Results Overview

After optimizing the model, the following things happen:

parse_results!(config, data, model) -> nothing
  • Gathers the values and shadow prices of each variable, expression, and constraint stored in the model and dumps them into data[:results][:raw] (see get_raw_results and get_results).
  • Adds relevant info to gen, bus, and branch tables. See parse_lmp_results! and parse_power_results! for more information.
  • Saves updated gen table via save_updated_gen_table
  • Saves data to get_out_path(config,"data_parsed.jls") unless config[:save_data_parsed] is false (true by default).
process_results!(config::OrderedDict, data::OrderedDict) -> data

Calls modify_results!(mod, config, data) for each Modification in config. Stores the results into get_out_path(config, "data_processed.jls") if config[:save_data_processed] is true (default).

process_results!(config; processed=true) -> data

This reads data in, then calls process_results!(config, data).

process_results!(mod_file::String, out_path::String; processed=true) -> data

Processes the results the Modifications found in mod_file, a .yml file similar to a config file (see read_config), only requiring the mods field.

parse_lmp_results!(config, data, res_raw)

Adds the locational marginal prices of electricity and power flow.

:bus:lmp_elservDollarsPerMWhServedLocational Marginal Price of Energy Served
:branch:lmp_pflowDollarsPerMWFlowLocational Marginal Price of Power Flow
parse_power_results!(config, data, res_raw)

Adds power-based results. See also get_table_summary for the below summaries.

:bus:pgenMWGeneratedAverage Power Generated at this bus
:bus:pflowMWFlowAverage power flowing out of this bus
:bus:pflow_inMWFlowAverage power flowing into this bus
:bus:pflow_outMWFlowAverage power flowing into this bus
:bus:plservMWServedAverage power served at this bus
:bus:plcurtMWCurtailedAverage power curtailed at this bus
:gen:pgenMWGeneratedAverage power generated at this generator
:gen:pcapMWCapacityPower generation capacity of this generator generated at this generator for the weighted representative hour
:gen:ecapMWhCapacityTotal energy generation capacity of this generator generated at this generator for the weighted representative hour
:gen:pcap_retiredMWCapacityPower generation capacity that was retired in each year
:gen:pcap_builtMWCapacityPower generation capacity that was built in each year
:gen:pcapinvsimMWCapacityTotal power generation capacity that was invested for the generator during the sim. (single value). Still the same even after retirement
:gen:ecapinvsimMWhCapacityTotal annual power generation energy capacity that was invested for the generator during the sim. (pcapinvsim * hours per year) (single value). Still the same even after retirement
:gen:cfMWhGeneratedPerMWhCapacityCapacity Factor, or average power generation/power generation capacity, 0 when no generation
:branch:pflowMWFlowAverage Power flowing through branch
:branch:eflowMWFlowTotal energy flowing through branch for the representative hour
get_results(data) -> results::OrderedDict{Symbol, Any}
save_updated_gen_table(config, data) -> nothing

Save the gen table to get_out_path(config, "gen.csv")

update_build_status!(config, data, table_name)

Change the build_status of generators built in the simulation.

  • unbuilt -> new if last(pcap) is above threshold
  • built -> retired_exog if retired due to surpassing year_shutdown
  • built -> retired_endog if retired due before year_shutdown
read_parsed_results(config) -> data

read_parsed_results(out_path) -> data

Loads data in from get_out_path(config, "data_parsed.jls").

read_processed_results(config) -> data

read_processed_results(out_path) -> data

Loads data in from data_processed.jls.