Using SharedArrays in a parallel mapreduce

One might want to carry out a computation across several nodes of a cluster, where each node works on its own shared array. This may be achieved by using a WorkerPool that consists of one worker per node, which acts as a root process launching tasks on that node, and eventually returning the local array for an overall reduction across nodes.

We walk through one such example where we concatenate arrays that are locally initialized on each node.

We load the packages necessary, in this case these are ParallelUtilities, SharedArrays and Distributed.

using ParallelUtilities
using SharedArrays
using Distributed

We create a function to initailize the local part on each worker. In this case we simulate a heavy workload by adding a sleep period. In other words we assume that the individual elements of the array are expensive to evaluate. We obtain the local indices of the SharedArray through the function localindices.

function initialize_localpart(s, sleeptime)
    for ind in localindices(s)
        s[ind] = ind

We create a function that runs on the root worker on each node and feeds tasks to other workers on that node. We use the function ParallelUtilities.workers_myhost() to obtain a list of all workers on the same node. We create the SharedArray on these workers so that it is entirely contained on one machine. This is achieved by passing the keyword argument pids to the SharedArray constructor. We asynchronously spawn tasks to initialize the local parts of the shared array on each worker.

function initializenode_sharedarray(sleeptime)
    # obtain the workers on the local machine
    pids = ParallelUtilities.workers_myhost()

    # Create a shared array spread across the workers on that node
    s = SharedArray{Int}((2_000,), pids = pids)

    # spawn remote tasks to initialize the local part of the shared array
    @sync for p in pids
        @spawnat p initialize_localpart(s, sleeptime)
    return sdata(s)

We create a main function that runs on the calling process and concatenates the arrays on each node. This is run on a WorkerPool consisting of one worker per node which acts as the root process. We may obtain such a pool through the function ParallelUtilities.workerpool_nodes(). Finally we call pmapreduce with a mapping function that initializes an array on each node, which is followed by a concatenation across the nodes.

function main_sharedarray(sleeptime)
    # obtain the workerpool with one process on each node
    pool = ParallelUtilities.workerpool_nodes()

    # obtain the number of workers in the pool.
    nw_node = nworkers(pool)

    # Evaluate the parallel mapreduce
    pmapreduce(x -> initializenode_sharedarray(sleeptime), hcat, pool, 1:nw_node)

We compare the results with a serial execution that uses a similar workflow, except we use Array instead of SharedArray and mapreduce instead of pmapreduce.

function initialize_serial(sleeptime)
    pids = ParallelUtilities.workers_myhost()
    s = Array{Int}(undef, 2_000)
    for ind in eachindex(s)
        s[ind] = ind
    return sdata(s)

function main_serial(sleeptime)
    pool = ParallelUtilities.workerpool_nodes()
    nw_node = nworkers(pool)
    mapreduce(x -> initialize_serial(sleeptime), hcat, 1:nw_node)

We create a function to compare the performance of the two. We start with a precompilation run with no sleep time, followed by recording the actual timings.

function compare_with_serial()
    # precompile

    # time
    println("Testing serial")
    A = @time main_serial(5e-3)
    println("Testing sharedarray")
    B = @time main_sharedarray(5e-3)

    println("Results match : ", A == B)

We run this script on a Slurm cluster across 2 nodes with 28 cores on each node. The results are:

julia> compare_with_serial()
Testing serial
 24.624912 seconds (27.31 k allocations: 1.017 MiB)
Testing sharedarray
  1.077752 seconds (4.60 k allocations: 246.281 KiB)
Results match : true

The full script may be found in the examples directory.