface
const MOI = MathOptInterface

and prefix all MOI methods with MOI. in user code. If a name is also available in base Julia, we always explicitly use the module prefix, for example, with MOI.get.

Standard form problem

MathOptInterface represents optimization problems in the standard form:

\[\begin{align} & \min_{x \in \mathbb{R}^n} & f_0(x) \\ & \;\;\text{s.t.} & f_i(x) & \in \mathcal{S}_i & i = 1 \ldots m \end{align}\]


  • the functions $f_0, f_1, \ldots, f_m$ are specified by AbstractFunction objects
  • the sets $\mathcal{S}_1, \ldots, \mathcal{S}_m$ are specified by AbstractSet objects


MOI defines some commonly used functions, but the interface is extensible to other sets recognized by the solver. The current function types are:

Extensions for nonlinear programming are present but not yet well documented.


MOI defines some commonly used sets, but the interface is extensible to other sets recognized by the solver. The current set types are:

The ModelLike and AbstractOptimizer APIs

The most significant part of MOI is the definition of the model API that is used to specify an instance of an optimization problem (e.g., by adding variables and constraints). Objects that implement the model API should inherit from the ModelLike abstract type.

Notably missing from the model API is the method to solve an optimization problem. ModelLike objects may store an instance (e.g., in memory or backed by a file format) without being linked to a particular solver. In addition to the model API, MOI defines AbstractOptimizer.

Optimizers (or solvers) implement the model API (inheriting from ModelLike) and additionally provide methods to solve the model.

Through the rest of the manual, model is used as a generic ModelLike, and optimizer is used as a generic AbstractOptimizer.

Models are constructed by

The way the problem is solved by the optimimizer is controlled by AbstractOptimizerAttributes, see Solver-specific attributes.

Adding variables

All variables in MOI are scalar variables. New scalar variables are created with add_variable or add_variables, which return a VariableIndex or Vector{VariableIndex} respectively. VariableIndex objects are type-safe wrappers around integers that refer to a variable in a particular model.


The integer does not necessarily corresond to the column inside an optimizer!

One uses VariableIndex objects to set and get variable attributes. For example, the VariablePrimalStart attribute is used to provide an initial starting point for a variable or collection of variables:

v = MOI.add_variable(model)
MOI.set(model, MOI.VariablePrimalStart(), v, 10.5)
v2 = MOI.add_variables(model, 3)
MOI.set(model, MOI.VariablePrimalStart(), v2, [1.3, 6.8, -4.6])

A variable can be deleted from a model with delete(::ModelLike, ::VariableIndex). Not all models support deleting variables; a DeleteNotAllowed error is thrown if this is not supported.


MOI defines six functions as listed in the definition of the Standard form problem. The simplest function is SingleVariable, defined as:

struct SingleVariable <: AbstractFunction

If v is a VariableIndex object, then SingleVariable(v) is simply the scalar-valued function from the complete set of variables in a model that returns the value of variable v. One may also call this function a coordinate projection, which is more useful for defining constraints than as an objective function.

A more interesting function is ScalarAffineFunction, defined as:

struct ScalarAffineFunction{T} <: AbstractScalarFunction

The ScalarAffineTerm struct defines a variable-coefficient pair:

struct ScalarAffineTerm{T}

If x is a vector of VariableIndex objects, then

MOI.ScalarAffineFunction(MOI.ScalarAffineTerm.([5.0, -2.3], [x[1], x[2]]), 1.0)

represents the function $5 x_1 - 2.3 x_2 + 1$.


MOI.ScalarAffineTerm.([5.0, -2.3], [x[1], x[2]]) is a shortcut for [MOI.ScalarAffineTerm(5.0, x[1]), MOI.ScalarAffineTerm(-2.3, x[2])]. This is Julia's broadcast syntax in action, and is used quite often.

Setting an objective

Objective functions are assigned to a model by setting the ObjectiveFunction attribute. The ObjectiveSense attribute is used for setting the optimization sense. For example,

x = MOI.add_variables(model, 2)
        MOI.ScalarAffineTerm.([5.0, -2.3], [x[1], x[2]]), 1.0),
MOI.set(model, MOI.ObjectiveSense(), MIN_SENSE)

sets the objective to the function just discussed in the minimization sense.

See Functions and function modifications for the complete list of functions.

Sets and Constraints

All constraints are specified with add_constraint by restricting the output of some function to a set. The interface allows an arbitrary combination of functions and sets, but of course solvers may decide to support only a small number of combinations.

For example, linear programming solvers should support, at least, combinations of affine functions with the LessThan and GreaterThan sets. These are simply linear constraints. SingleVariable functions combined with these same sets are used to specify upper- and lower-bounds on variables.

The code example below encodes the linear optimization problem:

\[\begin{align} & \max_{x \in \mathbb{R}^2} & 3x_1 + 2x_2 & \\ & \;\;\text{s.t.} & x_1 + x_2 &\le 5 \\ && x_1 & \ge 0 \\ &&x_2 & \ge -1 \end{align}\]

x = MOI.add_variables(model, 2)
    MOI.ScalarAffineFunction(MOI.ScalarAffineTerm.([3.0, 2.0], x), 0.0),
MOI.set(model, MOI.ObjectiveSense(), MAX_SENSE)
    MOI.ScalarAffineFunction(MOI.ScalarAffineTerm.(1.0, x), 0.0),
MOI.add_constraint(model, MOI.SingleVariable(x[1]), MOI.GreaterThan(0.0))
MOI.add_constraint(model, MOI.SingleVariable(x[2]), MOI.GreaterThan(-1.0))

Besides scalar-valued functions in scalar-valued sets, it's also possible to use vector-valued functions and sets.

The code example below encodes the convex optimization problem:

\[\begin{align} & \max_{x,y,z \in \mathbb{R}} & y + z & \\ & \;\;\text{s.t.} & 3x &= 2 \\ && x & \ge \lVert (y,z) \rVert_2 \end{align}\]

x,y,z = MOI.add_variables(model, 3)
    MOI.ScalarAffineFunction(MOI.ScalarAffineTerm.(1.0, [y, z]), 0.0),
MOI.set(model, ObjectiveSense(), MAX_SENSE)
        [MOI.VectorAffineTerm(1, MOI.ScalarAffineTerm(3.0, x))], [-2.0]
    model, MOI.VectorOfVariables([x, y, z]), MOI.SecondOrderCone(3)

[TODO Describe ConstraintIndex objects.]

Constraints by function-set pairs

Below is a list of common constraint types and how they are represented as function-set pairs in MOI. In the notation below, $x$ is a vector of decision variables, $x_i$ is a scalar decision variable, $\alpha, \beta$ are scalar constants, $a, b$ are constant vectors, A is a constant matrix and $\mathbb{R}_+$ (resp. $\mathbb{R}_-$) is the set of nonnegative (resp. nonpositive) real numbers.

Linear constraints

Mathematical ConstraintMOI FunctionMOI Set
$a^Tx \le \beta$ScalarAffineFunctionLessThan
$a^Tx \ge \alpha$ScalarAffineFunctionGreaterThan
$a^Tx = \beta$ScalarAffineFunctionEqualTo
$\alpha \le a^Tx \le \beta$ScalarAffineFunctionInterval
$x_i \le \beta$SingleVariableLessThan
$x_i \ge \alpha$SingleVariableGreaterThan
$x_i = \beta$SingleVariableEqualTo
$\alpha \le x_i \le \beta$SingleVariableInterval
$Ax + b \in \mathbb{R}_+^n$VectorAffineFunctionNonnegatives
$Ax + b \in \mathbb{R}_-^n$VectorAffineFunctionNonpositives
$Ax + b = 0$VectorAffineFunctionZeros

By convention, solvers are not expected to support nonzero constant terms in the ScalarAffineFunctions the first four rows above, because they are redundant with the parameters of the sets. For example, $2x + 1 \le 2$ should be encoded as $2x \le 1$.

Constraints with SingleVariable in LessThan, GreaterThan, EqualTo, or Interval sets have a natural interpretation as variable bounds. As such, it is typically not natural to impose multiple lower- or upper-bounds on the same variable, and the solver interfaces should throw respectively LowerBoundAlreadySet or UpperBoundAlreadySet.

Moreover, adding two SingleVariable constraints on the same variable with the same set is impossible because they share the same index as it is the index of the variable, see ConstraintIndex.

It is natural, however, to impose upper- and lower-bounds separately as two different constraints on a single variable. The difference between imposing bounds by using a single Interval constraint and by using separate LessThan and GreaterThan constraints is that the latter will allow the solver to return separate dual multipliers for the two bounds, while the former will allow the solver to return only a single dual for the interval constraint.

Conic constraints

Mathematical ConstraintMOI FunctionMOI Set
$\lVert Ax + b\rVert_2 \le c^Tx + d$VectorAffineFunctionSecondOrderCone
$y \ge \lVert x \rVert_2$VectorOfVariablesSecondOrderCone
$2yz \ge \lVert x \rVert_2^2, y,z \ge 0$VectorOfVariablesRotatedSecondOrderCone
$(a_1^Tx + b_1,a_2^Tx + b_2,a_3^Tx + b_3) \in \mathcal{E}$VectorAffineFunctionExponentialCone
$A(x) \in \mathcal{S}_+$VectorAffineFunctionPositiveSemidefiniteConeTriangle
$B(x) \in \mathcal{S}_+$VectorAffineFunctionPositiveSemidefiniteConeSquare
$x \in \mathcal{S}_+$VectorOfVariablesPositiveSemidefiniteConeTriangle
$x \in \mathcal{S}_+$VectorOfVariablesPositiveSemidefiniteConeSquare

where $\mathcal{E}$ is the exponential cone (see ExponentialCone), $\mathcal{S}_+$ is the set of positive semidefinite symmetric matrices, $A$ is an affine map that outputs symmetric matrices and $B$ is an affine map that outputs square matrices.

Quadratic constraints

Mathematical ConstraintMOI FunctionMOI Set
$x^TQx + a^Tx + b \ge 0$ScalarQuadraticFunctionGreaterThan
$x^TQx + a^Tx + b \le 0$ScalarQuadraticFunctionLessThan
$x^TQx + a^Tx + b = 0$ScalarQuadraticFunctionEqualTo
Bilinear matrix inequalityVectorQuadraticFunctionPositiveSemidefiniteCone...

Discrete and logical constraints

Mathematical ConstraintMOI FunctionMOI Set
$x_i \in \mathbb{Z}$SingleVariableInteger
$x_i \in \{0,1\}$SingleVariableZeroOne
$x_i \in \{0\} \cup [l,u]$SingleVariableSemicontinuous
$x_i \in \{0\} \cup \{l,l+1,\ldots,u-1,u\}$SingleVariableSemiinteger
At most one component of $x$ can be nonzeroVectorOfVariablesSOS1
At most two components of $x$ can be nonzero, and if so they must be adjacent componentsVectorOfVariablesSOS2
$y = 1 \implies a^T x \in S$VectorAffineFunctionIndicatorSet

Solving and retrieving the results

Once an optimizer is loaded with the objective function and all of the constraints, we can ask the solver to solve the model by calling optimize!.


The optimization procedure may terminate for a number of reasons. The TerminationStatus attribute of the optimizer returns a TerminationStatusCode object which explains why the solver stopped. The termination statuses distinguish between proofs of optimality, infeasibility, local convergence, limits, and termination because of something unexpected like invalid problem data or failure to converge. A typical usage of the TerminationStatus attribute is as follows:

status = MOI.get(optimizer, TerminationStatus())
if status == MOI.OPTIMAL
    # Ok, we solved the problem!
    # Handle other cases.

After checking the TerminationStatus, one should typically check ResultCount. This attribute returns the number of results that the solver has available to return. A result is defined as a primal-dual pair, but either the primal or the dual may be missing from the result. While the OPTIMAL termination status normally implies that at least one result is available, other statuses do not. For example, in the case of infeasiblity, a solver may return no result or a proof of infeasibility. The ResultCount attribute distinguishes between these two cases.

The PrimalStatus and DualStatus attributes return a ResultStatusCode that indicates if that component of the result is present (i.e., not NO_SOLUTION) and explains how to interpret the result.

If PrimalStatus is not NO_SOLUTION, then the primal may be retrieved with the VariablePrimal attribute:

MOI.get(optimizer, VariablePrimal(), x)

If x is a VariableIndex then the function call returns a scalar, and if x is a Vector{VariableIndex} then the call returns a vector of scalars. VariablePrimal() is equivalent to VariablePrimal(1), i.e., the variable primal vector of the first result. Use VariablePrimal(N) to access the Nth result.

See also the attributes ConstraintPrimal, and ConstraintDual.

See Duality for a discussion of the MOI conventions for primal-dual pairs and certificates.


We omit discussion of how to handle multiple results, i.e., when ResultCount is greater than 1. This is supported in the API but not yet implemented in any solver.

Common status situations

The sections below describe how to interpret typical or interesting status cases for three common classes of solvers. The example cases are illustrative, not comprehensive. Solver wrappers may provide additional information on how the solver's statuses map to MOI statuses.

? in the tables indicate that multiple different values are possible.

Primal-dual convex solver

Linear programming and conic optimization solvers fall into this category.

What happened?TerminationStatus()ResultCount()PrimalStatus()DualStatus()

Global branch-and-bound solvers

Mixed-integer programming solvers fall into this category.

What happened?TerminationStatus()ResultCount()PrimalStatus()DualStatus()
Presolve detected infeasibility or unboundednessINFEASIBLE_OR_UNBOUNDED0NO_SOLUTIONNO_SOLUTION

CPXMIP_OPTIMAL_INFEAS is a CPLEX status that indicates that a preprocessed problem was solved to optimality, but the solver was unable to recover a feasible solution to the original problem.

Local search solvers

Nonlinear programming solvers fall into this category. It also includes non-global tree search solvers like Juniper.

What happened?TerminationStatus()ResultCount()PrimalStatus()DualStatus()
Completed a non-global tree search (with a solution)LOCALLY_SOLVED1FEASIBLE_POINTFEASIBLE_POINT
Converged to an infeasible pointLOCALLY_INFEASIBLE1INFEASIBLE_POINT?
Completed a non-global tree search (no solution found)LOCALLY_INFEASIBLE0NO_SOLUTIONNO_SOLUTION
Iteration limitITERATION_LIMIT1??
Diverging iteratesNORM_LIMIT or OBJECTIVE_LIMIT1??

A complete example: solving a knapsack problem

We first need to select a solver supporting the given problem (see supports and supports_constraint). In this example, we want to solve a binary-constrained knapsack problem: max c'x: w'x <= C, x binary. Suppose we choose GLPK:

using GLPK
optimizer = GLPK.Optimizer()

We first define the constants of the problem:

c = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
w = [0.3, 0.5, 1.0]
C = 3.2

# output


We create the variables of the problem and set the objective function:

x = MOI.add_variables(optimizer, length(c))
    MOI.ScalarAffineFunction(MOI.ScalarAffineTerm.(c, x), 0.0),
MOI.set(optimizer, MOI.ObjectiveSense(), MOI.MAX_SENSE)

# output

MAX_SENSE::OptimizationSense = 1

We add the knapsack constraint and integrality constraints:

    MOI.ScalarAffineFunction(MOI.ScalarAffineTerm.(w, x), 0.0),
for x_i in x
    MOI.add_constraint(optimizer, MOI.SingleVariable(x_i), MOI.ZeroOne())

# output

We are all set! We can now call optimize! and wait for the solver to find the solution:


# output

The first thing to check after optimization is why the solver stopped, e.g., did it stop because of a time limit or did it stop because it found the optimal solution?

MOI.get(optimizer, MOI.TerminationStatus())

# output

OPTIMAL::TerminationStatusCode = 1

It found the optimal solution! Now let's see what is that solution.

MOI.get(optimizer, MOI.PrimalStatus())

# output

FEASIBLE_POINT::ResultStatusCode = 1

What is its objective value?

MOI.get(optimizer, MOI.ObjectiveValue())

# output


And what is the value of the variables x?

MOI.get(optimizer, MOI.VariablePrimal(), x)

# output

3-element Array{Float64,1}:

Problem modification

In addition to adding and deleting constraints and variables, MathOptInterface supports modifying, in-place, coefficients in the constraints and the objective function of a model. These modifications can be grouped into two categories: modifications which replace the set of function of a constraint with a new set or function; and modifications which change, in-place, a component of a function.

In the following, we detail the various ways this can be achieved. Readers should note that some solvers will not support problem modification.


First, we discuss how to replace the set or function of a constraint with a new instance of the same type.

The set of a constraint

Given a constraint of type F-in-S (see Constraints by function-set pairs above for an explanation), we can modify parameters (but not the type) of the set S by replacing it with a new instance of the same type. For example, given the variable bound $x \le 1$:

c = MOI.add_constraint(model, MOI.SingleVariable(x), MOI.LessThan(1.0))

we can modify the set so that the bound now $x \le 2$ as follows:

MOI.set(model, MOI.ConstraintSet(), c, MOI.LessThan(2.0))

where model is our ModelLike model. However, the following will fail as the new set (GreaterThan) is of a different type to the original set (LessThan):

MOI.set(model, MOI.ConstraintSet(), c, MOI.GreaterThan(2.0))  # errors

If our constraint is an affine inequality, then this corresponds to modifying the right-hand side of a constraint in linear programming.

In some special cases, solvers may support efficiently changing the set of a constraint (for example, from LessThan to GreaterThan). For these cases, MathOptInterface provides the transform method. For example, instead of the error we observed above, the following will work:

c2 = MOI.transform(model, c, MOI.GreaterThan(1.0))

The transform function returns a new constraint index, and the old constraint index (i.e., c) is no longer valid:

MOI.is_valid(model, c)   # false
MOI.is_valid(model, c2)  # true

Also note that transform cannot be called with a set of the same type; set should be used instead.

The function of a constraint

Given a constraint of type F-in-S (see Constraints by function-set pairs above for an explanation), it is also possible to modify the function of type F by replacing it with a new instance of the same type. For example, given the variable bound $x \le 1$:

c = MOI.add_constraint(model, MOI.SingleVariable(x), MOI.LessThan(1.0))

we can modify the function so that the bound now $y \le 1$ as follows:

MOI.set(model, MOI.ConstraintFunction(), c, MOI.SingleVariable(y))

where m is our ModelLike model. However, the following will fail as the new function is of a different type to the original function:

    MOI.ScalarAffineFunction([MOI.ScalarAffineTerm(1.0, x)], 0.0),

In-place modification

The second type of problem modifications allow the user to modify, in-place, the coefficients of a function. Currently, four modifications are supported by MathOptInterface. They are:

  1. change the constant term in a scalar function;
  2. change the constant term in a vector function;
  3. change the affine coefficients in a scalar function; and
  4. change the affine coefficients in a vector function.

To distinguish between the replacement of the function with a new instance (described above) and the modification of an existing function, the in-place modifications use the modify method:

MOI.modify(model, index, change::AbstractFunctionModification)

modify takes three arguments. The first is the ModelLike model model, the second is the constraint index, and the third is an instance of an AbstractFunctionModification.

We now detail each of these four in-place modifications.

Constant term in a scalar function

MathOptInterface supports is the ability to modify the constant term within a ScalarAffineFunction and a ScalarQuadraticFunction using the ScalarConstantChange subtype of AbstractFunctionModification. This includes the objective function, as well as the function in a function-pair constraint.

For example, consider a problem model with the objective $\max 1.0x + 0.0$:

    MOI.ScalarAffineFunction([MOI.ScalarAffineTerm(1.0, x)], 0.0),

We can modify the constant term in the objective function as follows:


The objective function will now be $\max 1.0x + 1.0$.

Constant terms in a vector function

We can modify the constant terms in a VectorAffineFunction or a VectorQuadraticFunction using the VectorConstantChange subtype of AbstractFunctionModification.

For example, consider a model with the following VectorAffineFunction-in-Nonpositives constraint:

c = MOI.add_constraint(
            MOI.VectorAffineTerm(1, MOI.ScalarAffineTerm(1.0, x)),
            MOI.VectorAffineTerm(1, MOI.ScalarAffineTerm(2.0, y))
        [0.0, 0.0],

We can modify the constant vector in the VectorAffineFunction from [0.0, 0.0] to [1.0, 2.0] as follows:

MOI.modify(model, c, MOI.VectorConstantChange([1.0, 2.0])

The constraints are now $1.0x + 1.0 \le 0.0$ and $2.0y + 2.0 \le 0.0$.

Affine coefficients in a scalar function

In addition to modifying the constant terms in a function, we can also modify the affine variable coefficients in an ScalarAffineFunction or a ScalarQuadraticFunction using the ScalarCoefficientChange subtype of AbstractFunctionModification.

For example, given the constraint $1.0x <= 1.0$:

c = MOI.add_constraint(
    MOI.ScalarAffineFunction([MOI.ScalarAffineTerm(1.0, x)], 0.0),

we can modify the coefficient of the x variable so that the constraint becomes $2.0x <= 1.0$ as follows:

MOI.modify(model, c, MOI.ScalarCoefficientChange(x, 2.0))

ScalarCoefficientChange can also be used to modify the objective function by passing an instance of ObjectiveFunction instead of the constraint index c as we saw above.

Affine coefficients in a vector function

Finally, the last modification supported by MathOptInterface is the ability to modify the affine coefficients of a single variable in a VectorAffineFunction or a VectorQuadraticFunction using the MultirowChange subtype of AbstractFunctionModification.

For example, given the constraint $Ax \in \mathbb{R}^2_+$, where $A = [1.0, 2.0]^\top$:

c = MOI.add_constraint(
            MOI.VectorAffineTerm(1, MOI.ScalarAffineTerm(1.0, x)),
            MOI.VectorAffineTerm(1, MOI.ScalarAffineTerm(2.0, x)),
        [0.0, 0.0],

we can modify the coefficients of the x variable so that the A matrix becomes $A = [3.0, 4.0]^\top$ as follows:

MOI.modify(model, c, MOI.MultirowChange(x, [3.0, 4.0]))