Parallel mapreduce

There are two modes of evaluating a parallel mapreduce that vary only in the arguments that the mapping function accepts.

  1. Iterated zip, where one element from the zipped iterators is splatted and passed as arguments to the mapping function. In this case the function must accept as many arguments as the number of iterators passed to mapreduce. This is analogous to a serial mapreduce

  2. Non-iterated product, in which case the iterator product of the arguments is distributed evenly across the workers. The mapping function in this case should accept one argument that is a collection of Tuples of values. It may iterate over the argument to obtain the individual Tuples.

Each process involved in a pmapreduce operation carries out a local mapreduce, followed by a reduction across processes. The reduction is carried out in the form of a binary tree. The reduction happens in three stages:

  1. A local reduction as a part of mapreduce
  2. A reduction on the host across the workers on the same host. Typically on an HPC system there is an independent reduction on each node across the processes on that node.
  3. A global reduction across hosts.

The reduction operator is assumed to be associative, and reproducibility of floating-point operations is not guaranteed. For associative reductions look into various mapfold* methods provided by other packages, such as Transducers. The reduction operator is not assumed to be commutative.

A pmapreduce might only benefit in performance if the mapping function runs for longer than the communication overhead across processes, or if each process has dedicated memory and returns large arrays that may not be collectively stored on one process.

Iterated Zip

The syntax for a parallel map-reduce operation is quite similar to the serial mapreduce, with the replacement of mapreduce by pmapreduce.


julia> mapreduce(x -> x^2, +, 1:100_000)


julia> pmapreduce(x -> x^2, +, 1:100_000)

We may check that parallel evaluation helps in performance for a long-running process.

julia> nworkers()

julia> @time mapreduce(x -> (sleep(1); x^2), +, 1:6);
  6.079191 seconds (54.18 k allocations: 3.237 MiB, 1.10% compilation time)

julia> @time pmapreduce(x -> (sleep(1); x^2), +, 1:6);
  3.365979 seconds (91.57 k allocations: 5.473 MiB, 0.87% compilation time)

Non-iterated product

The second mode of usage is similar to MPI, where each process evaluates the same function once for different arguments. This is called using

pmapreduce_productsplit(f, op, iterators...)

In this function, the iterator product of the argument iterators is split evenly across the workers, and the function f on each process receives one such section according to its rank. The argument is an iterator similar to an iterator product, and looping over it would produce Tuples (iterators[1][i], iterators[2][i], ...) where the index i depends on the rank of the worker as well as the local loop index.

As an example, we run this with 2 workers:

julia> pmapreduce_productsplit(ps -> (@show collect(ps)), vcat, 1:4)
      From worker 2:    collect(ps) = [(1,), (2,)]
      From worker 3:    collect(ps) = [(3,), (4,)]
4-element Vector{Tuple{Int64}}:

julia> pmapreduce_productsplit(ps -> (@show collect(ps)), vcat, 1:3, 1:2)
      From worker 2:    collect(ps) = [(1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1)]
      From worker 3:    collect(ps) = [(1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2)]
6-element Vector{Tuple{Int64, Int64}}:
 (1, 1)
 (2, 1)
 (3, 1)
 (1, 2)
 (2, 2)
 (3, 2)

Note that in each case the mapping function receives the entire collection of arguments in one go, unlike a standard mapreduce where the function receives the arguments individually. This is chosen so that the function may perform any one-time compute-intensive task for the entire range before looping over the argument values.

Each process might return one or more values that are subsequently reduced in parallel.


At present the iterators passed as arguments to pmapreduce_productsplit may only be strictly increasing ranges. This might be relaxed in the future.

The argument ps passed on to each worker is a ParallelUtilities.ProductSplit object. This has several methods defined for it that might aid in evaluating the mapping function locally.


A ProductSplit object ps holds the section of the iterator product that is assigned to the worker. It also encloses the worker rank and the size of the worker pool, similar to MPI's Comm_rank and Comm_size. These may be accessed as workerrank(ps) and nworkers(ps). Unlike MPI though, the rank goes from 1 to np. An example where the worker rank is used (on 2 workers) is

julia> pmapreduce_productsplit(ps -> ones(2) * workerrank(ps), hcat, 1:nworkers())
2×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 1.0  2.0
 1.0  2.0

The way to construct a ProductSplit object is ParallelUtilities.ProductSplit(tuple_of_iterators, nworkers, worker_rank)

julia> ps = ParallelUtilities.ProductSplit((1:2, 3:4), 2, 1)
2-element ProductSplit [(1, 3), ... , (2, 3)]

julia> ps |> collect
2-element Vector{Tuple{Int64, Int64}}:
 (1, 3)
 (2, 3)

A ProductSplit that wraps AbstractUnitRanges has several efficient functions defined for it, such as length, minimumelement, maximumelement and getindex, each of which returns in O(1) without iterating over the object.

julia> ps[1]
(1, 3)

The function maximumelement, minimumelement and extremaelement treat the ProductSplit object as a linear view of an n-dimensional iterator product. These functions look through the elements in the dim-th dimension of the iterator product, and if possible, return the corresponding extremal element in O(1) time. Similarly, for a ProductSplit object that wraps AbstractUnitRanges, it's possible to know if a value is contained in the iterator in O(1) time.

julia> ps = ParallelUtilities.ProductSplit((1:100_000, 1:100_000, 1:100_000), 25000, 1500)
40000000000-element ProductSplit [(1, 1, 5997), ... , (100000, 100000, 6000)]

julia> @btime (3,3,5998) in $ps
  111.399 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime ParallelUtilities.maximumelement($ps, dims = 1)
  76.534 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime ParallelUtilities.minimumelement($ps, dims = 2)
  73.724 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime ParallelUtilities.extremaelement($ps, dims = 2)
  76.332 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
(1, 100000)

The number of unique elements along a particular dimension may be obtained as

julia> @btime ParallelUtilities.nelements($ps, dims = 3)
  118.441 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

It's also possible to drop the leading dimension of a ProductSplit that wraps AbstractUnitRanges to obtain an analogous operator that contains the unique elements along the remaining dimension. This is achieved using ParallelUtilities.dropleading.

julia> ps = ParallelUtilities.ProductSplit((1:3, 1:3, 1:2), 4, 2)
5-element ProductSplit [(3, 2, 1), ... , (1, 1, 2)]

julia> collect(ps)
5-element Vector{Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64}}:
 (3, 2, 1)
 (1, 3, 1)
 (2, 3, 1)
 (3, 3, 1)
 (1, 1, 2)

julia> ps2 = ParallelUtilities.dropleading(ps)
3-element ProductSection [(2, 1), ... , (1, 2)]

julia> collect(ps2)
3-element Vector{Tuple{Int64, Int64}}:
 (2, 1)
 (3, 1)
 (1, 2)

The process may be repeated multiple times:

julia> collect(ParallelUtilities.dropleading(ps2))
2-element Vector{Tuple{Int64}}:

Reduction Operators

Any standard Julia reduction operator may be passed to pmapreduce. Aside from this, this package defines certain operators that may be used as well in a reduction.

Broadcasted elementwise operators

The general way to construct an elementwise operator using this package is using ParallelUtilities.BroadcastFunction.

For example, a broadcasted sum operator may be constructed using

julia> ParallelUtilities.BroadcastFunction(+);

The function call ParallelUtilities.BroadcastFunction(op)(x, y) perform the fused elementwise operation op.(x, y).

Julia 1.6 and above

Julia versions above v"1.6" provide a function Base.BroadcastFunction which is equivalent to ParallelUtilities.BroadcastFunction.

Inplace assignment

The function ParallelUtilities.broadcastinplace may be used to construct a binary operator that broadcasts a function over its arguments and stores the result inplace in one of the arguments. This is particularly useful if the results in intermediate evaluations are not important, as this cuts down on allocations in the reduction.

Several operators for common functions are pre-defined for convenience.

  1. ParallelUtilities.elementwisesum!
  2. ParallelUtilities.elementwiseproduct!
  3. ParallelUtilities.elementwisemin!
  4. ParallelUtilities.elementwisemax!

Each of these functions overwrites the first argument with the result.


The pre-defined elementwise operators are assumed to be commutative, so, if used in pmapreduce, the order of arguments passed to the function is not guaranteed. In particular this might not be in order of the workerrank. These functions should only be used if both the arguments support the inplace assignment, eg. if they have identical axes.


The ParallelUtilities.Flip function may be used to wrap a binary function to flips the order of arguments. For example

julia> vcat(1,2)
2-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> ParallelUtilities.Flip(vcat)(1,2)
2-element Vector{Int64}:

Flip may be combined with inplace assignment operators to change the argument that is overwritten.

julia> x = ones(3); y = ones(3);

julia> op1 = ParallelUtilities.elementwisesum!; # overwrites the first argument

julia> op1(x, y); x
3-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> x = ones(3); y = ones(3);

julia> op2 = ParallelUtilities.Flip(op1); # ovrewrites the second argument

julia> op2(x, y); y
3-element Vector{Float64}:


This function may be used to combine arrays having overlapping axes to obtain a new array that spans the union of axes of the arguments. The overlapping section is computed by applying the reduction function to that section.

We construct a function that concatenates arrays along the first dimension with overlapping indices summed.

julia> f = ParallelUtilities.BroadcastStack(+, 1);

We apply this to two arrays having different indices

julia> f(ones(2), ones(4))
4-element Vector{Float64}:

This function is useful to reduce OffsetArrays where each process evaluates a potentially overlapping section of the entire array.


A BroadcastStack function requires its arguments to have the same dimensionality, and identical axes along non-concatenated dimensions. In particular it is not possible to block-concatenate arrays using this function.


A BroadcastStack function does not operate in-place.


In general this package does not assume that a reduction operator is commutative. It's possible to declare an operator to be commutative in its arguments by wrapping it in the tag ParallelUtilities.Commutative.