Rigid Bodies

Many aerospace systems, such as airplanes, drones, spacecraft, or even underwater vehicles such as submarines, are conveniently described as a single rigid body described by its 3D position, orientation, and linear and angular velocities. Since these systems are relatively common, RobotDynamics provides the RigidBody model type that is a special case of the LieGroupModel. In fact, a RigidBody is simply a LieGroupModel with a LieState of LieState{R,(3,6)}, since we define the state vector to be [r,q,v,ω] where r is the 3D position, q is the orientation of the body in the world frame (q rotates vectors in the body frame to the world frame), v is the 3D linear velocity in either the world, or body frame, and ω is the 3D angular velocity in the body frame.

RigidBody{R<:Rotation} <: LieGroupModel

Abstraction of a dynamical system with free-body dynamics, with a 12 or 13-dimensional state vector: [p; q; v; ω] where p is the 3D position, q is the 3 or 4-dimension attitude representation, v is the 3D linear velocity, and ω is the 3D angular velocity.


Any single-body system can leverage the RigidBody type by inheriting from it and defining the following interface:

forces(::MyRigidBody, x, u)  # return the forces in the world frame
moments(::MyRigidBody, x, u) # return the moments in the body frame
inertia(::MyRigidBody, x, u) # return the 3x3 inertia matrix
mass(::MyRigidBody, x, u)  # return the mass as a real scalar

Instead of defining forces and moments you can define the higher-level wrenches function wrenches(model::MyRigidbody, z::AbstractKnotPoint) wrenches(model::MyRigidbody, x, u)

Rotation Parameterization

A RigidBody model must specify the rotational representation being used. Any Rotations.Rotation{3} can be used, but we suggest one of the following:

  • UnitQuaternion
  • MRP
  • RodriguesParam

Defining a New Rigid Body Model

Let's define the simplest rigid body: a satellite moving freely in 3D space with full 6 DOF control.

We start by defining a new struct that inherits from RigidBody{R} and specifying the number of controls. Note that state_dim should NOT be specified since it is calculated automatically and depends on the number of parameters in the rotation representation R.

using RobotDynamics
using Rotations
using StaticArrays, LinearAlgebra

# Define the model struct to inherit from `RigidBody{R}`
struct Satellite{R,T} <: RigidBody{R}
RobotDynamics.control_dim(::Satellite) = 6

We now define a few "getter" methods that are required to evaluation the dynamics.

RobotDynamics.mass(model::Satellite) = model.mass
RobotDynamics.inertia(model::Satellite) = model.J

With those methods specified, all that is left to do is to define the forces and moments acting on the center of mass of the rigid body. We assume all forces are specified in the world frame and moments are specified in the body frame.

# Define the 3D forces at the center of mass, in the world frame
function RobotDynamics.forces(model::Satellite, x::StaticVector, u::StaticVector)
    q = orientation(model, x)
    F = @SVector [u[1], u[2], u[3]]
    q*F  # world frame

# Define the 3D moments at the center of mass, in the body frame
function RobotDynamics.moments(model::Satellite, x::StaticVector, u::StaticVector)
    return @SVector [u[4], u[5], u[6]]  # body frame

Alternatively, we could define the method wrenches directly:

function RobotDynamics.wrenches(model::Satellite, z::AbstractKnotPoint)
    x = state(z)
    u = control(z)
    q = orientation(model, x)
    F = q * (@SVector [u[1], u[2], u[3]])
    M = @SVector [u[4], u[5], u[6]]  # body frame
    return SA[F[1], F[2], F[3], M[1], M[2], M[3]]

which can take either an AbstractKnotPoint or x and u directly. By passing in a knot point, we have access to the time t, allowing for time-varying wrenches.

Useful Methods

The following methods are provided to make it easier to define methods for rigid bodies.

To extract the individual components of the state use the following exported methods:

position(model::RigidBody, x)
orientation(model::RigidBody, x, [renorm=false])
linear_velocity(model::RigidBody, x)
angular_velocity(model::RigidBody, x)

Alternatively, you can use the following methods:

parse_state(model::RigidBody{R}, x, renorm=false)

Return the position, orientation, linear velocity, and angular velocity as separate vectors. The orientation will be of type R. If renorm=true and R <: UnitQuaternion the quaternion will be renormalized.


Generate a NamedTuple containing the indices of the position (r), orientation (q), linear velocity (v), and angular velocity (ω) from the state vector for model.

Another approach is to use the RBState, which is useful to describe a generic state for a rigid body, regardless of the rotation representation:

RBState{T} <: StaticVector{13,T}

Represents the state of a rigid body in 3D space, consisting of position, orientation, linear velocity and angular velocity, respresented as a vector stacked in that order, with the rotation represented as the 4 elements of a unit quaternion.

Implements the StaticArrays interface so can be treated as an SVector with additional methods.


RBState{T}(r, q, v, ω)
RBState(r, q, v, ω)

where r, v, and ω are three-dimensional vectors, q is either a Rotation or a four-dimenional vector representing the parameters of unit quaternion, and x is a 13-dimensional vector (or tuple),

Converting to a State Vector

An RBState can be converted to a state vector for a RigidBody using RBState(model::RBstate, x, [renorm=false])

Building a State Vector

RobotDynamics also provides several convenient methods for building rigid body state vectors. Identical to AbstractModel, RigidBody supports rand and zeros, which uniformly sample the space of rotations and provide the identity rotation, respectively.

RobotDynamics also provides the following method as a complement to parse_state that builds the state vector from the individual components:

build_state(model::RigidBody{R}, x::RBState) where R
build_state(model::RigidBody{R}, x::AbstractVector) where R
build_state(model::RigidBody{R}, r, q, v, ω) where R

Build the state vector for model using the RBStatex. If R <: UnitQuaternion this returns x cast as an SVector, otherwise it will convert the quaternion in x to a rotation of type R.

Also accepts as arguments any arguments that can be passed to the constructor of RBState.

Advanced Usage

RobotDynamics provides a few specialized methods for providing extra performance or customization.

Specifying the Velocity Frame

Sometimes it is convenient to represent the linear velocity in the body frame instead of the global frame. This can be changed automatically for our Satellite model by defining

RobotDynamics.velocity_frame(::Satellite) = :body

which overrides the default setting of :world. Use this same method to query the current convention, especially in defining the forces and moments or wrenches methods on your model. Since the forces and moments of our satellite are not functions of the velocity, we don't need to change anything.

Faster Continuous Dynamics Jacobians

RobotDynamics has an analytical method for evaluating the continuous dynamics Jacobian for rigid bodies. If your application only uses the continuous dynamics Jacobian, there are two ways of getting significant performance improvements:

1. Specify the analytical wrench Jacobian

For our Satellite, we can do this by defining

function RobotDynamics.wrench_jacobian!(F, model::Satellite, z)
    x = state(z)
    u = control(z)
    q = orientation(model, x)
    ir, iq, iv, iω, iu = RobotDynamics.gen_inds(model)
    iF = SA[1,2,3]
    iM = SA[4,5,6]
    F[iF, iq] .= Rotations.∇rotate(q, u[iF])
    F[iF, iu[iF]] .= RotMatrix(q)
    for i = 1:3
        F[iM[i], iu[i+3]] = 1
    return F

which gave us about a 60% improvement in runtime.

2. Specify the Wrench Jacobian sparsity

You can get another improvement in performance by overwriting the following method:


Specify the sparsity of the wrench Jacobian of model as a js = SMatrix{2,5,Bool,10}. The elements of js correspond to the block elements of the wrench Jacobian:

[∂F/∂r ∂F/∂q ∂F/∂v ∂F/∂ω ∂F/∂u;
 ∂M/∂r ∂M/∂q ∂M/∂v ∂M/∂ω ∂M/∂u]

where js[i,j] = false if the corresponding partial derivative is always zero.

Note that this is only for performance improvement of continuous-time Jacobians of rigid bodies; specifying the sparsity is completely optional.


For a fully-actuated satellite where F = q*u[1:3] and M = u[4:6], the wrench sparsity would be

SA[false true  false false true;
   false false false false true]

For the satellite we got a 75% improvement in runtime by specifying both the analytical wrench Jacobian and it's sparsity pattern.