
The CUDA.jl package provides three distinct, but related, interfaces for CUDA programming:

  • the CuArray type: for programming with arrays;
  • native kernel programming capabilities: for writing CUDA kernels in Julia;
  • CUDA API wrappers: for low-level interactions with the CUDA libraries.

Much of the Julia CUDA programming stack can be used by just relying on the CuArray type, and using platform-agnostic programming patterns like broadcast and other array abstractions. Only once you hit a performance bottleneck, or some missing functionality, you might need to write a custom kernel or use the underlying CUDA APIs.

The CuArray type

The CuArray type is an essential part of the toolchain. Primarily, it is used to manage GPU memory, and copy data from and back to the CPU:

a = CuArray{Int}(undef, 1024)

# essential memory operations, like copying, filling, reshaping, ...
b = copy(a)
fill!(b, 0)
@test b == CUDA.zeros(Int, 1024)

# automatic memory management
a = nothing

Beyond memory management, there are a whole range of array operations to process your data. This includes several higher-order operations that take other code as arguments, such as map, reduce or broadcast. With these, it is possible to perform kernel-like operations without actually writing your own GPU kernels:

a = CUDA.zeros(1024)
b = CUDA.ones(1024)
a.^2 .+ sin.(b)

When possible, these operations integrate with existing vendor libraries such as CUBLAS and CURAND. For example, multiplying matrices or generating random numbers will automatically dispatch to these high-quality libraries, if types are supported, and fall back to generic implementations otherwise.

Kernel programming with @cuda

If an operation cannot be expressed with existing functionality for CuArray, or you need to squeeze every last drop of performance out of your GPU, you can always write a custom kernel. Kernels are functions that are executed in a massively parallel fashion, and are launched by using the @cuda macro:

a = CUDA.zeros(1024)

function kernel(a)
    i = threadIdx().x
    a[i] += 1

@cuda threads=length(a) kernel(a)

These kernels give you all the flexibility and performance a GPU has to offer, within a familiar language. However, not all of Julia is supported: you (generally) cannot allocate memory, I/O is disallowed, and badly-typed code will not compile. As a general rule of thumb, keep kernels simple, and only incrementally port code while continuously verifying that it still compiles and executes as expected.

CUDA API wrappers

For advanced use of the CUDA, you can use the driver API wrappers in CUDA.jl. Common operations include synchronizing the GPU, inspecting its properties, starting the profiler, etc. These operations are low-level, but for your convenience wrapped using high-level constructs. For example:

CUDA.@profile begin
    # code that runs under the profiler

# or

for device in CUDA.devices()
    @show capability(device)

If such high-level wrappers are missing, you can always access the underling C API (functions and structures prefixed with cu) without having to ever exit Julia:

version = Ref{Cint}()
@show version[]